Who Is My Guardian Angel?: Your Birthday Reveals Your Angel's Name

Last updated by Madison Carter

Your divine protector regularly sends you messages and helps you make the right choices along your path. Now, whilst you may feel like you unconsciously know them, you may not be aware that you can also call upon them for advice and guidance. Are you wondering how can I know my Guardian Angel; the one who has looked after you since your birth? If so, you'll be pleased to know that by simply using your birthday, you can find your Angel's name, learn how to call on them, and discover how to request their help.

Who Is My Guardian Angel?: Your Birthday Reveals Your Angel's Name

It's finally time you found out more about what your spirit guide has to offer you. By figuring out who your Guardian Angel is, you'll feel more supported and protected on a daily basis.

Who is my Guardian Angel? - Find yours by entering your birthday below;

Who is your angel?

Enter your birth date and discover who your angel is.

Have you ever wondered, "Who is my guardian angel?" Discovering the name of your guardian angel based on your birthdate unlocks a profound connection to your spiritual guide. Our easy-to-use tool above allows you to find your guardian angel by birthday, revealing their protective powers, mission, and how they can support you. Whether you’re curious about angel prayers, divine guidance, or even the traits your angel influences, uncover this magical bond today!

There are 72 Angels, so use your date of birth below to find yours, in our list of Guardian Angels by birthday.

Click on your birth month Angel to discover who yours is and learn how to call upon them by clicking on their name. Plus, discover their missions and how they can help you.


Birth month Angel - January

Born between:
 Guardian Angel names:
(click on their name to discover the prayer)

1st - 5th January
Nemamiah- General prosperity.
6th - 10th January
Yeialel - Helps with mental health.
11th - 15th January
Harael - Helps with fertility.
16th - 20th January
Mitzrael - Helps with mental illness.
21st - 25th January
Umabel - Makes you more sociable.
26th - 30th January
Iah Hel - Blesses you with wisdom.
31st January - 4th February
Anauel - Guarantees protection.

Birth month - February

Born between:
Your Guardian Angel is:
(click on their name to discover the prayer)

5th - 9th February
Mehiel - Protection from danger.
10th - 14th February
Damabiah - Attracts prosperity.
15th - 19th February
Manakel - Heals illnesses.
20th - 24th February
Eyael - Helps seek the truth.
25th - 29th February
Habuhiah - Favors growth.

Birth month - March

Born between:
 Guardian Angel names:
(click on their name to discover the prayer)

1st - 5th March
Rahel - Helps find lost objects.
6th - 10th March
Yabamiah - Increases spirituality.
11th - 15th March
Haiaiel - Good for protection.
16th - 20th March
Mumiah - Favors success.
21st - 25th March
Vehuiah - Favors fresh starts.
26th - 30th March
Jeliel - Enhances love.
31st March - 4th April
Sitael - Grants protection.

Birth month Angel - April

Born between:
Your Guardian Angel is:
(click on their name to discover the prayer)

5th - 9th April
Elemiah - Ensures safety.
10th - 14th April
Mahasiah - Grants harmony.
15th - 20th April
Lelahel - Aids with knowledge.
21st - 26th April
Achaiah - Bestows patience.
27th - 30th April
Cahetel - Fights against evil.

Birth month - May

Born between:
Your Guardian Angel is:
(click on their name to discover the prayer)

1st - 5th May
Haziel - Grants forgiveness.
6th - 10th May
Aladiah - Bestows good health.
11th - 15th May
Lauvuel - Encourages victory.
16th - 21st May
Hahaiah - Helps against adversity.
22nd - 26th May
Yezalel - Promotes friendships.
27th - 31st May
Mebahel - Stands for justice.

Birth month - June

Born between:
Your Guardian Angel is:
(click on their name to discover the prayer)

1st - 5th June
Hariel - Enhances morals.
6th - 10th June
Hekamiah - Encourages loyalty.
11th - 15th June
Lauviah - Encourages revelations.
16th - 21st June
Caliel - Gives advice.
22nd - 26th June
Leuviah - Expands intellect.
27th - 1st July
Pahaliah - Develops spirituality.

