Chinese Horoscope 2024: Year Of The Dragon Wood Predictions

Last updated by Susan Taylor

Saturday, February 10, 2024, represents the start of the Chinese New Year. Here, we enter the era of the Wood Dragon 🐉, which is set to be a more dynamic and social year. In fact, this will be a BIG change from the calm of the previous 12 months during the year of the Rabbit. So, without further ado, discover your Chinese horoscope 2024 and find out what awaits you.

Chinese Horoscope 2024: Year Of The Dragon Wood Predictions

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🐉 Change on the horizon in the year of the Dragon Wood!

On Saturday, February 10, 2024, in China, the Year of the Dragon will succeed the Year of the Rabbit. Here, we will transition from a Yin year, characterized by a calm and tranquil energy, to a Yang year; an active, dynamic, and overall a positive time, which is oriented towards social life and the external world. Ranking fifth in the Chinese zodiac, the Dragon is the symbol of the Emperor of China, representing authority and power. Charismatic and brimming with energy, the Dragon possesses all the talents to captivate and assert itself in life. Trying to compete with it would be in vain; it's better to make it an ally. 😉 The associated element for this year is wood, symbolizing growth and creativity, fostering expansion in artistic domains and personal development. It also influences the management of emotions.

😉  The element associated with this Chinese New Year 2024 is Wood, so be sure to discover the influence of the Chinese elements here.

Chinese horoscope 2024 - Click on your sign for your astrology predictions ⬇️

Chinese sign:

Your birth year:
Some minor troubles will punctuate your year, but you'll quickly overcome them by staying positive about your future and working hard.
👉 Check out the Ox horoscope 2024
Nothing but happiness for the delicate Goat! You'll revel in this bohemian period that highlights the arts and artists.
👉 Check out the Goat horoscope 2024
A fantastic period for the Rat. You'll make good deals and display ingenuity to make yourself appreciated.
👉 Check out the Rat horoscope 2024
Fate's whims will be in your favor, and numerous professional and romantic opportunities will present themselves throughout the year.
👉 Check out the Snake horoscope 2024

An enchanting year for the charismatic Dragon. All signals will be green, and luck will surround you.
👉 Discover the Dragon horoscope 2024
You'll love this year full of splendor, joy, and flair, especially as luck will be on your side, and so will love.
👉 Discover the Tiger horoscope 2024
Success will be on the agenda, and the outgoing atmosphere of the year will amuse you for a while, but you'll prefer the coziness of your home.
👉 Check out the Rabbit horoscope 2024
The period will be rather pleasant on the creative and social fronts. You'll be galvanized by the prevailing dynamism, and the desire to show off will be great.
👉 Discover the Horse horoscope 2024
1944-1956-1968-1980 1992- 2004-2016-2028
You'll be in the front row for an exciting and delightful year marked by novelty and change.
👉 Discover the Monkey horoscope 2024
A year under the sign of love and seduction. Seize the opportunity to envision the future with serenity and tie the knot.
👉 Discover the Rooster horoscope 2024
An apprehensive wind will threaten your peace of mind. You'll follow your instincts and focus on your private life.
👉 Discover the Dog horoscope 2024
Set your sights on conviviality and authenticity. You'll invest in family life, dinners with friends, and entertaining outings.
👉 Discover the Pig horoscope 2024

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🐲 What does the year of the Wood Dragon have in store for us?

Under the auspices of the charismatic Dragon, there will be a plethora of changes, official events, ceremonies, and abundant celebrations. Appearance, the desire to please and step into the spotlight will be of great importance. Creativity, the arts, and esotericism will be on the rise, as well as the desire to undertake, innovate, and take risks. In 2024, China will experience a baby boom, and many Dragon babies will be born. Overall, the year will be exhilarating and lavish, but we should beware of disillusionment.

📍 Interesting fact: 📍

The Chinese calendar is a lunar-solar calendar, which is based on the annual cycle of the sun and the regular cycle of the phases of the Moon. The date of the Chinese New Year varies each year between January 21 and February 19 depends on the time of the 2nd New Moon from the winter solstice, when the sun is in Aquarius.

Who are the luckiest Chinese zodiac signs in 2024?

Under the influence of the Dragon, these signs will experience very favorable moments: The Rat, the Tiger, and the Dragon will be particularly blessed:

  • Rat: The year will be fantastic for the Rat, with good deals in store.
  • Tiger: The year will be full of splendor, joy, and flair for the Tiger. Luck and love will also be present.
  • Dragon: The year will be enchanting for the Dragon, with all the positivity and luck that accompany it.

The signs for whom it will be more challenging are the Ox, the Rabbit, and the Dog:

  • Ox: The Ox will face some troubles but can overcome them by adopting a positive attitude and working hard.
  • Rabbit: The Rabbit will achieve success but will prefer the comfort of its home to the extraverted atmosphere of the year.
  • Dog: The Dog might feel some apprehension and will focus on its private life.


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What are people born under the Dragon sign really like?

The Dragon is revered; it is the incarnation of the Emperor of China. These folks possess essential qualities due to their status, such as flair, a proud and fiery temperament, and the will to surpass themselves. Additionally, they have an inventive spirit and abounds with creative ideas, although not always as innovative as it wishes. As sociable creatures, they love entertainment and excel at organizing grandiose parties.


