Astrology: Explore The Depths Of Your Personality With The Stars

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For us here at Astrofame, we are firm believers that by exploring the world of Astrology, you'll unlock the keys to understanding who you really are. Indeed, astrology reveals a whole wealth of information on your zodiac signs, your personality, down to who you are compatible with!

Astrology: Explore The Depths Of Your Personality With The Stars

Our renowned astrologer, Susan Taylor, invites you to discover her passion for astrology. This art proves to be a wonderful tool, that, when used properly, allows you to enjoy life to the fullest on a daily basis, especially when you anticipate the sky's events. Each planet has an influence on our personality, for example, Mercury retrograde often causes difficulties, and setbacks...

>>> Check out 10 reasons to consult an Astrologer with Astrofame. <<<


Which planets are retrograde right now?:

It's always interesting to know what's going on in the sky, so here are the retrograde periods for 2025!

  • Mercury retrogradeFirst phase: From March 14 to April 7, 2025, in Pisces. Second phase: From July 18 to August 11, 2025, in Leo. Third phase: From November 9 to November 29, 2025, in Scorpio.
  • Venus retrograde: From December 6, 2024, to January 6, 2025, in Leo.
  • Mars retrogradeFrom January 7 to February 24, 2025, in Cancer.
  • Jupiter retrogradeFrom February 4 to June 10, 2025, in Gemini.
  • Saturn retrogradeFrom November 13, 2025, to March 8, 2026, in Aries.
  • Uranus retrogradeFirst phase: From January 1 to January 30, 2025, in Taurus. Second phase: From December 7, 2025, to May 1, 2026, in Gemini.
  • Neptune retrogradeFrom June 29 to December 5, 2025, in Pisces.
  • Pluto retrograde: From May 4 to October 12, 2025, in Aquarius.

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Astrology 101: Learn more about yourself with these tools:

Moon Sign Calculator - Use Our Lunar Tool To Figure Yours Out

Did you know that in addition to having a zodiac and rising sign, you also have a moon or lunar sign? 🌙 Only astrology enthusiasts tend to know this important component, which is why we’re here to enhance your knowledge on your personality. The position of the Moon on the day you were born and the zodiac constellation it was traveling through does indeed say a lot about your character and in particular our emotions; and this is even more so the case for women. Our Astrologer, Susan Taylor, unveils the secrets of this influential astrological factor and shares with you her Moon sign calculator.

Zodiac Signs: Dates + Personality Traits

Do you want to learn more about your personality and who you really are? Well, the good news is astrology can help you! Each sign of the zodiac corresponds to a specific element, which in turn influences our temperament and attitude. Plus, a person's sign is inscribed in their birth chart and defined by the position of the Sun. The position of the planets and stars in someone's natal chart impact their qualities, flaws, and compatibility 🌌. Our Astrologist, Susan Taylor, is here to explain how your character and approach to life are affected by this art, so without further ado, let's discover her unmissable insights into whom you really are!

Sun, Moon, Rising Sign Calculator - Reveal Your Complete Astrological Profile

If you are familiar with astrology then you probably already know what your zodiac (sun) sign is, yet there is so much more to learn! Digging a little deeper into our birth charts reveals that each of us also has a moon and rising sign too; but the question is, what do they mean? Plus, what do they represent, and how do they impact us in our daily lives? Our in-house Astrologer Susan Taylor answers all of these questions and explains how each of these astrological components contributes to your personality. Wondering what is my sun, moon, and rising sign? Use our free calculators here.

What Is My Rising Sign? - Figure It Out With Our Free Calculator!

Your rising sign, also known as your ascendant, is an essential point of your natal chart. In astrology, it reveals information about the way you behave, plus, it also evokes vital insights on your attitude towards other people, and it even influences how other folks view you. By entering your time, place, and date of birth into our 100% free and accurate rising sign calculator, you'll have all the elements necessary to discover your ascendant sign. Plus, here you'll learn how this astrological component blends with your zodiac sign, and gain more insights into how it impacts your life!

What Is Modality In Astrology?: They Are Cardinal, Fixed, And Mutable Signs

In astrology, the three modalities are known as; cardinal, fixed and mutable. 🌌 Each modality encompasses 4-star signs and gifts them with certain energies and characteristics. The personalities grouped under the three astrology expressions all belong to different elements, which make their qualities even more diverse. Without further ado, it’s time for us to look at the deeper workings of the zodiacal features; so which group are you associated with, and how is your personality influenced by this association?

