Jupiter Is Currently In Taurus - Here Are The Effects This Will Have

Last updated by Susan Taylor

The planet Jupiter has a strong influence in astrology, its location in a person’s birth chart as well as its position in the sky change many things. At the moment, Jupiter is transiting in the sign of Taurus, so, let’s take a look at its influence and its effects.

Jupiter Is Currently In Taurus - Here Are The Effects This Will Have

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Jupiter in Taurus: Slowly but surely

From May 17, 2023, Jupiter will transit through the sign of Taurus. The planet will stay there for more or less a year. Jupiter in Taurus exacerbates our desire for material expansion and encourages us to get things honestly, fairly, and often through traditional channels. It incenses our financial acumen and allows us to grow our assets slowly but surely, without taking unnecessary risks. (Savings, real estate, and stable jobs are incensed by Jupiter in Taurus) Jupiter in Taurus also makes us warmer, more optimistic, more sensual, and more greedy.

👉 The zodiac signs most affected by this positive transit (which will last!) are Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces. Luck and success should shine down on them...

Find out more about Jupiter retrograde and its effects here!

Jupiter in Taurus and Pluto in Aquarius square on May 18: Time for power struggles

On May 18, 2023, but this is valid for the period +/- between May 17 and 26, Jupiter in Taurus forms a Tense Square with Pluto in Aquarius.

While Jupiter in Taurus has a simple, pleasant approach and a "good-natured" attitude, this Square to Pluto complicates everything. We are more worried, we have many questions. Consequently, under this influence, we will try to impose ourselves at all costs, which may lead to awkwardness in our relationships. Jupiter square to Pluto makes us more ferocious. Our tenacity becomes stubbornness, we absolutely want to have the last word, and our jovial tone becomes peremptory. In the end, we risk getting the opposite of what we wanted at the beginning. So be careful...

It is also possible that during this square of Jupiter in Taurus and Pluto in Aquarius, we will be confronted with a power struggle with a ruthless opponent. You can of course defend yourself and react, depending on the situation, but you must remain clever. We have to avoid the overbidding of violence, the useless competition at the risk of losing more than we would have won.

👉 The signs most concerned by this delicate Transit which operates over ten days or so are Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius, and Sagittarius. You will also be impacted if your Moon or rising sign falls in one of these signs.

Jupiter in astrology: The planet of development

In a birth chart, Jupiter can represent success in the field where it is located or, if it is badly placed, where one will "sin" by excess. Jupiter sometimes amplifies the phenomena of the other planets. It is our joy of living (or not) our social expansion (our ability to succeed), and our opportunities, Jupiter can represent an authoritative male figure (or one who has some power) but not the father. It can symbolize finances, and career. In transit (forecasting technique), Jupiter often brings good news and success, but sometimes it amplifies a negative phenomenon.

Influence of Jupiter in astrology

  • Positive influence: Optimism, extraversion, joviality, fulfillment, concreteness, luck, success, realism, notoriety, expansion, goodness, sociability, order, organization, fulfillment, epicureanism, pleasure, well-being...
  • Negative influence: Excess, bluff, vanity, overweight, tyranny, anger, opportunism, waste, lawsuits...
  • From a symbolic point of view Jupiter represents: Paternalism, conservatism, justice, finances, pride, a sense of hierarchy, legality, marriage, magistrates, teachers, politicians, and seeking rewards.

6 key points to know about Jupiter

  • Apparent solar revolution (time that the planet takes to go around the zodiac to come back to its starting point): 12 years
  • The element associated with Jupiter: Air
  • Body part associated with Jupiter: Hips
  • The physical function associated with Jupiter: Blood sugar, anabolism, justice, authority
  • Jupiter-related metal: Tin
  • Jupiter-related day: Thursday

Jupiter in astronomy: The giant planet

Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. It is located at 775 million kilometers from the Sun, its diameter is 11 times that of the Earth. With a mass close to 320 times that of our planet, Jupiter is twice as massive as all the other planets in the solar system combined. But it is a gas planet, so it is light! Jupiter completes one revolution of itself in less than 10 hours, which is prodigious given its size. From the earth, Jupiter can be seen with the naked eye in the night sky.

Jupiter in mythology: God of the gods

Jupiter (Zeus in Greek) is the god of light, he holds in his hands the lightning. He is the father of gods and men, the chief of Olympus, a great lover of life, and a profiteer of his power (the right to marry) but concerned about rights and justice which he exercises with authority: everyone fears his wrath! He is the son of Saturn and Rhea (who saved him from his father, who wanted to devour him!) Later, he found his father Saturn, and made him vomit all the children (brothers and sisters of Jupiter) that Saturn had swallowed! Jupiter was married to his sister Juno, whom he cheated on.  With his brothers, they shared the world: Jupiter took the earth and the sky, Neptune the sea, and Pluto the underworld.


>>> So, there you go, you’re now an expert on Jupiter! That said, there’s still so much to learn about our solar system, especially when it comes to knowing which planet rules over your sign, so open your mind and watch the night sky become alive before your very eyes!

Susan Taylor’s insights: An important influence

The position of the planets in the sky, their interactions, has a strong influence on our lives. Astrology is a fascinating science which allows us to know ourselves better, to live our relationships better and to anticipate future events. If you have questions about your future, if you feel lost, do not hesitate to make an appointment with one of our astrologers. He will enlighten your future with gentleness and kindness. 

If you have questions about your future, if you need answers, don't hesitate to make an appointment with one of our psychics. They will enlighten you about your future with great attention.

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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