Why Saturn Is Important Astrology + What It Means In Each House

Last updated by Susan Taylor

You might think you know everything you need to know about the ‘Ringed Planet’, but we’re here to tell you that you’re very much mistaken. Susan Taylor, our very own astrologer, spills Saturn’s biggest secrets, from its symbolism to its mythology! You'll soon understand why it plays such an important role in astrology and our birth charts.

Why Saturn Is Important Astrology + What It Means In Each House

Saturn in Pisces until 2025: Our efforts will be rewarded

I mentioned in my yearly horoscope the arrival of Saturn in Pisces ♓: "Since March 7, 2023, Saturn has entered the sign of Pisces. The initiatives you took in the past are now bearing fruit.You may benefit from a promotion or an improvement in your working conditions. Persevere because Saturn grants nothing without effort, but if you know how to work with it, you will be rewarded. Saturn in Pisces helps you shape your inspirations to better bring them to life."

Just like Pluto entering Aquarius, Saturn is a slow-moving planet. The slow planets are Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. They are, in this order, increasingly distant from the Sun. Naturally, their revolution around the Sun takes longer and longer. However, Saturn is the fastest of the slow planets! Saturn completes its orbit around the Sun in about 29 and a half years. It transits through an astrological sign for about 2 and a half years ▶️ In March 2023, Saturn left the sign of Aquarius to enter Pisces, where it will remain until May 2025 😯.

The slower a planet, the rarer its transits, so:
➡️ it triggers more impactful events
➡️ more impact on global energies
➡️ more impact on our individual lives as well.

Saturn in Pisces

Saturn brings structure where you have lacked discipline. Sacrifices may be necessary, but at the same time, you will feel like you're making progress rather than just daydreaming, hoping your dreams will magically come true.

Susan Taylor

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And you, where is Saturn in your Natal Chart? What effect does it have on your personality?

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Saturn in Pisces: For which zodiac signs is this good news?

The arrival of Saturn in Pisces from March 7 will awaken our consciousness. It may help some detach from materialistic obsessions 🤑. As a result, we may be more easily moved by the difficulties of others, and depending on our sign and nature, we may want to contribute to improving the living conditions of certain people. On the other hand, for others, depending on Saturn’s position in their natal chart, there may be a tendency to give up, feeling overwhelmed by events and quickly discouraged.

Saturn in Pisces should help us manage our frustrations and control our emotions to avoid falling into selfishness or vanity. It will seem important to us to contribute to improving human relationships 🤝 and to distance ourselves from excessive consumerism and materialism.

  • 👍 For Capricorn, Taurus, Cancer, and Scorpio, this is good news as the "Old Sage" will help them consolidate projects or realize wishes or ideas.
  • 👎 For Pisces, Virgo, Gemini, and Sagittarius, it will be more complicated as Saturn will tend to slow things down and make them more laborious, forcing them to think and let their projects and desires mature before acting.
  • 🤷 For Aries, Leo, Libra, and Aquarius, it will depend on the sector in which Saturn has an impact.
If you were born in 1994, 1995, up to mid-1996, or between 1964 and early 1967...
Saturn in transit is returning to its natal position in Pisces. This is called Saturn’s return to itself. This represents an important milestone of maturation for you. A cycle is ending, the Saturnian loop is complete, you have matured, built things, and now you will take stock of everything you have accomplished so far to enter a new phase of life. This phase may mark a new beginning by helping you eliminate what seems secondary or superfluous, whether materially, intellectually, or emotionally.

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Saturn in Astrology: The planet of structure

Saturn is a planet of great importance in astrology. It has a significant influence in a natal chart as well as in predictive techniques. In transit or other predictive techniques, Saturn often brings a concrete, tangible, decisive event or an atmosphere that no one can ignore!

In a natal chart, it can be constructive, structuring, or frustrating. It represents both lack and, therefore, greed! (e.g., Saturn poorly aspected to Venus in a natal chart will result in a personality always seeking proof of love, and even when loved, feeling like it’s never enough!)