What Is Each Zodiac Sign Element?

The 12-star signs are split into 4 zodiac element groups; Fire, Earth, Air, and Water, and each group represents both a type of energy and a way of approaching life. Indeed, they all exert great influences on our temperaments and attitudes. The Fire signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius), group together the energetic personalities with warm temperaments. The Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) correspond to calm and reasoned individuals. The Air signs; (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius) are linked to communication and creativity. And, the Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) are the most emotional and intuitive. Susan Taylor reveals how each zodiac sign element influences your personality.

Susan Taylor
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Moon content: Dates, rituals and more

What Date Is The Full Moon In February?

The Full Moon is the lunar phase in which the satellite appears brightest 🌕. During this cycle, we see almost all of its surface and also notice many mystical on goings. The effects of the Full Moon are numerous, especially on our sleep and our libido, hence the importance of knowing the date of the next Full Moon. By anticipating the date, we subconsciously prepare ourselves to experience the powerful influence it has on our daily lives. Each monthly lunar event has a different degree of impact on each zodiac sign, so be sure to check back regularly.

What Date Is The New Moon In January 2025? It's The 29th, In Aquarius

Even though it’s invisible in the sky, a New Moon marks the beginning of a new lunar cycle, and symbolically represents a fresh start for each of us. Its energies urge us to double our efforts and to prepare for the rewards to come. Now, with this in mind, we bet you're wondering what happens during this phase, and what influence the New Moon exerts on our bodies and minds. 🌑 Susan Taylor answers all of your questions and reveals how can we make the most out of this prosperous instance. Discover all the dates of this important phase, and anticipate this catalyst motion.

Full Moon Rituals To Follow For More Prosperity And Good Luck

You have no doubt already heard that the Full Moon causes sleep problems and stress, right? Well, in fact, the most sensitive people among us can feel these negative effects up to 3 to 5 days before this important lunar cycle. Although, fortunately for us, we can also just as easily enjoy the benefits of the Full Moon by practicing a few simple rituals on these evenings. Susan Taylor and her team have come up with 5 simple and easy to perform practices in order for you to make the most of this monthly occurrence, and its prosperous energies 🌕.

Can't Sleep On A Full Moon? The Spiritual Meaning

In popular culture, the Full Moon is held responsible for several strange behaviors; from spikes in crime, to bouts of madness and mood swings. As humans, we are sensitive entities and this is why the lunar cycles have such a huge impact on us, including troubling sleeping. Swiss researchers have recently confirmed that the Full Moon is one of the root causes of insomnia, and they've successfully have proved that this phase affects the quality of our rest. Susan Taylor reveals more information on this revelation!

When Is The Next Blood Moon?

A Blood Moon is a very rare event, involving a total lunar eclipse which takes a reddish color. This lunar phenomenon is very rare, and the next one will now be on March 14, 2025. This sensation is also known as a Red Moon, and is often associated with negative happenings, and bad news. However, in reality, its meaning is very simple and a marvel that shouldn't be missed out on. Susan Taylor reveals the dates, as well as what you need to know about this thrilling event, plus how to prepare for it.

Hair Removal With The Moon

The Moon influences everything, from the tides to the rate of our hair regrowth. If you want irresistibly smooth skin and legs, the solution is to wax during the most apt Moon phases. For super soft skin, astrologist Susan Taylor advises you to complete your hair removal routine during the waning Moon phase because this will give you the best results for the longest possible period. Following her waxing calendar for 2025 for the most effective beauty regime!

Who is your zodiac sign compatible with?

Aquarius Compatibility: What Is The Best Match For An Aquarius?

♒ The Aquarius personality is on a constant quest for freedom and liberty, it's out of the question for this sign to feel tied down in their activities. They need to be in control of their freewill and to do as they please. When it comes to their compatibility, not every zodiac sign can handle their floaty personalities, especially not Scorpio and Cancer, although their best match is no doubt the smart Gemini. Indeed, this sign needs to feel understood and listened to, for them, it is vital to create links because they are sensitive to the reality that surrounds them. Who does an Aquarius native match best with in love? Test your compatibility now!

Leo Compatibility: What Is A Good Match For Leo?

Leo is ambitious, but above all very dominating. The authoritarian side of these natives coupled with their oversized ego can turn certain people off, but this sign is, nevertheless, faithful, loyal and very generous. Leo's best shot in love is with an Aries or a Pisces by their side. What about you, are you compatible with a Leo? Whether we like it or not, not all of us go together in love. Some zodiac signs are made to love and some aren't. Test your love compatibility here and discover your perfect partner.