The Dragon has many advantages related to its birth. It possesses two essential qualities for becoming a leader: compassion and tolerance. The number 9 brings it luck. Regardless of how this number manifests in its life through a phone number, street, floor, registration, know that it will bring luck.

- Discover your Chinese zodiac personality here -

2024 is the Year of the Dragon, but when are the next Chinese New Years? 

What are the signs that will represent the next few years?

January 29, 2025 - February 16, 2026
February 17, 2026 - February 5, 2027
February 6, 2027 - January, 25 2028
January 26, 2028 - February 12, 2029

What is my Chinese zodiac sign?

If you don't know your sign, don't panic, just find your birth year in our tables below, and we'll enlighten you.

If you were born between 1924 - 1960

Between 1924 - 1936
Between 1937 - 1948
Between 1948 - 1960
05/02/1924 - 24/01/1925
24/01/1936 - 10/02/1937
10/02/1948 - 28/01/1949
25/01/1925 - 10/01/1926
11/01/1937 - 30/01/1938
29/01/1949 - 16/02/1950
13/02/1926 - 01/02/1927
31/01/1938 - 18/02/1939
17/02/1950 - 05/02/1951
02/02/1927 - 22/01/1928
19/02/1939 - 07/02/1940
06/02/1951 - 26/01/1952
23/01/1928 - 09/02/2029
08/02/1940 - 26/01/1941
27/01/1952 - 13/02/1953
10/02/2029 - 29/01/1930
27/01/1941 - 14/02/1942
14/02/1953 - 02/02/1954
30/01/1930 - 16/02/1931
15/02/1942 - 04/02/1943
03/02/1954 - 23/01/1955
17/02/1931 - 05/02/1932
05/02/1943 - 24/01/1944
 24/01/1955 - 11/02/1956
06/02/1932 - 25/01/1933
25/01/1944 - 12/02/1945
12/02/1956 - 30/01/1957
26/01/1933 - 13/02/1934
13/02/1945 - 01/02/1946
31/01/1957 - 17/02/1958
14/02/1934 - 03/02/1935
02/02/1946 - 21/01/1947
18/02/1958 - 07/02/1959
04/02/1935 - 23/01/1936
22/01/1947 - 09/02/1948
08/02/1959 - 27/01/1960

If you were born between 1960 - 1984

Between 1960 - 1972
Between 1972 - 1984
28/01/1960 - 14/02/1961
15/02/1972 - 02/02/1973
15/02/1961 - 04/02/1962
03/02/1973 - 22/01/1974
05/02/1962 - 24/01/1963
 23/01/1974 - 10/02/1975
25/01/1963 - 12/02/1964
11/01/1975 - 30/01/1976
13/02/1964 - 01/02/1965
31/01/1976 - 17/02/1977
02/02/1965 - 20/01/1966
18/02/1977 -  06/02/1978
21/01/1966 - 08/02/1967
07/02/1978 - 27/01/1979
09/02/1967 - 29/01/1968
28/01/1979 - 15/02/1980
30/01/1968 - 16/02/1969
16/02/1980 - 04/02/1981
17/02/1969 - 05/02/1970
05/02/1981 - 24/01/1982
06/02/1970 - 26/01/1971
25/01/1982 - 12/02/1983
27/01/1971 - 14/02/1972
13/02/1983 - 01/02/1984

If you were born after 1984

Between 1984 - 1996
Between 1996 - 2008
Between 2008 - 2020
02/02/1984 - 19/02/1985
19/02/1996 - 06/02/1997
07/02/2008 - 25/01/2009
20/02/1985 - 08/02/1986
 07/02/1997 - 27/01/1998
26/01/2009 - 13/02/2010
09/02/1986 - 28/01/1987
28/01/1998 - 15/02/1999
14/02/2010 - 02/02/2011
29/01/1987 - 16/02/1988
16/02/1999 - 04/02/2000
03/02/2011 - 22/01/2012
 17/02/1988 - 05/02/1989
05/02/2000 - 23/01/2001
23/01/2012 - 09/02/2013
06/02/1989 - 26/01/1990
24/01/2001 - 11/02/2002
10/02/2013 - 30/01/2014
 27/01/1990 - 14/02/1991
12/02/2002 - 31/01/2003
31/01/2014 - 18/02/2015
15/02/1991 - 03/02/1992
01/02/2003 - 21/01/2004
19/02/2015 - 07/02/2016
 04/02/1992 - 22/01/1993
 22/01/2004 - 08/02/2005
08/02/2016 - 27/01/2017
23/01/1993 - 09/02/1994
09/02/2005 - 28/01/2006
28/01/2017 - 15/02/2018
 10/02/1994 - 30/01/1995
29/01/2006 - 17/02/2007
16/02/2018 - 04/02/2019
31/01/1995 - 18/02/1996
 18/02/2007 - 06/02/2008
05/02/2019 - 24/01/2020

Susan Taylor’s message: Make the most of this year!

The Chinese horoscope is an ancient practice that, through the analysis of lunar cycles and zodiac signs, allows discerning the energetic influences during a specific year. It is a compass that provides personalized information and, more importantly, offers the tools to foresee challenges and respond to life's unexpected twists and turns. For more detailed, more refined predictions, do not hesitate to ask our astrologers all your doubts, they will enlighten your future with gentleness and kindness.

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

Hi i want to know more this year 2022 since this is my year now year of the tiger. Born January 2 1974

Nedy B. Dacles 3 years ago

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