Why Is Planet Venus So Important In Astrology?

Last updated by Susan Taylor

Venus is an absolutely crucial player in the astrology world, and is the planet that watches over every one of your relationships. Yes, that's right, this planet is just as important as your horoscope compatibility when it comes to the success of your love stories. It’s standing in your birth chart, is in itself a clear sign of its significance. Susan Taylor, our very own astrologer, tells us all you need to know about the planet Venus.

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Venus is known as the Evening Star in astromony

Sitting at 108 million kilometers from the Sun, Venus is visible from the Earth and can even be brighter than the Sun and the Moon when close enough. It is incredibly similar to our own planet in terms of chemical composition, mass, and diameter (12,100 km). That said, unlike the Earth, Venus has an opaque atmosphere which makes it impossible to view its surface, and takes 225 days to revolve around the Sun- which is significantly smaller than that of the Earth.  

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What Venus symbolizes in mythology: Sensuality and Beauty

Aphrodite, the Greek representation of Venus, is the goddess of love and beauty, and brings an intimacy that can be likened to that of ‘Venus in Libra’. In comparison Venus in Roman mythology is the goddess of animalistic passion which could be linked to ‘Venus in Taurus’. Despite her marriage to Vulcan the god of Fire, Venus had an affair with Mars, owing to many perceiving the relationship between the planets Mars and Venus as the most passionate.

According to the Roman legend, Venus was born after her father Ouranos was castrated by his son Cronos. Yes, you heard right… she was created by her father’s genitals falling into the sea!

Solar system

How Venus is viewed in astrology: The Bringer of Love

In astrology, Venus is the planet that oversees love, and influences our concepts of romance, intimacy, and pleasure. It’s this passion that can vary depending on the sign in which it finds itself. For example, Venus in Libra will urge you to find stable love, whereas when in Scorpio, she will push you towards more dangerous and forbidden passions. These two types of romance may be starkly different, but this planet promises sensuality either way.

What’s more, this planet represents femininity and the aspects of female love. Her emotional side and sensuality make it perfect for the depiction of innocent love.

Find out more about Venus retrograde and its effects here!

Venus' influence on our astrological personalities

A planet is capable of exerting both positive and negative influences depending on its position and its relationship with the other planets.

  • The positive effects of Venus include harmony, pleasure, beauty, charm, creativity, and sociability
  • The negative effects include possessiveness, carelessness, cowardice and repulsion
  • On a symbolic level, it represents love, desire, femininity, emotion, inactivity

Six Things to Know About Venus

  1. Orbital period (the time it takes for Venus to revolve around the Sun): 225 days
  2. Element:  Air
  3. Body parts linked: Lungs, kidneys, bladder, neck
  4. Bodily functions: Sexuality, metabolism
  5. Metal: Copper
  6. Day: Friday

>>> So, there you have it, you’re now an expert on this planet! That said, there’s still so much to learn about our solar system, especially when it comes to knowing which planet rules over your sign, so open your mind and watch the night sky become alive before your very eyes!

Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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