Why Is Mercury Such An Important Planet And What Its Role?

Last updated by Susan Taylor

The planet Mercury plays a huge part in the Astrology world and is at points responsible for cursing us with a heap of bad luck and misfortune when it goes retrograde. You just have to look at where it sits in birth charts to know how important it is to astrologers. Susan Taylor, our very own astrologer, tells us all you need to know about this intellectual planet and how much influence it exerts on us.

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Mercury is the first planet in the solar system

Sat at approximately 58 million kilometers from the Sun, Mercury is the first planet. That said, this distance can vary greatly due to the fact that its orbit isn’t an exact circle. It is also the smallest planet in the solar system (Pluto is considered a dwarf planet) with a diameter measuring at 4900 kilometers. It’s mass and gravity are considerably weak, and it has almost no atmosphere.

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What does it symbolize in mythology? - It's known as the Messenger of the Gods

In Egyptian times, it was thought that this planet was actually two separate stars- one that appeared in the morning (known as Set), and another that appeared in the evening (known as Horus). It’s from Set and Horus where the concept of Mercury’s duality originates.

By contrast, Mercury in Roman mythology is the son of Jupiter and Maia (daughter of Atlas). Depicted as a slender young man with a winged helmet, wings on his feet, and a caduceus (an ancient staff), its speed made him a perfect messenger of the gods. As a Roman symbol, he was used to represent communication, speed, travel and knowledge.

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What is Mercury's impact on astrology? - It acts as the Intellect of the Solar System

Known as the ‘Swift Planet’, it represents intellectuality and the ability to learn. It brings out our analytical sides and promotes quickness of thought. It's an intellectual planet and symbolizes reflection and expression. What’s more, this planet is related to business and finances, and the adolescence that we once all knew.

- Read about the Mercury retrograde effects on each zodiac sign -

Mercury’s effect on astrology

In Astrology, a planet is capable of exerting both positive and negative effects depending on its position and movement. For example, when its position is favorable, Mercury is able to bring out the best in its abilities, but when in retrograde, it tends to have very negative influences.

  • The positive effects of Mercury include sociability, intelligence, humor, creativity, and the gift of expression
  • The negative effects include superficiality, instability, nervousness, deceitfulness, and lack of ambition
  • On a symbolic level, it represents curiosity, money, studies, logic, and youthfulness

Six Things to know about this planet

  1. Orbital period (the time it takes for the planet to revolve around the Sun): 88 days
  2. Associated element: Air
  3. Body part linked with this planet: Head, hands, arms
  4. Associated bodily functions: Expression, exchanges, nervous system
  5. Metal: Mercury
  6. Day: Wednesday

So, there you have it, you’re now an expert on this planet! That said, there’s still so much to learn about our solar system, especially when it comes to the Moon and the Sun, so open your mind and watch the night sky become alive before your very eyes!

Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

hi susan taylor i have a serious problem with my siblings (2) of them are younger and have stolen my inheritances mom was gone 20 years now and it was after her death I happen to have contact with my biological dad who has also died in 2007 my siblings has been interfering into my life so badly that I am thinking of getting rid of them both by telling them to scram out and leave me alone and quit telling doctors and this town that they are looking after me they have spent my inheritances but refused me my rights to see the will tyhat mom left what do i do they have people follow me around this town which is stalking me and telling doctors that they are looking after me I saw one doctor tell my sister that he was puytting me in a nursing home without hyearing what I have to say first and no lawyer will take my case because of these lies they have told what do I do now

dawn Anne 4 years ago

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