Birth month - July

Born between:
 Guardian Angel names:
(click on their name to discover the prayer)

2nd - 6th July
Nelchaël - Fights evil.
7th - 11th July
Yeiayel - Grants fortune.
12th - 16th July
Melahel - Urges healing.
17th - 23rd July
Haheuiah - Grants safety.
24th - 27th July
Nithaiah - Develops wisdom.
28th July - 1st August 
Haaiah - Increases ambition.

Birth month - August

Born between:
Your Guardian Angel is:
(click on their name to discover the prayer)

2nd - 6th August 
Yeratel - Ensures justice.
7th - 12th August 
Seheiah - Protects health.
13th - 17th August 
Reiyel - Encourages truth.
18th - 23rd August 
Omael - Prevents depression.
24th - 28th August 
Lecabel - Increases knowledge.
29th August - 2nd September
Vasariah - Attracts mercy.

Birth month - September

Born between:
Your Guardian Angel is:
(click on their name to discover the prayer)

3rd - 7th September
Yehuiah - Helps with self-discovery.
8th - 12th September
Lehahiah - Calms anger.
13th - 17th September
Chavaquiah - Favors reconciliation.
18th - 23rd September
Menadel - Encourages employment.
24th - 28th September
Aniel - Increases knowledge.
29th September - 3rd October
Haamiah - Increases ambition.

Birth month - October

Born between:
Your Guardian Angel is:
(click on their name to discover the prayer)

4th - 8th October
Rehael - Heals the sick.
9th - 13th October
Leiazel - Grants comfort.
14th - 18th October
Hahahel - Favors missions.
19th - 23rd October
Mikael - Protects you.
24th - 28th October
Veuliah - Safeguards you.
29th October - 2nd November
Yelaiah - Favors success.

Birth month - November

Born between:
 Guardian Angel names:
(click on their name to discover the prayer)

3rd - 7th November
Sehaliah - Increases willpower.
8th - 12th November
Ariel - Increases gratitude.
13th - 17th November
Asaliah - Heavenly connection.
18th - 22nd November
Mihael - Rekindles love.
23rd - 27th November
Vehuel - Eliminates pains.
28th November - 2nd December
Daniel - Helps obtain mercy.

Birth month - December

Born between:
Your Guardian Angel is:
(click on their name to discover the prayer)

3rd - 7th December
Hahasiah - Uncovers mysteries.
8th - 12th December
Imamiah - Patron of prisoners.
13th - 16th December
Nanael - Helps with meditation.
17th - 21st December
Nithael - Helps with writing.
22nd - 26th December
Mebahiah - Urges good deeds.
27th - 31st December
Poyel - Encourages fulfillment.

Fact: A distinction can be made between the 72 guardian angels grouped together in the angel calendar. In fact, just like the zodiac signs that change every month, the Angels change every five days.

- Why not also look into who is Amenadiel? -

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What are Guardian Angels, and what are their jobs?

Perhaps you sometimes hear that little voice inside you giving advice? Well, in fact, it's your guardian angel coming to your rescue. These protectors are in charge of orienting and guiding us, plus, they influence our life by accompanying us every day, in good times and in bad. 

They act as messengers representing the higher powers, indeed they operate between the heaven world and Earth. Their mission is to help us and accompany us throughout our lives, so we can live life the best we can. We all have one divine guide based on the day and month on which we were born. Every divine angel symbolizes a force, such as willingness, patience, or even perseverance. They protect you on a daily basis but never physically present themselves to you, which may seem odd, especially if you are very in tune with the higher powers and spiritually aware. They only appear subtly and pass on a message through a symbol, like for instance via Angel numbers and mirror hours.

