Saturn Retrograde 2024 Is In Full Force - June 29 - November 15

Last updated by Susan Taylor

In 2024, Saturn will be retrograde from June 29 to November 15, in Pisces. This tense motion extends over a long period, and certainly won’t always be straightforward. That’s right, from the Earth, you will have the strange sensation that the planet is moving backward 🪐. However, this phase is a beneficial one in which we must review our objectives and question our personalities. This period invites us to change our family and professional habits too. Here’s how Saturn's retrograde motion will affect your zodiac sign this year.

Saturn Retrograde 2024 Is In Full Force - June 29 - November 15
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When is Saturn retrograde in 2024? 🗓️

  • From June 29 to November 15, 2024, in Pisces: Under Saturn retrograde in Pisces, we may be inclined to isolate ourselves more, withdraw into ourselves, and, for some, fall into melancholy and frustration due to shattered hopes. In our relationships, retrograde Saturn guides us. Meditation becomes a path to wisdom, helping us concretize our dreams while avoiding obsession. This period can reveal if we're sacrificing unjustly, reminding us that we have the means to realize our individuality.

Saturn governs the elements of time for an individual to build. Thus, the planet can refer to studies, agriculture, and construction… It is known as the planet of delays and also of limitations, meaning it has a very real meaning.

Saturn’s retrograde phase is always a favorable moment to consolidate the bases of our life and readjust our social function. Pushing us to internalize and to be able to lay a solid foundation for our personality, this Saturn retrograde motion has a real impact. Indeed, this is a timely and well-chosen moment to question our way of living, working, and imagining our social relationships 👫. Saturn is retrograde and encourages more moments of solitude. You need to withdraw regularly to better understand others and come back even stronger.

  • ❌ What you shouldn’t do during this period: Start a construction project.
  • ✔️ The best thing to do during this phase is to continue with a task you've paused and take some time for yourself, in a quiet environment.

>>> Discover; Who is the most evil zodiac sign?

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What are the effects of Saturn in retrograde?

When this planet is retrograde, take advantage of this period to reflect on your relationships and the idea of time. Visualize the obstacles that will allow you to prevent you from continuing your projects in the long term. Alternatively, you can also define your sense of duty.

Use the strength of your world to withdraw and better support others. This planetary motion encourages notions of honesty and patience, thorough deep introspection. To come back stronger and more serene in the face of your convictions and ideas, take time out for yourself 💡. This could be the key to solving problems. It is above all with hindsight that you will be able to carry out the projects that are so important to you.

This motion requires a lot of patience and intellectual honesty in order to remain stable. You need to move forward slowly but surely! It will push you towards deep introspection in order to feel surer of your convictions as soon as it becomes direct again. You will thus be able to move forward with determination and unblock unresolved issues.


This internalization is sometimes expressed in the form of restraint. Previous experiences mean that you tend to hold back and have difficulty expressing your emotions. Leave these principles behind and add more flexibility and tolerance to your life.

What Saturn retrograde effects will be felt most between June 29 to November 15?

  • Review and reassess goals: Saturn retrograde prompts a period of reflection on long-term goals and ambitions, encouraging a reevaluation of current plans and strategies.
  • Confronting responsibilities: This retrograde highlights areas where responsibilities have been neglected, urging individuals to take accountability and make necessary adjustments.
  • Relationship challenges: Issues in relationships may surface, requiring patience and commitment to resolve longstanding problems and strengthen bonds.
  • Career and authority issues: Professional life and authority figures might be sources of tension, leading to a reevaluation of career paths and positions of power.
  • Inner growth and discipline: It’s a time for personal growth, fostering greater self-discipline and a more structured approach to overcoming obstacles.
  • Delayed progress: Expect slowdowns or delays in projects, pushing for a thorough examination and solid foundation before moving forward.

⚠ Warning:

Under Saturn retrograde, one can easily fall into a certain melancholy. Work on yourself and concentrate on the essentials to avoid small depressions.

How will your zodiac sign manage during this phase?

Scroll through to your zodiac sign to find out how you will experience this period - what effects do other planetary retrogrades have on you?

  • Aries

    Aries is less impulsive during this period. Decreased energy and a good deal of dissatisfaction will be plentiful. You're going to have to keep a cool head.

Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

Please state the time the planets go makes a huge difference.

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FAQ: Retrograde Survival Readings

What are the benefits of understanding retrograde periods? ▼

Understanding retrograde periods can provide you with insights into potential challenges and opportunities. It can help you make informed decisions, find clarity, and navigate through these times with greater ease and confidence.

What can I expect during a retrograde survival reading? ▼

During a retrograde survival reading, the psychic will interpret the significance of the current retrograde period and how it affects you. You may receive insights about your life path, answers to your questions, and practical advice to help you navigate through this challenging time.

Do you offer any introductory offers for new clients? ▼

Yes, we offer 3 free minutes for new clients to help you get started and experience our services. This allows you to connect with a psychic and get a feel for the reading before committing to a full session.

How should I prepare for a retrograde survival reading? ▼

To prepare for a retrograde survival reading, find a quiet and comfortable space where you won't be disturbed. Have an open mind and heart, and consider writing down any questions or specific concerns you have about the retrograde period beforehand.

Are the readings confidential? ▼

Yes, all readings are completely confidential. Your privacy is our top priority, and we ensure that your personal information and the details of your reading are kept secure.

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