Be careful, Saturn often has a bad reputation, and it’s true that it can cause breakups or job losses, but it doesn’t act alone: in such cases, other planets are also in discord at that time! Moreover, when well-positioned, Saturn is a powerful ally! It consolidates a professional position (well-aspected to the Sun), strengthens a relationship (trine to Venus), and encourages success and self-confidence (trine to Jupiter). Saturn also structures, secures, and limits (preventing excess). In some charts, it can also represent the father.

The influence of Saturn according to its position in the House

Depending on its placement in the zodiac and in the astrological houses, Saturn’s influence varies.

Saturn in the 1st House

You are a reasonable, stable, and courageous person who takes responsibility seriously. You are wary of emotions and instincts. You don’t hesitate to walk away if a situation or person endangers you or disrupts your inner peace. Moments of isolation don’t scare you because they allow you to reflect. People appreciate your maturity and inner wisdom. You are loyal and offer unwavering support and security to your loved ones.

Saturn in the 2nd House

In this house, you may feel a constant dissatisfaction regarding finances. Even if you are wealthy, you may feel like it’s never enough, or you may naturally lack comfort initially... In any case, this leads to a strong need to secure your material future. Thus, Saturn gives you a sense of saving. You accumulate wealth. You regularly analyze your financial situation, and if necessary, you find ways to save. Your need for reassurance through possessions can also manifest in intellectual or spiritual acquisitions.

Saturn in the 3rd House

You are not the most communicative person in general, and even with your close circle, you are not very demonstrative... You are quite cautious in your social relationships. You hate superficiality and focus on essential relationships, but this can sometimes lead to isolation. You are a rather studious and cerebral person. You need to deepen your knowledge and thoroughly address the problems that arise... Your good sense of analysis serves your practical sense. Your caution and composure often make you the master of situations.

Saturn in the 4th House

This position of Saturn is one of exile—chosen or imposed. You may feel the desire or the obligation to thrive outside your original environment or country... With Saturn in the 4th house, the native may have had a frustrating relationship with their parents or one parent during childhood, leading to abandonment issues or inner insecurity. In fact, their emotional side may not have been heard as they wished, and they may have felt too much severity directed at them. They may have been loved but not in the way they wanted. In response, someone with Saturn in the 4th house may cut ties with their family of origin or, conversely, remain very loyal to them (even if geographically distant). With Saturn in the 4th house, you have a strong sense of family responsibility and take pride in providing security to your own household.

Saturn in the 5th House

With Saturn in the 5th house, the native may be somewhat defensive about their emotions and feelings, finding it hard to fully indulge in life’s pleasures. In love, they may want to commit early, but if hurt, rejected, or abandoned, they may fall into a pattern of multiple conquests without emotional involvement, out of fear of suffering again. This position of Saturn may also push the native to impose responsibilities on their eldest child early on, sometimes in a rather severe and heavy-handed manner... Saturn in the 5th house is also found in the charts of those who become parents later in life.

Saturn in the 6th House

Saturn in the 6th house brings many demands from the native regarding their work, daily life, and health. They are conscientious and serious but may be intolerant and struggle to accept that others are not as detail-oriented. This can lead to difficulties adapting to teamwork or daily life. It can also cause discouragement and a constant dissatisfaction with their own work. Natives with Saturn in the 6th house are often very cautious about their health, adhering to strict hygiene rules, specialized diets, etc.

Saturn in the 7th House

Natives with Saturn in the 7th house are often very cautious and mistrustful in their relationships. They don’t commit lightly and seek stability and loyalty in others. They are often sincere, stable, and faithful individuals who can be relied upon. Their partnerships, associations, and contracts are likely to last. With Saturn in the 7th house, one may marry later in life or with someone significantly older. In the past, this position often indicated marriages of convenience or obligation, which could lead to loneliness within the relationship.

Saturn in the 8th House

Natives with Saturn in the 8th house want to control their instincts and are wary of their subconscious messages, sexuality, and impulses. Their relationship with death is ambiguous (either rejection or attraction to the idea of the afterlife, a pessimistic view of death, etc.), and they may have been marked by a significant loss. These natives transform through suffering and often emerge stronger after a major crisis or tragedy. This position can be favorable for longevity if Saturn is not negatively aspected. Saturn in the 8th house may also indicate a burdensome inheritance or debts to assume for their parents, etc.

