Uranus In Astrology, Destructive Or Creative Forces

Last updated by Susan Taylor

In astrology, it's imperative to know the meaning of the planets and their power over our destiny. Among them is Uranus, which is known as the planet of evolution, meaning it is of paramount importance when it comes to your birth chart. Want to know more about the “Bull’s Eye” planet? Our very own astrologer, Susan Taylor, spills the secrets on the third biggest planet, including its symbolism, its influence and its mythology!

Uranus In Astrology, Destructive Or Creative Forces

Uranus in Astrology: The planet of change

Uranus represents the unpredictable, sudden movements, impulses, and destructive or creative forces. In a natal chart, it highlights originality, independence of mind, inventiveness, non-conformity, the need for freedom, but also nervous tension and abruptness...

It is the scientist, the visionary, representing new technologies... In transit or other predictive techniques, it triggers sudden, inevitable events that change the situation, inviting (whether we like it or not!) a new path.

  • Positive Influence: Independence, willpower, creativity, avant-gardism, progress, solidarity, emancipation, reactivity, freedom, originality, love at first sight, pleasant surprises...
  • Negative Influence: Selfishness, impulsiveness, eccentricity, marginality, rebellion, hysteria, loss of control, accidents, fires, explosions, cuts...
  • Symbolically, Uranus represents: Innovation, invention, novelty, change, individuality, electronic waves, astrology, aeronautics, friendship, rhythm, the future, science fiction, surprises...

Uranus represents the unpredictable, sudden movements, impulses, and destructive or creative forces. Discover the dates of Uranus Retrograde.

Susan Taylor

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And you? Where is Uranus in your Natal Chart? What influence does it have?

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The influence of Uranus according to its position in Astrological Houses

But first, what is an astrological house? Not sure yet? Then check out our article on the topic: Astrological houses: What role do they play? What do they mean?

Uranus in the 1st House

You are a rather nervous, restless, dynamic, and often impatient person. Early on, you feel the need to assert your originality, seeking to stand out from others because you feel different. It doesn’t matter if you’re sometimes alone against everyone. You tend to build yourself up in opposition to things, often in a revolutionary way, but you also propose new ideas. Physically, you like to stand out with eccentric outfits or other unique traits...

Uranus in the 2nd House

Be cautious of financial instability, often due to somewhat adventurous financial behavior. You like taking risks to earn more, but at the same time, you find it hard to save. Managing finances bores you, and you want to remain free from material constraints, which is manageable if you’re single but more complicated if you start a family.

Uranus in the 3rd House

Your opinions are very personal, and you don’t let yourself be influenced. You have a deep need to express yourself freely. People may find you passionate and authoritative in your speech. Sometimes, your impulsiveness can lead to mistakes. There may be a break with siblings. You might be highly interested in technical fields, computing, electronics, astrology, etc., during your studies.

Uranus in the 4th House

Uranus, the explosive planet of rupture and surprises, the star of independence, is here in the House of family... This position may indicate that you broke ties with your family early on or live very independently from them. In your own home, you only thrive with people who respect your great need for freedom. If not, you disappear overnight. You may resist settling down in a particular home, leading you to move frequently without ever feeling fully at home.

Uranus in the 5th House

You can be very surprising and original in your creativity, and you may also pass on "unusual" talents like magnetism, astrology, or teaching new techniques... If you have children, you like to encourage their independence early on, and you may even have children unexpectedly. You seek diverse pleasures and novel distractions; otherwise, you get bored quickly... In love, you are prone to love at first sight but may also experience sudden breakups due to your highly independent nature.

Uranus in the 6th House

You find it difficult to tolerate order, routine, and constraints... In your profession, you need an independent activity, and if not, you seek as much freedom as possible in your role or position... Be careful of burnout. You may also quit and change careers regularly if you don’t feel useful enough or lack freedom. Health-wise, watch out for work-related accidents or psychosomatic issues.

Uranus in the 7th House

Uranus in the astrological House of partnership and marriage can be explosive or destabilizing for your relationships. You need to be constantly surprised by your partner. In love, you primarily seek intellectual complicity. In any commitment you make, you look for an escape route in case you want to free yourself. Your agreements are often temporary. This position of Uranus can lead to unconventional unions.

