What You Need To Know About The Link Between The Planets And Astrology

Last updated by Susan Taylor

Astrology is the art of studying our solar system and understanding how its astral bodies affect us and our personalities. Susan Taylor, our very own astrologer, tells us everything we need to know about the planets and how they influence us. Come the end and there won't be a secret about the universe that you don't know, and you may even be able to better interpret your birth chart thanks to our insights.

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The planets that make up our solar system have a huge impact on our personalities, preferences and futures. You might not realize it, but the astral powers above have an effect on you, and have done since the moment you were born!

The planets of our solar system:

How do the planets affect us?

The impact of the planets is undeniable in Astrology. Each planet influences us on a daily basis and has the ability to lift our spirits or turn our worlds upside down. The most well-known example of this is Mercury retrograde, which is known for causing havoc whenever it’s in power.

It’s no surprise that the planets have such an effect on our day-to-day lives, as it was their exact position at the moment of our births that led to us being the way we are today.

The solar system is constantly in motion, meaning it’s always changing, and therefore, always exerting different effects on us. Venus, the planet of love, for example, can periodically bring about massive changes to our social life and relationships depending on where it is in the sky. That said, there are several factors that need to be taken into account when predicting the influence of the planets, such as:

  • Their relationship with other planets (conjunction, squared, triplicity e.g.)
  • Your natal chart: how will the planetary configuration affect your zodiac sign?
  • Whether a planet is in retrograde

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Solar system

What defines a planet?

The word ‘planet’ comes from the Latin ‘planetus’, which in turn originates from the Greek ‘planeta’. The planets in our solar system are defined as such as they’re all “extremely large masses of rock, metal and/or gas that orbit the Sun or another star”.

For an astral body to be classified as a planet, it must meet three criteria:

  • To be in orbit around the Sun
  • To be spherical
  • To be of such a size that it exerts a gravitational pull

>>> Find out when Saturn is retrograde.

Why isn't Pluto classed as a planet anymore?

As of 2006, Pluto was redefined as a ‘Dwarf Planet’ due to its gravitational pull being weak in comparison to the others. It has thousands of stars revolving around it, but its gravity fails to pull them in, and it’s for that reason that it lost its status as a planet.

That said, the Astrology world has decided to maintain Pluto’s position on the planet list, for despite its small size, it still exerts an enormous influence on each one of us. Let’s take a look at an example. The Sun in Leo tends to bring charisma and ambition to those that it affects, whereas if you put this in Conjunction with Pluto, then expect fresh anxiety and difficulties.

Pluto was not discovered until 1930, and whilst it was not initially recognized as having cosmic effects, modern astrologers have now come to recognize its importance and have included it in the Astrology world.

What is planetary retrograde, and how does it impact us?

From time to time, the planets have a tendency to grind to a halt before moving in the opposite direction. It’s this change in motion that many astrologers call ‘retrograde’. We observe the planets from Earth, and therefore it’s a common misconception that the planets are perfectly still- whereas in reality, they’re constantly in motion.

Retrograde frustration

A good example of this illusion is when you happen to be on a stationary train and your perception of a train moving in the opposite direction can appear as if it’s actually your train backing up!

Retrograde is known to completely reverse the effects that its planet normally exerts. For instance, Mercury aids with communication and sociability the majority of the time, but Mercury in retrograde has a habit of provoking misunderstandings and tensions in your social life. Indeed, retrogrades phases are known for causing chaos, so it’s during these periods that you should avoid making any big decisions or taking any risks.

>>> Well there we have it, you’re now an expert on the planets of our solar system. You know about the astral powers above, now it’s time to find out which planet rules over your sign to discover when you’ll be most affected.

Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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