Mercury in the zodiac signs: What influence does it have?
Where is Mercury located in your natal chart? Its position in a particular zodiac sign has an influence. Discover what it is.
Mercury in Aries
Your mind is inventive and bold, with ideas flowing one after the other. Generally, once you think of something, you act on it very quickly. You are a person of action and conviction. However, you may lack concentration and have too many interests, risking spreading yourself too thin and not delving deeply into your thoughts. When you express yourself, you don't beat around the bush. Your spontaneity and frankness can sometimes hurt others.
Mercury in Taurus
You think a lot before acting and avoid relying on chance or improvisation. You rely more on your analytical skills than on intuition. You have a practical, realistic mind, grounded in material reality. You take the time to study the ins and outs of a situation, deepening your knowledge, which can sometimes slow you down. However, you know how to organize, manage, focus on a goal, and see your ideas through to completion. On the negative side, you can be stubborn to the point of closing yourself off to other solutions or others' suggestions.
Mercury in Gemini
Mercury is the ruling planet of Gemini, so it is at home in this sign and feels comfortable here. You have a lively intellectual curiosity, which can sometimes lead to mental restlessness. You have a playful nature and may tease others or mock them; your critical mind can sometimes be a bit provocative. You have a great sense of humor and often practice self-deprecation. Very sociable and often talkative, you are gifted at expressing yourself and communicating, even bluffing or lying a little when it suits you.
Mercury in Cancer
Your mind is dreamy, imaginative, contemplative, and meditative, and you likely have a good memory. Sometimes, overwhelming emotions prevent you from concentrating. You are passionate about everything related to the past, history, and roots. In your relationships, you need to feel in sync with others' thoughts; otherwise, you remain on the defensive.
Mercury in Leo
Your mind is quite concrete and often generous. You get straight to the point and have a knack for synthesis. You seek intellectual growth and are always on the lookout for ideas and trends around you that can enhance your value. You have a certain power of persuasion and a strong will to understand and learn more. Depending on the rest of your natal chart, you may be domineering, lack humility, or, on the contrary, use your brilliant mind to serve a noble cause.
Mercury in Virgo
Mercury is also the ruling planet of Virgo (as it is for Gemini). It is very comfortable in this sign. However, since Virgo is an Earth sign rather than an Air sign, Mercury expresses itself in a more cerebral, serious, wise, and introverted way. Mercury in Virgo highlights a talent for written expression and is more introspective compared to Mercury in Gemini, which is outward-focused. You are skilled at organization, and your mind is methodical, needing order around you. In your analyses, you delve into detail and can solve problems better than others thanks to your patience and discernment. Critical, especially self-critical, you may lack self-confidence, doubt yourself, and never feel like you've achieved the perfection you dream of. You may possess great mental sharpness or be very skilled with your hands.
Mercury in Libra
Your mind is charming, diplomatic, and nuanced. You dislike taking overly categorical positions. Your intelligence is refined and selective, and you don't clutter yourself with unnecessary details. Your love for compromise makes you sociable, but you don't lack critical thinking. Depending on the rest of your chart, you may, on the negative side, be too hesitant and indecisive or easily influenced by others.
Mercury in Scorpio
Your mind is sharp, quick, and instinctive. You are highly curious, eager to learn, experiment, and delve deeply into subjects. Often provocative and non-conformist, you struggle with making concessions. You are not afraid of controversy. This can be exciting, unless, depending on the rest of your chart, you limit yourself to petty arguments. Your psychological insight and strategic thinking may lead you to dominate those around you, whether intentionally or not. You detest unspoken truths and human hypocrisy, and in response, your rebellious mind can become aggressive. Investigations and mysteries fascinate you. Your strong intuition may even give you premonitory abilities.
Mercury in Sagittarius
Your synthetic mind is open, generous, and full of goodwill. You advocate for tolerance and avoid complications. In fact, you have a knack for simplifying things. You seek to broaden your cultural, social, and geographical horizons. Discovery excites you. Optimistic and extroverted, you bring good cheer to those around you. Depending on the rest of your chart, your desire to maintain others' favor may lead to confusion: you may become too naive and be taken advantage of, or you may resort to hypocrisy.
Mercury in Capricorn
You are likely quite reserved and cautious. Your mind is guided by reason, primarily logical and practical. You dislike approximations, and your approach is somewhat scientific, basing your arguments on what is verifiable and quantifiable. Sciences, mathematics, and history with its precise dates likely attract you. Your seriousness, perseverance, and concentration can take you far in your studies. Your unshakable convictions impress others and may even lead you into politics. Of course, all of this depends on the rest of your chart. Avoid falling into intransigence, coldness, skepticism, or pessimism. Don’t forget to embrace humor and spontaneity!
Mercury in Aquarius
Your mind is inventive, curious, flexible, and dynamic. You often stand out with your ideas and your outlook on life. You advocate for freedom of thought, which may lead you to campaign for tolerance and diversity. Depending on the rest of your chart, you may be passionate about humanity, psychology, and how people live, or you may be more focused on cutting-edge technologies, computing, aeronautics, etc.
Mercury in Pisces
Your mind is primarily intuitive and inspired, absorbing your environment and letting information flow in rather than analyzing things through a logical process. You pick up on things and feel them rather than analyze them. This can give you a rich imagination, impressive intuition, or even premonitory abilities. However, it can also lead to confusion, irrational fears, anxiety, melancholy, and illusions.
📍 Apparent Solar Revolution (time it takes for the planet to orbit the zodiac and return to its starting point): 88 days Element associated with the Sun: Air Body part associated with the Sun: Head, arms, hands Physical function associated with the Sun: Expression, communication, nervous regulation Metal associated with the Sun: Mercury Day associated with the Sun: Wednesday

👉 Be cautious when Mercury is Retrograde, as nothing goes as planned! Be prepared.
hi susan taylor i have a serious problem with my siblings (2) of them are younger and have stolen my inheritances mom was gone 20 years now and it was after her death I happen to have contact with my biological dad who has also died in 2007 my siblings has been interfering into my life so badly that I am thinking of getting rid of them both by telling them to scram out and leave me alone and quit telling doctors and this town that they are looking after me they have spent my inheritances but refused me my rights to see the will tyhat mom left what do i do they have people follow me around this town which is stalking me and telling doctors that they are looking after me I saw one doctor tell my sister that he was puytting me in a nursing home without hyearing what I have to say first and no lawyer will take my case because of these lies they have told what do I do now
dawn Anne, 5 years ago