Taurus Compatibility: Who Will Sweep This Sign Of Their Feet?

Last updated by Susan Taylor

Taurus is certainly one of the most sensual signs of the zodiac, but beware, not everyone has what it takes to put up with them and their stubborn character… Indeed, their material and homely side could quickly annoy the freedom loving signs, including Sagittarius or Aquarius. But, that doesn't mean all is lost, because certain natives have exactly what it takes to melt the second star sign. Are you compatible with a Taurus? ❤️ Test the love compatibility between Taurus and other astrological signs, here.

Taurus Compatibility: Who Will Sweep This Sign Of Their Feet?
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Natives of this sign are born between April 20 and May 20 and belong to the Earth sign element group. Taurus' planet Venus blesses people born under this sign with undeniable charm, stability, and vision. To learn more about what these folks are like, consult the Taurus season.

Are you a Taurus and want to know which astrological signs you are compatible with? As a faithful and passionate partner and lover, you feel the safest being in a settled environment. 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 There is no way you'd match with someone dynamic and active, because they would wear you down and frustrate you. Instead, you need someone more grounded and who is happy to stay at home!

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Which zodiac sign has the highest compatibility with Taurus?

Best Compatibility

♉ - ♑ Taurus - Capricorn: They reassure each other
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Good Compatibility

♉ - ♏ Taurus - Scorpio: Different but complementary.
♥ ♥ ♥
Can Work

♉ - ♈ Taurus - Aries: Their sensuality brings them together.
♥ ♥ ♥

To be happy in a relationship, Taurus, you need to share the same values with your spouse. You match best with someone who is faithful, reasonable, loyal with a touch of madness. On the other hand, there's no way you'd want to be in a relationship with someone inconsistent and unreliable.

Click on the zodiac signs to reveal your perfect matches. If you are interested in dating a native of this sign, be sure to check out how to attract a Taurus man for our best tips, check out your Taurus daily horoscope.

What kind of man does the Taurus woman need?

A Taurus woman appreciates life's simple pleasures, stability and comfort. The perfect man for her is someone reliable, dedicated and patient. He must be able to provide emotional and material security.

The Taurus woman has a strong reluctance to change, so a stable, constant man is ideal for her. He must also be able to appreciate the finer things in life and share them with her. A romantic man, who is willing to take the time to woo and win her heart, would be most attractive to a Taurus woman 💓.

What does a Taurus woman's ideal man look like?

A Taurus woman's ideal man combines classic charm with a calm, steady presence. Physically, he might have strong, defined features that reflect his solid character: a sturdy stature, reassuring eyes and a sincere smile. He has a classic style and a calm, steady personality.  

💕 He's devoted, generous and protective. He resembles figures of stability and laid-back charm, in the image of George Clooney or a little side of Bridget Jones' Marc Darcy. He must be a committed and loyal partner, able to offer a comfortable and stable life, and share with her the simple pleasures of life. The ideal man for the Taurus woman is therefore devoted, patient, stable, romantic and able to enjoy the finer things in life with her.

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What kind of man does the Taurus man need?

For the stable, loyal and devoted Taurus man, you need a woman who shares his values of fidelity and commitment. He needs a woman who appreciates life's simple pleasures, like a candlelit dinner or a walk in nature. Attentive to detail, the Taurus man appreciates a woman who takes care of herself and has a keen sense of style. She should also be able to understand him, appreciate him and support him in his projects.

What does a Taurus man's ideal woman look like?

The ideal woman for a Taurus man has natural charm. She doesn't need to put on an artificial show to shine. She has that little something in her eyes that expresses both serenity and determination, a smile that warms the heart and skin that exudes health.

Likewise, she's as reassuring and reliable as he is. We think of a woman like Adele who emanates stability, warmth and an appreciation of life's pleasures. A woman who naturally combines elegance and discreet charm, with an innate sense for aesthetics and refinement.

Dear Taurus friends, click on the zodiac sign of the person in your thoughts to know if you are compatible or not.

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

Bad match. Caps lack sensuality, sense of beauty end emotions that Taurus craves. Although there is certain campatibility based on common temperaments (both are Earth signs), but true mutial understanding is almost impossible...

Josh 4 years ago

It's not true when the question is about love whatever sign you are what matters is your feelings and your emotions. Me and my partner is very happy though we both are Taurus. What mainly matters is understand your partner in any kind of situation rest signs or whatever it is has no value in love.

Titli 4 years ago

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