Saturn in the 9th House

Saturn in the 9th house can lead to skepticism about beliefs, philosophies, religions, and ideas... One may have blinders on and only accept their own theories. These natives may be deeply atheist or have a need to delve into traditional subjects, origins, and the influences of upbringing to form their own opinions. A person with Saturn in the 9th house may develop a distrust of foreigners or traditions different from their own. They may also develop an interest in travel later in life. In general, these natives do not fear solitude and need to regularly retreat to meditate. This position also encourages long studies and specializations.

Saturn in the 10th House

In most cases, natives with Saturn in the 10th house have a strong need for social recognition and great ambitions. Moreover, once they reach the top, they find it hard to "let go." Their fulfillment depends on their social success, and the more frustrations they encounter in their private life, the more their need for social advancement consumes them. To achieve this, natives with Saturn in the 10th house may work seriously and tirelessly and be exemplary in their tenacity. Saturn in the 10th house is often found in the charts of politicians, business leaders, and individuals with significant professional responsibilities. However, in some natives and depending on the aspects Saturn receives, this position can lead to a total rejection of ambition. It may also represent a parent (father or mother, depending on the astrological school) who had a structuring but very/too strict attitude toward the native.

Saturn in the 11th House

Saturn in the 11th house pushes the native to be selective in their friendships. They are not comfortable in groups or communities and are wary of social networks. In friendships, they prefer quality over quantity. They are often loyal and offer excellent advice because they know how to take the necessary distance to help effectively, prioritizing logical analysis over emotions. Natives with Saturn in the 11th house may benefit from the support of older, more mature individuals.

Saturn in the 12th House

Natives with Saturn in the 12th house may be rigid and extremely demanding, imprisoning themselves or sabotaging their own efforts out of fear of disappointment or following a significant trial. These individuals may feel blocked, inhibited, lack confidence, and struggle to confront the outside world. As a result, they often isolate themselves to avoid suffering. However, while solitude allows them to regenerate, too much solitude causes them pain. In the face of adversity, natives with Saturn in the 12th house are often more resilient and stoic. Time works in their favor, and maturity brings them comfort as they learn to overcome their shortcomings. Saturn in the 12th house may appear in the charts of those who lacked protection and security from their parents (or one parent), even if they were loved... The child had to rely on themselves very early on, which later makes them a quickly mature, responsible adult, but one who is not at peace internally. This is also an aspect of deep pessimism, which can be balanced or even eliminated through spiritual pursuits, meditation, prayer, psychotherapy, personal development work, etc.

Saturn’s Influence in Astrology

  • Positive Influence: Wisdom, patience, reflection, ambition, rigor, sense of responsibility, analytical skills, concentration, solidity, maturity, perseverance, endurance, tenacity, method, integrity, patience, security...
  • Negative Influence: Austerity, frustration, severity, isolation, coldness, inhibition, complexes, absolutism, obsessiveness, slowness, greed...
  • Symbolically, Saturn represents: Structure, Time, old age, patriarch, father, grandfather, elder, scientist, researcher, gravedigger, solitude, distancing, introversion, materialization, limitation...

Saturn in the zodiac signs: What influence does it have?

Where is Saturn in your natal chart? Depending on the zodiac sign in which your Saturn is located, the influence will vary.