Uranus in the 8th House

Uranus puts you under tension. Your subconscious may prompt you to act impulsively. You have sudden desires and urges that you seek to fulfill quickly. If not, you easily provoke disputes. Sudden questioning doesn’t scare you; you run toward life’s experiences without fear, even if it sometimes hurts, but you feel like you’re progressing and getting to know yourself better. You are one of those who rise from the ashes. Meditation, prayer, and relaxation techniques can help you manage these powerful forces within you.

Uranus in the 9th House

You are a person of ideas. You love to develop and share them. You seek to free yourself from conventions and traditions and are quite progressive. You may be interested in long-distance travel, the evolution of beings and things. You might excel in psychology or modern techniques... Whatever your ideas, this position of Uranus can lead to philosophical or political radicalism.

Uranus in the 10th House

Your professional destiny may take 180-degree turns, be chaotic, but at the same time, you shouldn’t get bored. You constantly need to take on new challenges, evolve, or progress. You may even wear multiple hats at once. You could excel in computing or techniques that are constantly evolving. You avoid monotonous activities. Independent professions suit you well because they involve freedom and challenges.

Uranus in the 11th House

More than others, you may encounter important friendships throughout your life that give you a push, a spark to evolve differently. You may have many "instant connections" that boost you but don’t necessarily last. You may also get involved in collective projects, in groups that seek to change mentalities, networks that want to change the world, etc. This position of Uranus can give visionary, revolutionary, and extremely inventive minds.

Uranus in the 12th House

Your mind is constantly racing, and you’re full of ideas and inspirations. This can even cause difficulty sleeping. You may have great skills as an astrologer or therapist... Yoga, meditation, and prayer can help you avoid mood swings or depression... You may face a challenge that will turn your life upside down. In any case, when faced with difficulties, you react quickly and always try to handle things on your own, without relying on others.

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Uranus in the zodiac signs: What influence does it have?

Uranus stays in a zodiac sign for about 7 years. Since 7 years is a long time, Uranus in a sign is considered more of a generational influence rather than an individual one.

Uranus in Aries

You are enthusiastic, energetic, and often impulsive. You always seek to go faster, further, and simplify your life. There’s no need for you to beat around the bush; you charge straight ahead even if it means forgetting to make concessions sometimes. You invest yourself passionately to achieve your goals. In your relationships, people may find you quick-tempered or even tyrannical (depending on the rest of your natal chart).

Uranus in Taurus

The planet of freedom, progress, and innovation is here in a very conservative sign. When you seek to evolve, it’s to improve your comfort, living conditions, and security. You remain reasonable and avoid taking risks. You are very loyal to your convictions and try to follow a strict line of conduct, even when faced with changes imposed by life. You don’t like upheavals, but you know how to turn them into something constructive.

Uranus in Gemini

The explosive planet is here in a nervous sign 💥. Your mind is constantly buzzing, which can lead you to spread yourself too thin and burn out quickly. You struggle to finish your projects because you crave novelty and movement... In your relationships, your changing moods can leave others bewildered. However, depending on the rest of your natal chart, this configuration can give you excellent reflexes, a very sharp mind, a free, non-conformist personality, sometimes playful, sometimes provocative.

Uranus in Cancer

Uranus, the planet of the future, is here in a sign deeply attached to the past. Often nostalgic, you find it hard to project yourself into the future. This can make you wary, and you may not trust your instincts or your ability to defend yourself and adapt to life’s circumstances. Depending on the rest of your natal chart, this configuration may push you to form familial bonds outside of your own family to find a refuge (for example, being extremely attached to your sports team, a group that shares your views, your friends, etc.).

Uranus in Leo

You seek to master your instincts for greater efficiency, and when you succeed, it encourages you to go even further. You are an independent, passionate, and somewhat rebellious person with a strong sense of decision-making. You need to feel free in your choices, but at the same time, you may become authoritarian and impose your decisions on others. This can lead to instability in your relationships. Depending on the rest of your natal chart, you may fear attachment due to a fear of losing your freedom.