Virgo Compatibility : What Is The Best Match For A Virgo ?

Virgo is constantly in search of perfection. Folks born under this sign are honest and sincere, which is why they seek these exact qualities in a partner. Their dream is finding someone they can live in perfect harmony with and eventually start a family with. Their manic side can quickly annoy certain signs, although Taurus and Capricorn seem to be good matches for this Earth sign. Virgos always end up in relationships with partners who have a radiant and confident personality. On the contrary, if his or her partner is not up to par, Virgos will not hesitate to leave. But, what about you, are you compatible with a Virgo? Take our compatibility test here to find out!

The Compatible Signs of Pisces

Pisces' folks are thoughtful, caring and dreamy, it's fair to say that this sign really does live in their own little bubble. Natives of this sign are VERY sensitive and extremely receptive to other people's emotions. In fact, this explains why they are often weighed down by other people's problems, leading us to why they can't be compatible with every zodiac sign, especially not the neediest ones. What about you? Are you the best match for a Pisces? The only way to find out is by taking our test!

The Compatible Signs of Capricorn

The Capricorn personality is wise, sensible, organized, and responsible. This sign is very responsible and the values of relationships and family are very important to these folks. This sign has the most stable personality of the zodiac. They rarely disappoint those around them, as their seriousness and thoroughness is usually beyond reproach. Although, guided by the planet Saturn, they are always looking for control, which could complicate their relationships. If you are a Virgo or Taurus, you'll be pleased to know that you are the perfect match for this sign, however beware of keeping the boredom at bay! What about you? Are you compatible with a Capricorn? Take the test here for more insights!

Libra Compatibility With Other Signs: Who Is A Good Match?

Libra seduces people with their irresistible charm and dreamy attitude. As gentle and understanding characters, no one can resist this sign's kindness and good sense of humor. On the other hand, they are incurably indecisive people and hate having to make decisions. That's right, they are so afraid of conflict that they find it hard to express their opinions and speak their minds. Now, not all horoscope signs can put up with these traits; so the question is; can you? Are you compatible with a Libra? Take our compatibility test here and find out!

Sagittarius Compatibility: What Sign Goes Best With A Sagittarius

Sagittarius loves adventure and travelling, so much so that it's impossible for these natives to sit quietly at home and do nothing. The truth is, this sign constantly needs to be on the move and in action. Whether adventurous or down to earth, Sagittarius will never be in contemplation and will always look to move forward to their next destination, as a result, these natives look for someone who drives and excites them. If you are an Aries or a Leo, you are amongst the perfect matches for this zodiac sign because you have lots in common. What about you? Are you compatible with a Sagittarius? Take our test to find out!

Cancer Compatibility: Our Chart Reveals Who Gets Your Head Spinning

Cancer is hypersensitive but nevertheless extremely sweet and endearing. However, if this sign doesn't feel at ease, they quickly withdraw into their shells and cut people off, which makes it tough for them to establish relationships. Their shyness can annoy lots of people, however Scorpio and Pisces know exactly how to reassure them and make them feel better. Are you compatible with Cancer? With which zodiac signs can these natives form a lasting and passionate couple? Take the test here and read Susan Taylor's analysis to find out more!

Gemini Compatibility: Which Zodiac Sign Is Your Best Match?

Gemini embodies fun, youth, and laughter. Intelligent and very open-minded, this sign knows how to entertain their partner and keep their relationship far away from boring routines. 💑 Their free spirit means they can never be still for more than two minutes, so if you've fallen for a native of this sign, you're going to have to buckle up. You'll never get bored with a native of this sign because they know how to keep the routine at bay. Are you compatible with a Gemini? Read Susan Taylor's analysis and take the test here!

Who Is Taurus Compatible With?

Taurus is certainly one of the most sensual signs of the zodiac, but beware, not everyone has what it takes to put up with them and their stubborn character… Indeed, their material and homely side could quickly annoy the freedom loving signs, including Sagittarius or Aquarius. But, that doesn't mean all is lost, because certain natives have exactly what it takes to melt the second star sign. Are you compatible with a Taurus? ❤️ Test the love compatibility between Taurus and other astrological signs, here.