SignSaturn's InfluenceKey Traits
♈ AriesChallenging PositionDifficulty with follow-through, potential stubbornness, leadership challenges
♉ TaurusFavorable PositionPatient, persistent, materially stable, sometimes too rigid
♊ GeminiMixed InfluenceDual nature, strong analytical abilities, potential concentration issues
♋ CancerChallenging PositionCreative but emotional struggles, maturity issues, hidden feelings
♌ LeoStrong PositionAmbitious, determined, potential for authority issues
♍ VirgoFavorable PositionMethodical, analytical, excellent practical sense, can be too perfectionist
♎ LibraStrong PositionFair-minded, selective in relationships, can be overly critical
♏ ScorpioPowerful PositionDeep analytical abilities, good self-control, potential internal conflicts
♐ SagittariusMixed InfluenceDisciplined approach to growth, can be too rigid in beliefs
♑ CapricornHome PositionHighly ambitious, disciplined, can be too serious or pessimistic
♒ AquariusStrong PositionInnovative, independent, good at predicting trends
♓ PiscesComplex PositionIntuitive, compassionate, can struggle with practical matters

Saturn in Aries

Saturn, a serious, calm, and rather slow and thoughtful planet, is here in a sign that is its opposite. It is therefore uncomfortable with this configuration. You may struggle to follow through with your actions, stay focused on the long term, or avoid discouragement. Depending on the rest of your chart, you may also become extremely stubborn, refuse to listen to others' advice, and insist on doing things your way, possibly even becoming authoritarian.

Saturn in Taurus

Saturn in Taurus gives you great qualities of patience and perseverance. Your thinking is deep, and long-term planning doesn’t scare you. You are stable and loyal to your commitments. Realistic, you have your feet on the ground, which contributes to your material balance. You are like an unshakable oak tree. Once you’re settled, you’re settled... Conservative and sometimes moralistic, you find it hard to change or take new initiatives, as habits reassure you, making you hesitant to embrace life’s experiences.

Saturn in Gemini

This position of Saturn in a dual sign can create a certain duality in the native. You can be joyful, light-hearted, and playful while regularly being overwhelmed by a more critical, darker, highly lucid, and sometimes fatalistic nature. This strengthens your power of reflection and concentration. However, depending on the rest of your natal chart, you may also experience concentration issues and mental scatter.

Saturn in Cancer

Saturn, the planet of old age and coldness, is here in a childlike, sensitive sign. You have a certain gift for combining dreams and logic, imagination and realism: this can serve you well in artistic activities. Saturn here raises the question of maturity: either you lack it, or you are precocious. In any case, you often reflect on the relationship with age, time, and whether or not you accept growing older. You also tend to hide your emotions, which are nonetheless very strong. You enjoy isolation but sometimes suffer from it as well. Depending on the rest of your chart, you may be melancholic, pessimistic, anxious, and sometimes cyclothymic.

Saturn in Leo

Your strong will and need to assert yourself can make you authoritarian or even domineering. You want to make all the decisions yourself, and you work toward your ambitions with clarity and determination, but sometimes your pride borders on vanity, and you lack perspective. In your relationships with others, you dislike those who complain, don’t take control of their lives, or repeatedly fail. You want to win but with honesty, as you despise cowardice, mediocrity, and lies.

Saturn in Virgo

Saturn, the planet of solitude and detachment, is here in an introverted sign. You are rather shy and cautious. You need order and method to move forward more calmly in your endeavors. With a generally calm temperament, you are often surprised or disturbed by the passionate reactions of others, which you may find excessive or inappropriate. Don’t become misanthropic! You have an excellent practical sense, an astonishing analytical mind, and a love for research, studies, mathematics, accounting, and management... However, be careful not to get lost in details or become too hard on yourself, leading to frustration.

Saturn in Libra

Saturn cools down your grand emotional outbursts here. This strengthens your judgment and clarity but sometimes prevents you from truly letting go. Your acute sense of justice can make you intransigent and push you to judge others with a very sharp critical mind. This position of Saturn makes you more hesitant and less sociable, but at the same time, you save the best of yourself for those closest to you. In love, depending on the rest of your chart, you may be pessimistic, wary, and hyper-selective.

Saturn in Scorpio

Saturn, the planet of reason, is here in a sign of impulse and instinct. It helps you avoid getting lost in overwhelming passions. Thanks to Saturn, you are more of a "cool head" than a "hothead." You have excellent analytical abilities, both of your environment and yourself. Your critical mind quickly puts you back on the right track. This position of Saturn therefore balances the excesses and turmoil associated with Scorpio’s fiery nature. It’s an excellent combination for finding inner balance. However, depending on the rest of your chart, you may, on the negative side, be caught in a constant conflict between instinct and reason, leading to perpetual dissatisfaction that could even result in a desire for destruction.

