What influence does Pluto have in each zodiac sign?
One must think big! Pluto remains in a sign for between 12 and 30 years (its orbit is irregular), so Pluto in a sign has a generational aspect rather than an individual one.
Pluto in Aries
Bold, you are endowed with inexhaustible energy. Risk doesn't frighten you. Passionate, you defend your convictions fervently. You are capable of charging ahead, fighting, fully engaging in what you believe in. However, you are capable of turning away overnight from what you once adored if you are disappointed. Avoid falling into aggression, violence, and instead highlight your lucidity and your formidable courage.
Pluto in Taurus
You are stubborn, a hard worker in your job, not easily satisfied. You are rather perfectionistic and have a lot of trouble adapting to changes. You prioritize security, protection above all. In love, you can indeed be very protective, very sensual, to the point sometimes of exaggerating and falling into possessiveness and jealousy (depending on the rest of the chart, of course). You often struggle to compromise. Financially, you are quite materialistic, thirsty for possessions.
Pluto in Gemini
You struggle to satisfy your great curiosity, you need to analyze and understand everything, your cerebral activity is intense to the point of sometimes causing mental agitation. You are more prone than others to worry. Depending on the rest of your chart, either you scatter yourself and your lack of concentration limits you. Or you are quite brilliant, capable of great creativity and fruitful ideas.
Pluto in Cancer
Your emotions are intense, deep; you possess a developed sixth sense and may even have premonition gifts. This can help you with your anxiety about the future and your fear of the unknown, which are more present in you. You sometimes show sensitivity for good or bad reasons. Indeed, you intuitively feel your surroundings, but sometimes misinterpret intentions and can develop a certain paranoia.
Pluto in Leo
You are rather proud and ambitious. You demand a lot from yourself, and even if you thirst for power, it comes with a certain rigor: you want to deserve things! You possess natural authority and magnetism. Depending on the rest of your chart, your domineering character, your need to assert yourself can lead you to bold, provocative behavior in relation to established ideas, conservatism… However, in your quest for recognition, you can also fall into exhibitionism, an elusive side, a quest for the absolute, difficulties in finding your identity.
Pluto in Virgo
Your analytical and critical mind gets to the bottom of things. You tackle problems by plunging into them deeply, which allows you to find explanations and often solutions. You are wary of strong impulses, violent instincts, and try to control them with reason. Quite anxious, you need to plan things, to secure and preserve your environment. Professions like psychologist, graphologist may suit you.
Pluto in Libra
You are a passionate person, extremely sensitive to the idea of choice, dilemma, judgment, justice. In search of perfect balance, you do not hesitate to make decisions, to question everything. Your thirst for truth can sometimes make you uncompromising. Your social life, your relationships with others are essential to your well-being, and yet you do not hesitate to upset your relationships due to perfectionism or extreme lucidity.
Pluto in Scorpio
Pluto is at home here since it is the ruling planet of Scorpio. It is comfortable here, it can unleash all its power, all its strength. With such a position of Pluto, you are somewhat extreme in your way of life, you detest lukewarmness, you seek passion in everything. You possess surprising resources, excellent regenerative power, you were born in a period of great changes, upheavals. For you, existence is in perpetual evolution. Nothing is ever fixed, nothing is ever acquired. Depending on the rest of your chart, you can adopt extremist behavior, be ready to do anything to get your way. Financially, you can achieve feats and then risk losing everything overnight...
Pluto in Sagittarius
You have a critical view of social structures, established things. You mistrust moralizers. You seek truth elsewhere, not necessarily the one you were taught. This can lead you to adventures in distant countries, discoveries of other influences, other cultures. It can also lead you to professions related to research, medicine, etc. Negatively, depending on the rest of the natal chart, this position of Pluto may lead you towards vanity, lack of scruples, political or religious indoctrination.
Pluto in Capricorn
Your extreme lucidity, excellent logical reasoning, and tenacity support you. Nevertheless, your defense mechanism can lead to a certain moral hardness, a certain individualism, a lack of solidarity. Out of fear of suffering, one may disregard one's feelings and emotions. One may focus on tangible things like extreme ambitions and adopt a distrust of human relationships, a refusal of concessions. The important thing for you is to go straight to the point, without being distracted by love or friendship. However, your sense of honor makes you a reliable person who detests empty words. (All of this is subject to nuance depending on the rest of the chart).
Pluto in Aquarius
This configuration is linked to the French Revolution and the birth of the United States of America. It gives you a progressive and rebellious spirit. You are in a perpetual quest for novelty, evolution, progress. If you feel stifled in an atmosphere you find suffocating (couple, living environment, work, country, politics, etc.), you do not hesitate to shake things up. Whether it's building or destroying, your mind is extremely pragmatic. Information concerning the future of humanity fascinates you; you love to learn. Depending on the rest of the chart, you can be very independent, individualistic to the point of having difficulty living as part of a couple, a family.
Pluto in Pisces
With Pluto in Pisces, we dive into the power of deep feelings, their expression, into lyricism. You are more sensitive to the suffering of others, which makes you more altruistic but at the same time, it can lead you into a destabilizing emotional spiral. You are often more lucid for others than for yourself. In love, for example, you can easily let yourself be overwhelmed, even drowned.
You need to feel strong emotions, you seek thrills, and if your life lacks magical moments, to your taste, it may lead you, depending on the rest of the natal chart, to dependencies (alcohol, drugs, religious fanaticism, etc.). On the positive side, if other planets help you to control these emotional currents, you are capable of great inspirations, great clarity, even mediumistic gifts.
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