The Compatible Signs of Aries

Aries is as powerful as it is explosive, and not everyone has what it takes to satisfy their needs. Indeed, these folks impress us with their dynamism and ardor. ❤️ However, in love, they can at times be more invested during the seduction phase than in the prospect of a relationship afterwards... Leo and Sagittarius have the best chances of stealing this zodiac sign's heart! But, that doesn't mean the other signs should be ruled out? Are you compatible with Aries? Take the test here!

Scorpio Compatibility: Which Zodiac Sign Is Your Best Match?

The mystery of Scorpio is subject to many astrological fantasies. Indeed, these natives are known for being intelligent and passionate people, as well as the most explosive zodiac sign out there! Although beware, their jealousy and aggression can scare many people away. Of all the signs, this one is perhaps the most difficult to understand. With the governance of Mars and Pluto, these natives can exhibit contradictory behaviors, especially in their relationships. So, what about you, are you compatible with a Scorpio? Test your love compatibility here for more insights and get planning your love story ❤️.

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Why Saturn Is An Important Fixture In Astrology + What It Means In Each House

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Mercury Retrograde 2025: Dates And Effects Of The 3 Cycles

You have no doubt already heard about Mercury retrograde and the effects of this scary phenomenon. Now, whenever bad luck curses us, our first reaction is to blame this planetary movement. From car problems, to communication issues; we love to point the finger at this event, but in actual fact, this calamitous motion is indeed REAL! Be sure to discover our advice on how to get through each phase, as well as the misfortunes each zodiac sign can expect 🤯.

The Planets and Astrology: Everything You Need to Know

Astrology is the art of studying our solar system and understanding how its astral bodies affect us and our personalities. Susan Taylor, our very own astrologer, tells us everything we need to know about the planets and how they influence us. Come the end and there won't be a secret about the universe that you don't know, and you may even be able to better interpret your birth chart thanks to our insights.

The Moon In Astrology: Symbolism And Meaning

It’s been in the sky every night of your life, and every night for billions of years, but how much do you really know about the Moon? We’re all aware that it affects the Earth, but what does it actually do? In a first instance, it allowed life on Earth by playing with the water of the Blue Planet. Fascinating or disturbing, the Moon holds a special place in astrology, our very own astrologer, Susan Taylor, tells us all you need to know about this famous satellite.

The Sun In Astrology, Its Symbolism And Meaning

Everyone knows that the Sun is the biggest star in our solar system, but how many people know the importance of its role in the astrology world? As a symbol of both life and warmth, the Sun is the reason we have zodiac signs, and, it's its position at the moment of your birth determines which sign you are a native of. Here’s everything you need to know about this important star and how it impacts astrology!

Venus, Planet Of Love: What Influence In Does It Have On Astrology?

Venus is an absolutely crucial player in the astrology world, and is the planet that watches over every one of your relationships. Yes, that's right, this planet is just as important as your horoscope compatibility when it comes to the success of your love stories. It’s standing in your birth chart, is in itself a clear sign of its significance. Susan Taylor, our very own astrologer, tells us all you need to know about the planet Venus.

Mercury In Astrology, What Influence? What Effects Does It Have?

The planet Mercury plays a huge part in the Astrology world and is at points responsible for cursing us with a heap of bad luck and misfortune when it goes retrograde. You just have to look at where it sits in birth charts to know how important it is to astrologers. Susan Taylor, our very own astrologer, tells us all you need to know about this intellectual planet and how much influence it exerts on us.

Uranus In Astrology, Destructive Or Creative Forces

In astrology, it's imperative to know the meaning of the planets and their power over our destiny. Among them is Uranus, which is known as the planet of evolution, meaning it is of paramount importance when it comes to your birth chart. Want to know more about the “Bull’s Eye” planet? Our very own astrologer, Susan Taylor, spills the secrets on the third biggest planet, including its symbolism, its influence and its mythology!

Jupiter Is Currently In Taurus - Here Are The Effects This Will Have

The planet Jupiter has a strong influence in astrology, its location in a person’s birth chart as well as its position in the sky change many things. At the moment, Jupiter is transiting in the sign of Taurus, so, let’s take a look at its influence and its effects.

Why Is Planet Mars So Important In Astrology?

The planet Mars is an important figure in the world of Astrology- and that’s clear to see in the crucial role it plays in our birth charts. Want to learn more about the ‘Red Planet’? Susan Taylor, our very own astrologer, unveils some of its biggest secrets, including how it influences your personality both positively and negatively.

