Nemamiah Guardian Angel Is A Symbol Of Prosperity And Development

Last updated by Madison Carter

If you are a Capricorn and were born between 1st and 5th January, you'll be pleased to know that your Guardian Angel is Nemamiah 😇. She is number 57 of 72 protector angels and symbolizes prosperity and success in all realms of life. We reveal how you can communicate with her and ask her for help along your path. Discover the prayer needed to call upon Nemamiah, plus extra insights on her attributes and traits. If you are going through relationship drama, you'll definitely want her advice and guidance.

Nemamiah Guardian Angel Is A Symbol Of Prosperity And Development

Nemamiah is known for his ability to grant wisdom, foresight, and strategic thinking. She assists those in leadership roles, helping them make fair decisions and inspiring them to act with integrity and purpose.

Nemamiah Guardian Angel: An introduction to her 😇

Nemamiah means “commendable god” and is exemplary in her great devotion. As a female angel, she has a militant character and is courageous, independent and respectful of laws. She governs with discernment and has a huge zest for life, which is why she can bless your path with huge amounts of positivity.

Nemamiah possesses a series of distinct characteristics that set him apart from other guardian angels. First and foremost, his innate sense of justice is unsurpassed. He sees beyond appearances and illusions to the true essence of situations. Those who feel lost in the hustle and bustle of life or are faced with moral dilemmas often find comfort and clarity by invoking Nemamiah. It is also associated with protection. While he guides individuals towards justice, he also ensures that innocent souls are protected from danger and evil. Those who feel vulnerable or threatened can invoke her for an extra layer of divine protection.

Another distinctive aspect of Nemamiah is her ability to inspire leadership. It is believed that her guidance can help individuals transform themselves into just and effective leaders. Those aspiring to leadership roles or seeking to improve their decision-making skills often find wisdom in meditating on her teachings.

Her virtues and powers:Money, Knowledge, Premonitions, Justice and Life Purpose
Angelic choir:The Archangels are the bearers of knowledge
Sefirot*:Hod, which means glory and splendor
Archangel:Michael, leader of the heavenly armies
Hierarchical Color:Purple
Ruby and Agate
Mercury and Uranus

*The sefirots are the ten creative powers of the Kabbale. They present themselves in the form of the tree of Kabbalah, where each Sefirot is an emanation of the energy of God the Creator.

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Nemamiah is the guardian angel of Capricorn people born between January 1 - 5: What are these folks like?

Those protected by Nemamiah have an innate gift for strategy as well as analysis, and easily succeed in solving problems. Success and prosperity are therefore at the heart of these people. Your mind is developed, and you are able to devote yourself to several causes that are important to you. The stability that she offers allows those she protects to be particularly militant.

Nemamiah's inspiring message for her protégés

Ready to feel inspired? ✨

 Discover the message 🌟 

"Step into your power and embrace your divine purpose, for you are a beacon of light in a world that needs your brilliance. Trust in the unique gifts and talents that you possess, knowing that they are the keys to fulfilling your highest potential. Remember that you are here for a reason, and that the world is waiting for you to shine your light brightly." 💫.

So, how does this message resonate with you? Take a moment to ponder this question, and if you'd like to explore further talk to a spiritual guide 💫.

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Nemamiah meaning: Angel of growth and opportunity

Nemamiah wants to help us to carry out all our projects, while being in the legality and the values of the heart. She knows that we carry the baggage of our past lives - what we call karma - and she helps us to get rid of it when necessary. With her help, we move away from the repetitive patterns that always lead us to the same dead ends. We finally feel ready to evolve, to grow, to seize our life mission!

No matter what mistakes we have made, this angel always gives us a new chance to grow, to learn and to understand, and even more, the chance to finally realize our dreams and our deepest aspirations. The angel Nemamiah comes to the end of all the diseases linked to an overactive mind: depressions, anxiety attacks, psychosomatic diseases, addictions... By putting her hand of light on our head, she chases away all the dark areas and helps us find peace of heart and mind!

😇 The Guardian Angel Oracle - Choose 3 cards

Take a deep breath and focus. The angels are here to share their wisdom with you through 3 special cards. Let your intuition guide you as you select your 3 cards, and discover their message.

Actionable steps to connect with Nemamiah today

To facilitate a deep connection with Nemamiah, follow these simple steps:
  1. Set up a peaceful meditation space, free from distractions. Light Mastic or Electra incense.
  2. Open your heart and mind through a short mindfulness practice, calming your thoughts and focusing on her divine presence.
  3. Recite Nemamiah's prayer during her regency hours (listed above), or write your own heartfelt message asking for her guidance.
  4. Visualize Nemamiah standing beside you, bringing light and clarity to your current challenges.
Consistency in these practices will strengthen your connection and allow her wisdom to shine through in your everyday life.

Nemamiah and her pentacle

Nemamiah's pentacle


Why call Nemamiah?

