The Meaning Of Angels In Dreams Revealed - Explore The Spiritual Meaning

Last updated by Susan Taylor

Angels are all around us, but sometimes we also come across them when we drift off to sleep too. These types of dreams are fairly common, and seeing these higher powers in your slumber means they represent symbols of protection 👼. Now, dreams of angels are always a good sign, but what does it mean for us spiritually?

The Meaning Of Angels In Dreams Revealed - Explore The Spiritual Meaning

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What it means to dream of an Angel - It depends on the context of the dream 😇

Angels are the ones who guide and protect us. Our guardian angel is there to comfort and guide us whenever we need it. Angels are of benevolent nature, and their presence in a dream is a sign of your need for protection and support. If you are going through a troubled time, a dream about an angel is a way to calm you down, and it’s also a way of reassuring you that you are capable of meeting the challenge. Your angel is also the one who comes in a dream to help us keep hope. Now, to dream that you yourself are an angel indicates that you have wounds, often past ones, to heal. The angel dream is often a prophecy. Listen to the message they seek to convey to you, a close inheritance is possible. 

  • Dreaming of seeing one or more angels: A very positive sign indicating a desired achievement. It's even better if they seem content and blissful:
  • If, in the dream, one or more angels show you friendship or favor: Your destiny is turning for the better.
  • Dreaming of seeing an angel in your home: Warns that someone familiar with the place may try to harm you.
  • If you see sad or angry angels, if you fight with them, or feel scared by their appearance: Expect heavy losses and involvement in some unpleasant affairs.
  • Dreaming of seeing an angel: A good omen in all cases.
  • Dreaming of seeing yourself as an angel: Signifies love and friendship.
  • Dreaming of being surrounded by angels: You will find great inner peace.
  • Dreaming of talking to an angel: Indicates a latent vocation or a significant message.
  • Dreaming of seeing an angel flying away: Represents a warning.
  • Dreaming of seeing an angel singing: Signifies healing.
  • Dreaming of seeing multiple angels: Means the fulfillment of dreams.
  • Dreaming of being an angel: Great honor awaits you.
  • Dreaming of staying in the company of angels: Indicates good fortune in life.

>>> Discover; What is my angel number?

The color of the angel in your dream changes the meaning 🪽

The color of the angel you see in your dream can tell you a little more about its meaning. In fact, the meaning of colors brings clarification.

  • If you dream of white angels

With white angels, we immediately think of purity, but it is also a symbol of peace. In dreams, white angels are there to bring you the peace you need after a conflict. It is also a message that the help you need will come soon.

  • A dream of a black angel

Dream of a black angel

Dreaming of a black angel: Is it a good or bad omen?

In a dream, an angel all in black is often a warning. It is possible that you will soon be confronted with difficulties, but they will be mostly internal. For example, your self-confidence may decrease, you may feel sad or depressed. Your negative emotions are repressed, try to express them.

  • Dreaming of an angel with a colorful outfit

If in your dream, the angel or angels are wearing colorful clothes, it is time for you to take a bite out of life. Luck will finally shine down on you.

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Dreaming of Angels talking to you? - What does it mean?

Dreaming of an angel talking to you is often interpreted as a powerful spiritual message. This dream suggests a latent vocation or calling, indicating that the universe is guiding you towards a significant path or purpose in your life. The angel's words can be seen as divine wisdom, offering insights or solutions to challenges you may be facing. This dream can also symbolize protection and reassurance, reminding you that you are not alone and that higher spiritual forces are watching over you. Overall, an angel speaking to you in a dream is a profound reminder to pay attention to your inner voice and spiritual guidance as you navigate your life's journey.

If you're feeling a little lost at the moment, keep your faith, because things can get better. Vehuel is here to support and guide you through this period of transition. He reminds you that you're at a turning point in your life, completing a project on which you've invested a lot of effort.

What does it mean when you dream about an Angel flying away? - It's the path to spirituality

The angel also represents the child within us, our angelic part. To see an angel flying away in a dream is also a sign of evolution. We do not necessarily lose our childhood innocence, but this dream invites us to go towards a greater and deeper spirituality. Moreover, if during this dream the angel speaks to you, it is because you are fully aware that your life lacks spirituality. The angel is there to guide you, especially if he holds your hands.

If you notice the Angel's wings in your dreams, it implies spiritual transformation

Sometimes in our dreams, we do not perceive the angel in its entirety, but simply its wings. Generally speaking, the wings are a symbol of freedom and letting go. When it comes to angel wings, it's a sign that a transformation is taking place within us. We may not be in control of it, but it is a positive transformation. We are going beyond our original nature to rise.Angel wings

Finally, it is reassuring to note that angels arrive in our life by different means, including our dreams. In any case, rest assured, whether they send you a message during the day, or occupy your subconscious during your nights, the angels always aim to support you, protect you and guide you towards a better path.

Susan Taylor’s insights: The wider context

In conclusion, dreaming of an angel is usually a good sign, but the messages sent are not only for the dreamer. In fact, the angel may give you advice that you need to reach out to others. You need to think about how you can contribute to someone's happiness. No matter how difficult it may seem, once you get started, the celestial powers will step in and give you the boost you need to succeed in your efforts.

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

I had a dream I was crying then Angel Wings bursted out of my back. I am also afraid of angels.

Steve 5 months ago

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