What are the effects of Saturn in retrograde?
When this planet is retrograde, take advantage of this period to reflect on your relationships and the idea of time. Visualize the obstacles that will allow you to prevent continuing your projects in the long term. Alternatively, you can also define your sense of duty.
Use the strength of your world to withdraw and better support others. This planetary motion encourages notions of honesty and patience, through deep introspection. To come back stronger and more serene in the face of your convictions and ideas, take time out for yourself 💡. This could be the key to solving problems. It is above all with hindsight that you will be able to carry out the projects that are so important to you.
This motion requires a lot of patience and intellectual honesty in order to remain stable. You need to move forward slowly but surely! It will push you towards deep introspection in order to feel surer of your convictions as soon as it becomes direct again. You will thus be able to move forward with determination and unblock unresolved issues.

This internalization is sometimes expressed in the form of restraint. Previous experiences mean that you tend to hold back and have difficulty expressing your emotions. Leave these principles behind and add more flexibility and tolerance to your life.
Please state the time the planets go direct...it makes a huge difference.
Lisa Price, 4 years ago