Uranus in Virgo

This position of Uranus can spark in you a keen curiosity for science 🧪 and technology, for research, and for anything useful. You may also possess great manual dexterity, a sharp sense of detail, excellent, precise reflexes, and strong concentration, making you highly efficient. However, depending on the rest of your chart, your high level of nervousness may work against you.

Uranus in Libra

You tend to wait for the right moment to act, and you may hesitate for a long time between the need for independence and the difficulty of freeing yourself from the ties you’ve formed with others. However, you can surprise everyone by suddenly imposing your choices and decisions. In such cases, nothing and no one can make you turn back. You know what you want and what you don’t want. You may even become intransigent and sometimes ruthless in your judgments.

Uranus in Scorpio

You stand out from others with your independent, non-conformist, and often provocative spirit. You make decisions quickly and instinctively. Your reflexes are excellent. To achieve your goals, you sometimes use unconventional methods. You hate the idea of belonging to a group or a crowd, even if it means rebelling and defying the rules. You enjoy controversy. Anything different or strange attracts you. On the positive side, you constantly question yourself and evolve throughout your life, but on the negative side, your constant rebellions can exhaust those around you or bring instability to your life.

Uranus in Sagittarius

You are dynamic, optimistic, and very daring. You have an entrepreneurial spirit, even to the point of being a bit too bold at times, depending on the rest of your natal chart. Attached to performance, you love to push your limits. You are interested in progress, competition, and the evolution of techniques. You have a thirst for knowledge and experiences, and you can’t sit still. You may channel your love for exploration and discovery into long journeys or studies.

Uranus in Capricorn

Uranus, the planet of freedom, is here in a very independent sign. You primarily seek autonomy and emancipation, even if it means sometimes being individualistic. Very ambitious, you go straight to the point. Your clarity, common sense, and logical reasoning often allow you to achieve your socio-professional goals. However, you remain cautious and avoid risky paths. On the negative side, depending on the rest of your chart, you may fall into opportunism, egocentrism, intransigence, etc.

Uranus in Aquarius

Uranus is at home here, so it is very comfortable. "Whoever loves me, follows me," but if they don’t, it doesn’t bother you. You are a very independent, dynamic, and enterprising person who moves forward and can’t stand slowness or the hesitations of those who lag behind. Persistent, you pursue your ambitions and desires, no matter the difficulties. Your original mind doesn’t fear standing out from others or embracing new trends. Your ability to anticipate future events, trends, and behaviors makes you an avant-gardist. Depending on the rest of your natal chart, the risk is falling into utopia and instability.

Uranus in Pisces

Uranus, the explosive and nervous planet, is here in a sign of letting go and contemplation. This can create paradoxes and anxieties. You may be torn between a deep desire for independence and a fear of displeasing or disturbing others. As a result, you may get lost in indecision, adopt ambiguous behavior, and then disappear or flee a situation overnight. On the positive side, this configuration can make you clairvoyant, gifted in artistic endeavors, and humanitarian activities.

Uranus in Astronomy: The ice giant planet

The planet Uranus, a cold Neptune-type planet, is located 2.87 billion kilometers from the Sun. It takes 84 years to orbit the Sun! It is the third-largest planet in the solar system, with a diameter of 51,800 kilometers. Uranus is a gas planet, mainly composed of hydrogen and helium, with some methane and traces of other compounds. The planet’s rotation (on its axis) is quite fast, with a period of just over 17 hours. Uranus was discovered in 1781 by English astronomer William Herschel.

Uranus in Mythology: The sky God

Uranus comes from Ouranos, the god of the sky. He is the son and husband of Gaia (Mother Earth), with whom he had many children, including the Titans, gigantic and monstrous beings with incredible power, responsible for earthquakes, volcanic eruptions... Saturn is one of his sons. Saturn killed his father, urged by his mother, by castrating him because Uranus sent all his children back into Gaia’s womb, much to her dismay.

5 Key points to know about Uranus

  • Apparent Solar Revolution (time it takes for the planet to orbit the zodiac and return to its starting point): 84 years
  • Element associated with Uranus: Earth
  • Body part associated with Uranus: Meninges
  • Physical function associated with Uranus: Spasmodic phenomena, invention, originality, electricity, electromagnetism...
  • Metal associated with Uranus: Uranium

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Article presented by
Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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