What do the Houses mean in Astrology?

House 12 In Astrology: Its Significance And Impact In A Birth Chart

Astrology is a mirror of our inner self and our personal journey. Among the key elements of a natal chart, the astrological Houses occupy a special place, each revealing unique facets of our existence. Today, I'd like to take you on a tour of the 12th House, often referred to as the “House of Karma”, to discover how it influences our innermost being. Follow me as I explore this essential component of our natal chart.

House 11 In Astrology: Its Significance And Impact In A Birth Chart

Astrology is a tool that can shed light on our social life and our place in the community. Among the key elements of a natal chart, the astrological Houses hold a special place, each revealing unique facets of our existence. Today, I'm taking you on an interpretation of House 11, often called the House of Friends, to discover how it influences our relationships and aspirations. Follow me as I explore this essential component of our natal chart!

House 2 In Astrology

Astrology offers us invaluable keys to better understanding not only our personality, but also our relationship with material goods and financial security, and that's where the 2nd House comes in! Today, we're going to explore the 2nd House, often associated with personal resources and the value we place on ourselves. Let's decipher this essential component of our natal chart together.

House 1 In Astrology: Significance And Impact In A Birth Chart

Astrology is both fascinating and complex, but above all, it's rich in symbols and meanings that can help us better understand our personality or show us the path to self-fulfillment. Today, we turn to the astrological Houses and their influence. The 1st House, also known as... ascendant, is a central pivot in our natal chart. Together, I'll help you decipher this essential component of our natal chart.

House 10 In Astrology: Its Significance And Impact In A Birth Chart

Astrology is a great tool for introspection and personal development. Each element of a natal chart has its own importance and reveals unique aspects of our lives. Today, I invite you to discover the influence of the 10th House, often called the Midheaven, on our lives. Let's get to grips with this crucial component of our natal chart!

House 9 In Astrology: Its Significance And Impact In A Birth Chart

Astrology is a wonderful tool for better understanding our inner selves and our life path. In this respect, the astrological Houses play an essential role, each depicting different aspects of our existence. Today, we explore together the 9th House, often called the House of Philosophy, to discover how it influences our quest for meaning and our openness to the world. Follow me as we explore this crucial component of our natal chart!

House 8 In Astrology: Its Significance And Impact In A Birth Chart

Astrology is an interesting tool when you're seeking to better know and understand yourself. Among the essential elements of this research are the natal chart and the astrological Houses present in this natal chart. In turn, the 8th House reveals specific aspects of our existence. Associated with transformation and regeneration, to understand how it modifies our inner being, follow me in my exploration of this 8th House.

House 7 In Astrology: Significance And Impact In A Birth Chart

Astrology is a tool for better understanding and self-fulfillment. One of the key elements of astrology is the natal chart. Here, the astrological Houses take pride of place, each reflecting a particular area and facet of our existence. Today, I'd like to focus on the astrological House 7, also known as the Descendant, which influences our relationships. Follow me as we explore this essential component of our natal chart!

House 6 In Astrology

Astrology plunges us into a profound exploration of our inner self and our individuality. In a natal chart, the astrological Houses occupy a predominant place, each revealing specific facets of our personality. Today, we focus on House 6, the House of work and health, to decipher its influence in our lives. I'll tell you everything you need to know to analyze your 6th House!

House 5 In Astrology

Astrology, with its symbolic language and layers of meaning, offers a unique insight into our personality and life path. In addition to the zodiac and the planets, the astrological houses play a key role in reading a birth chart. Today, we're going to focus on the 5th House, also known as the “House of Pleasure and Creativity”. Join me as we explore this fascinating part of our natal chart.

House 4 In Astrology: Its Significance And Impact In A Birth Chart

Astrology offers us a fascinating mirror of our inner life and path of personal development. Among the key elements of a birth chart, the astrological Houses hold a special place, each revealing unique facets of our existence. Today, I'm taking you into the mysteries of the 4th House, often referred to as the Bottom of the Sky, to discover how it influences our innermost being. Follow me as I explore this essential component of our natal chart!

House 3 In Astrology: Its Significance And Impact In A Birth Chart

Astrology offers a unique insight into the different facets of our personality and our life path. Among the key elements of a natal chart, the astrological Houses occupy a special place, each revealing specific aspects of our existence. Let's take a look at the 3rd House, often associated with communication, learning and exchange. Together, let's explore the richness of this House and its influence on the way we think and express ourselves.