Saturn in Sagittarius

You demonstrate rigor and patience in achieving your goals. You have a thirst for learning, intellectual growth, and expanding your knowledge. You enjoy challenges and adventure but also know how to calculate risks and avoid setbacks. Your personality may have two tendencies, unless you are entirely one way or the other, depending on the rest of your natal chart. Indeed, this configuration can make you generous, determined, humanistic, and honest, despite your love for competition. However, it can also make you intransigent, presumptuous, and moralistic, etc.

Saturn in Capricorn

Saturn is the ruling planet of Capricorn. It is at home here and can fully express itself. Saturnian and Capricornian qualities are therefore heightened: integrity, rigor, seriousness, maturity, clarity, ambition, perseverance, stability, patience, independence, individualism... On the negative side, you may also fall into mistrust, pessimism, skepticism, lack of spontaneity, and become a solitary misanthrope.

Saturn in Aquarius

Saturn is at home here, but it is made more flexible by Aquarius’s second ruler, Uranus. You are quite ambitious, persistent, and clear-sighted. You have a keen sense of opportunity, which makes you highly effective. You know how to seize opportunities, and you don’t fear standing out because your individualistic nature doesn’t shy away from solitude. On the positive side, depending on the rest of your chart, you may go far in research, cutting-edge techniques, and predicting what will work in the future. On the negative side, you may scatter your energy and fail to complete any of your projects.

Saturn in Pisces

Saturn, the planet of analysis, reason, and detachment, is here in a sign of intuition, imagination, and feelings. It helps you better understand your emotions, analyze your impressions, and focus more on your intuitive abilities. Your clarity may border on clairvoyance. Materially, you are capable of letting go, which makes life easier for you. Sensitive to the distress of others, you may want to implement concrete initiatives to help, but sometimes, depending on the rest of your chart, you may succumb to discouragement, dramatization of situations, or chronic depression.


6 Key points to know about Saturn

  • Apparent Solar Revolution (time it takes for the planet to orbit the zodiac and return to its starting point): 29 and a half years
  • Element associated with Saturn: Earth
  • Body part associated with Saturn: Skeleton, skin
  • Physical function associated with Saturn: Elimination, protection, structuring, crystallization, contraction...
  • Metal associated with Saturn: Lead
  • Day associated with Saturn: Saturday

Saturn in Astronomy: A giant planet

Saturn orbits the Sun at an average distance of 1.4 billion kilometers. Saturn is a giant planet, like Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune. The second-largest planet, with a diameter of 121,000 kilometers, it is best known for its rings, composed mainly of ice particles and dust. Saturn is a gas planet. Like Jupiter, it rotates very quickly on its axis, in about ten hours, and is primarily composed of hydrogen and helium, as evidenced by its very low density. It is the most distant planet in the solar system observable to the naked eye in the night sky from Earth. Its rotation around the Sun takes about 29 and a half years.

Saturn in Mythology: God of time and agriculture

Saturn is the deity of sowing and vine cultivation, and he is associated with Chronos. The son of Gaia, he escaped as a child from his father Ouranos-Uranus, who, jealous of his offspring, had eliminated them. Saturn took revenge by castrating him with a sickle and then ruled the heavens in his father’s place. Later, he would, in turn, kill his children (whom he had with his sister Ops or Rhea) by swallowing them to prevent them from taking his place...! Jupiter escaped and later found Saturn, making him vomit his other children and thus saving them. Jupiter then ruled, and Saturn had to flee, eventually being taken in by Janus.

Susan Taylor’s insights: The Universe speaks to us

The planets have a very important influence, they exert a strong and determining influence. By studying your natal chart, a qualified astrologer will be able to tell you a lot about you, your personality, your expectations and the events to come. If you have any questions, if you have any doubts, you can ask him/her to help you.

- The future is mine -

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Article presented by
Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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