You can call on her if you have relationship problems, as she fixes communication problems during arguments, for example. Particularly strong, your guardian angel, protects you from tiredness and moments of doubt. The cause of problems never remains unsolved thanks to her detailed analysis of the environment. You can also summon her if you would like more prosperity in your life.

Guardian angel Nemamiah provides:

  • Detailed strategic analysis 
  • Strength in the face of difficulty 
  • Luck in the workplace 
  • Quick adaptability when faced with change

What is it possible to ask the angel Nemamiah?

If you feel trapped, and you are looking for solutions to face a trial, invoking your guardian angel Nemamiah will help you find the strength to overcome your problems. Nemamiah is there to help you to face life's changes and find the origin of your problems. Turn to your guide in order to distinguish between people who support you and those that are just out to get you. This angel will also be able to help you reduce your fatigue and your anxieties. Furthermore, you call contact Nemamiah in order to obtain better visibility of your situation, as well as prosperity.

How to call on Nemamiah

If Nemamiah is your guardian angel, her days and regency hours are 5th March, 17th May, 1st August, 14th October and 25th December between 18:40 and 19:00.

To communicate with your guardian angel, say this prayer with Mastic and Electra incense:

Prayer for Nemamiah

Angel Nemamiah!

Since I have to strategically guide my battles in society, let love and beauty be my objectives, Sir!
Help me, Nemamiah! Let there be no other purpose or plan for me other than that which is to build on Earth the archetype that already exists in heaven.

Give me the courage to address my responsibilities and clarity to carry out things in good time, without rushing, without jumping the gun and without unnecessary stops.

I want to fight and move towards the promised Earth, but keep me, Angel Nemamiah, from the temptation to penetrate it prematurely, for my primary duty is to succeed, here and now, with your providential help.

Learn everything about the influence of guardian angels have on the other star signs, and don’t wait any longer to see if your angel is trying to send you a message with the Angel numbers.

FAQ: Nemamiah, The Guardian Angel

What is the role of Nemamiah as a guardian angel? ▼

Nemamiah is a protector of justice, leadership, and independent thought. She helps individuals overcome obstacles and embrace their divine purpose by providing mental clarity and fostering bold decisions. Many turn to her for strength, prosperity, and protection from spiritual or emotional harm.

How does Nemamiah inspire growth and leadership? ▼

Nemamiah encourages self-reflection and empowers people to take charge of their lives. Her guidance is believed to transform individuals into confident, fair leaders who boldly face challenges and inspire others. This makes her particularly valuable to those in leadership roles or those aspiring to lead.

What specific issues can Nemamiah help me resolve? ▼

Nemamiah provides support in areas such as overcoming anxiety, solving moral dilemmas, resolving relationship conflicts, and finding your life purpose. She helps sweep away negative energy, strengthens your ability to adapt to challenges, and fosters a sense of peace and stability in turbulent times.

How can I communicate with Nemamiah for guidance? ▼

To connect with Nemamiah, find a calm space and light Mastic or Electra incense to purify your environment. Recite the special prayer provided in this article during her regency hours, and focus deeply on your intention. Consistent meditation and spiritual practices can strengthen your connection to her.

Is Nemamiah’s influence limited to Capricorns? ▼

While Nemamiah is the guardian angel for those born between January 1-5, anyone can invoke Nemamiah’s guidance. Her virtues and powers are universal, and she welcomes requests for protection, clarity, and strength from all who seek her help.

* Literature Source: Angel Numbers 101, Author; Doreen Virtue, Published in 2008 and available here:

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Article presented by
Madison Carter

Spiritual Content Curator for MyAstroMag - ✨ Guided by spirituality, guardian angels, and the messages in mirror hours, I’ve devoted my life to exploring the divine forces that surround us. Through my work at MyAstroMag, I strive to inspire and uplift others on their own spiritual journeys. ✨

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This was so informational. So accurate of whoni am and no I get to put a name to to my angel. God bless this page and keep going. I do need something on 44(4) as well. Thank so much!!

Monique C, 9 months ago

Hello Monique, Thank you for your comment and support. Check back soon. Yours, Susan

Susan Taylor 

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Frequently Asked Questions about Guardian Angel Readings

What are the benefits of connecting with my guardian angel? ▼

Connecting with your guardian angel can provide you with guidance, protection, and a sense of peace. They can help you navigate life's challenges and offer insights into your spiritual journey.

What can I expect during a guardian angel reading? ▼

During a guardian angel reading, the psychic will connect with your guardian angel to convey messages and guidance. You may receive insights about your life path, answers to your questions, and a sense of comfort and reassurance.

Do you offer any introductory offers for new clients? ▼

Yes, we offer  $30 when our new customers add $10  to help you get started and experience our services. This allows you to connect with a psychic and get a feel for the reading before committing to a full session.

How should I prepare for a guardian angel reading? ▼

To prepare for a guardian angel reading, find a quiet and comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed. Have an open mind and heart, and consider writing down any questions or concerns you have beforehand.

Are the readings confidential? ▼

Yes, all readings are completely confidential. Your privacy is our top priority, and we ensure that your personal information and the details of your reading are kept secure.