The 10 Most Common Dreams And Their Spiritual Meanings

Last updated by Madison Carter

We’ve all had strange dreams that have left us confused and worried when we wake up, right? Or, are they spooky premonitions? 💭 A message from our unconscious? What do they mean, and what is the message behind them? Thanks to our interpretation guide, you can now fully understand what your dreams symbolize spiritually.

The 10 Most Common Dreams And Their Spiritual Meanings

The 10 most common dreams and what they mean spiritually 🤔

1. The most common dream is losing your teeth

This type of hallucination is often interpreted as a death announcement, which is nothing but symbolic in reality. On the other hand, attention is brought to a loss of vitality, energy, or a specific vulnerability that we'd advise you to listen to. Read more about the teeth falling out dream here.

2. Driving a car

The car represents our body (the vehicle of our soul) and driving represents our evolution in life. Depending on whether the road is smooth or you’re driving on a dangerous path, this evokes the road we've taken in our lives, may be positive or negative. Moreover, if we aren’t driving the car, this signifies that, we are struggling to make our own choices.

3. Flying (in an airplane)

This reveals that we’re in an important time of change. This could mean we are heading towards a new start, where destiny often imposes itself on us without us necessarily having control over the destination. Furthermore, this evokes a period of important decisions, but proves necessary in order for us to advance.

4. Imagining yourself pregnant or during childbirth.

This is the sign of a deep growth and an upcoming rebirth, or a part of us that’s in process of revealing itself to and that we’ll see this change soon. This can also represent a change in our personality, an opening to a new aspect or character trait.

5. Spiders and insects

Fear of and provoked anxiety by spiders most often reveals the fear of an authoritative figure that someone perceives as destructive, who comes from a mother who’s too invasive, who acts as a large authority in life. Dreams about spiders can also highlight a relationship that’s overwhelming, heavy, anxiety-provoking with its hierarchy, or dark thoughts that pass through our mind at the moment.

>>> Find out what dreaming of a spider means

6. Losing your keys, being unable to open a door, or unable to start your car

This evokes that we’re missing an element to advance and “open a new door” or “start again.” This can be a missing character trait (force, confidence) or knowledge (feeling of missing education or understanding), real or felt, or a loss of control/mastery on life or a particular situation. Note that this experience can depict a car key that isn’t working, so the engine doesn’t start up, which evokes a problem with your partner in an intimate relationship.

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7. Being in an elevator

People often imagine elevators during a time when they feel helpless and are faced with an oppressing situation, whether it be professional or interpersonal. The people present in the elevator often indicate the concerned area, which represents professional ascension in most cases, but can also evoke a difficulty leaving an emotional relationship that doesn’t appear very safe.

8. Being followed or threatened by a cat or dog

A person often feels particularly oppressed and will wake up affected by this type of dream, which evokes the relationship someone maintains with themselves and others. In general, the cat represents the instinctive side of ourselves and according to its behavior, the cat can also inform us on our behavior. For a woman, the cat can also represent her inner femininity and sexuality.

The dog represents the loyal friend or friendship. According to its behavior, this animal can evoke a fear or suspicion or, on the contrary, a peaceful and loving relationship with your loved ones. You should also note that, according to the state which the animal presents itself (in good health or hungry and poorly taken care of…), this could mean a lack of attention that we’re giving our own bodies.

9. Climbing a mountain

This reveals a search for rising in power, a well-being, or new knowledge that’s strictly about ourselves. It can represent a step to overcome, which allows us to evolve personally or professionally, sometimes spiritually. Reaching the summit confirms success with yourself or a situation, a spiritual elevation to a “sacred” extent (the mountain provides the link from the Earth to Heaven).

>>> Learn what dreaming of a snake means

10. Getting married

For women already in a relationship, this can be a compensatory vision that expresses and releases a strong desire for marriage and childbirth, which are taking a while to come to you. Dreaming of marriage can also evoke an inner reconciliation that’s in operation between a man and a woman, maybe after a break-up. Further to this very positive connotative experience, this could be followed by an important and blossoming encounter because inner peace and openness has returned.

In another sense, for a single, already married, or an older woman, a vision about marriage can represent her relationship with herself and her femininity. This evokes a gain in independence, calming down, and a renunciation of solitude or individuality in order to open up to a more vast idea. 

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💡 FAQ; 💡What are dreams and do they all have meanings?

A dream is a completely intelligible message from your unconscious mind to your cognitive mind, and often contains a hidden meaning. Our unconscious mind communicates our visions in gibberish and in symbols, which means that our cognitive mind which communicates with language has a hard time deciphering the hidden messages.

They are images and stories that our minds create whilst we sleep. Indeed, they are our unconscious minds trying to communicate our issues, fears, and worries that need to be addressed. They represent our ideas, ambitions, and even our fears, so they do always mean something, although figuring out what exactly can be a tough task.

— Have you ever dreamt about your ex? Here's what it means —

Susan Taylor’s insights: The Universe speaks to us

The universe sends us messages regularly, but it is not always easy to decipher them or even to know how to spot them, as they are sometimes so discreet. If you have questions about your future, if you need answers, don't hesitate to make an appointment with one of our psychics. They will enlighten you about your future with great attention.

- The future is mine -

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Article presented by
Madison Carter

Spiritual Content Curator for MyAstroMag - ✨ Guided by spirituality, guardian angels, and the messages in mirror hours, I’ve devoted my life to exploring the divine forces that surround us. Through my work at MyAstroMag, I strive to inspire and uplift others on their own spiritual journeys. ✨

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I am so sick & tired of my nightmares! Always about dead people! My mother lived with me, most time it is her but not every time. I always remember every detail once I wake up! Last night, she died and my 2 dead sisters were in the dream. I awakened still upset because I thought it had been real and I needed to go tell everyone she had died. BECAUSE I always remember, they hang on for a while after I get up. I do have a blocked vein in skull?? could that be it?

Peggy L., 3 years ago

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