Your protector only manifests spontaneously in the exceptional situations of your life, but it is possible to communicate with your angel directly or with another if you feel the need to do so. Among all you need to know about angels, know that they are able to materialize your requests for any area of your life and to intervene in it. Knowing their names can therefore be very useful in communicating with them and will facilitate their intervention in your life.

How to contact Your Guardian Angel 🙏

Connecting with your guardian angel is a deeply personal and rewarding experience. Follow these steps to strengthen your bond:
  • Know their name: Use the tool above to find your guardian angel based on your birthday.
  • Create a sacred space: Light a white candle and play calming music to focus your intentions.
  • Say a prayer: Reciting specific angelic prayers tailored to your guardian angel helps open communication.
  • Watch for signs: Look for repeating numbers, feathers, or new opportunities. These symbolize their presence.
Reach out daily to foster this connection—it’s a beautiful way to center yourself and align with your life’s purpose.

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How to see your Guardian Angel in the mirror?

Here, you need a classic mirror, then put yourself in a quiet room, in the dark, breathe, concentrate and meditate a little. Once you are relaxed, stare at yourself in the mirror: choose one of your eyes, the right or the left, and stare at it intensely without stopping while remaining focused. Gradually, you will no longer see your face, but someone else’s will appear. It is possible that his eyes pop out of his sockets, but don't worry, because this is your guardian angel. In order to make it more effective, you can do it by lighting a white candle that you will have previously consecrated. The point of this exercise is to communicate quickly with your protector.

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😇 The Guardian Angel Oracle - Choose 3 cards

Take a deep breath and focus. The angels are here to share their wisdom with you through 3 special cards. Let your intuition guide you as you select your 3 cards, and discover their message.

Who is my Guardian Angel Catholic by birth date?

In Catholic tradition, each person is believed to be assigned a guardian angel by God at birth to guide, protect, and intercede for them throughout their life. While the Church does not assign specific guardian angels based on birth dates, the belief emphasizes that everyone has a unique guardian angel offering divine assistance and companionship.

Here are some notable angels in Catholic tradition:

St. Michael the Archangel:

  • Role: Leader of God's army.
  • Attributes: Sword, armor, scales.
  • Feast Day: September 29.

St. Gabriel the Archangel:

  • Role: Messenger of God.
  • Attributes: Lily, trumpet, scroll.
  • Feast Day: September 29.

St. Raphael the Archangel:

  • Role: Healer and guide.
  • Attributes: Staff, fish, young boy.
  • Feast Day: September 29.

Guardian Angels:

  • Role: Protect and guide individuals.
  • Attributes: Gentle, protective figures.
  • Feast Day: October 2.

Other angelic orders include Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels, and Angels, each with specific roles and attributes. The belief in guardian angels underscores God's personal care for each individual, with guardian angels celebrated for their constant guidance and protection. Their feast day on October 2 highlights their divine role in our lives.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to Recognize Your Guardian Angel: 7 Signs They Are Reaching Out to You ▼

Ever wondered if your Guardian Angel is trying to get your attention? It's simpler than you think! Detecting your protector's presence involves trusting your intuition and tuning into your senses. Guardian Angels often communicate in subtle ways. Here are seven signs that your Guardian Angel may be reaching out to you:

  • 1) Feeling a sudden rush of warmth or energy: This can indicate your angel is near, offering comfort and protection.
  • 2) Seeing flashes of light or shadows: These visual cues may signal angelic presence.
  • 3) Experiencing unexplained smells or sounds: Angels can manifest through unique scents or sounds.
  • 4) Finding feathers in unusual places: These are often gentle reminders of your angel.
  • 5) Feeling a warm touch or hug: This may indicate their loving presence.
  • 6) Seeing repetitive number sequences: Angel numbers are messages from the divine.
  • 7) Having vivid dreams or visions: Angels frequently communicate through dreams.

If you notice these signs, your Guardian Angel may be reaching out. Pay attention, trust, and embrace their guidance.

How do our Guardian Angels help us? ▼

Our guardian angels protect us from negative energies and guide us through life's challenges. They offer subtle nudges toward making decisions in alignment with our highest good, bringing moments of clarity, peace, and protection.

What is the role of a Guardian Angel? ▼

Guardian Angels protect, guide, and inspire us throughout life. They communicate through signs like feathers, numbers, and intuitive feelings, helping us stay aligned with our higher purpose.

Can I have more than one Guardian Angel? ▼

Yes, while everyone has a primary Guardian Angel assigned at birth, additional angels may come to support you during specific life phases or challenges.

How can I communicate with my Guardian Angel? ▼

You can communicate with your Guardian Angel through prayer, meditation, or speaking to them in your thoughts. Creating a quiet, sacred space and lighting a candle can help enhance your spiritual connection.

What signs indicate my Guardian Angel is near? ▼

Signs of your Guardian Angel include finding feathers, repetitive number sequences (like 11:11 or 12:21), sudden warmth or energy, and vivid dreams. These are their gentle ways of reaching out.

Do Guardian Angels have names? ▼

Yes, each Guardian Angel has a unique name that reflects their divine mission. Learning your angel's name can help you deepen your connection and invoke their guidance more effectively.

Susan Taylor’s insight: An essential point to know

Knowing the name of your guardian angel is very important because they are in charge of your protection. Using your birthday to help you discover your protector’s identity will reveal how to invoke them and how to ask them for help and support. Don't forget that your angel is always at your side, even if you don't see them, they are present. They send you messages without us even realizing it, via a mirror hour or a feather delicately placed on our path. Keep your eyes open because your angel wants you to know that they are there for you. If you need their help right now, or if you are feeling lost, don't hesitate to contact one of our psychics. They will be able to illuminate your future with gentleness and kindness.

- The future is mine -

>>> Now that you've discovered who your Guardian Angel is, it's time for you to go one step further and calculate your Angel number and figure out the name of your Archangel. Why not also look into light beings too?

* Literature Source: Angel Numbers 101, Author; Doreen Virtue, Published in 2008 and available here: https://www.amazon.com/Angel-Numbers-101-Meaning-Sequences/dp/1401920012

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Article presented by
Madison Carter

Spiritual Content Curator for MyAstroMag - ✨ Guided by spirituality, guardian angels, and the messages in mirror hours, I’ve devoted my life to exploring the divine forces that surround us. Through my work at MyAstroMag, I strive to inspire and uplift others on their own spiritual journeys. ✨

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Thanks a lot. May GOD continue to bless you and everyone else. AMEN

Uriel, 7 months ago

Hello, Thank you for your comment. We love reading your feedback. Yours, Susan✨

Susan Taylor 

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"Madison's reading gave me reassurance and hope at the perfect moment. I now feel guided towards the right path."

Frequently Asked Questions about Guardian Angel Readings

What are the benefits of connecting with my guardian angel? ▼

Connecting with your guardian angel can provide you with guidance, protection, and a sense of peace. They can help you navigate life's challenges and offer insights into your spiritual journey.

What can I expect during a guardian angel reading? ▼

During a guardian angel reading, the psychic will connect with your guardian angel to convey messages and guidance. You may receive insights about your life path, answers to your questions, and a sense of comfort and reassurance.

Do you offer any introductory offers for new clients? ▼

Yes, we offer  $30 when our new customers add $10  to help you get started and experience our services. This allows you to connect with a psychic and get a feel for the reading before committing to a full session.

How should I prepare for a guardian angel reading? ▼

To prepare for a guardian angel reading, find a quiet and comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed. Have an open mind and heart, and consider writing down any questions or concerns you have beforehand.

Are the readings confidential? ▼

Yes, all readings are completely confidential. Your privacy is our top priority, and we ensure that your personal information and the details of your reading are kept secure.