Why Is Planet Mars So Important In Astrology?

Last updated by Susan Taylor

The planet Mars is an important figure in the world of Astrology- and that’s clear to see in the crucial role it plays in our birth charts. Want to learn more about the ‘Red Planet’? Susan Taylor, our very own astrologer, unveils some of its biggest secrets, including how it influences your personality both positively and negatively.

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Mars is known as the Red Planet in Astrology

Mars might be ten times smaller than the Earth but it’s in fact ten times bigger than the Moon. It’s around 230 million kilometers from the Sun, making it the fourth furthest planet. Like the Earth, its rotation period is 24 hours, meaning it alternates from day to night in a similar way to our planet. Iron oxide is extremely prevalent in its soil, which explains the red coloring that the planet is renowned for.

What does this planet symbolize in mythology? - It has a reputation for being a Mighty Warrior

Depicted as a warrior with a helmet and shield, Mars is the son of Jupiter and Juno in Roman mythology, and known as Ares, the son of Zeus and Hera in Greek. He’s shown to be the god of War, whose main aim is to defend his people from invasion. Mars is a fierce warrior, and will fight for eternity if it means defending his pride.

It’s said that Mars is closely related to the legend of Rome due to the fact that he’s the father of Romulus and Remus who founded Rome according to mythology. In addition to the twin boys, Mars also had two other sons Deimos and Phobos (Terror and Fear) and a daughter, Hermione (Harmony), with his lover Venus.

solar system

What it means in your birth chart

According to natal charts, Mars is the planet of action and embodies impulsivity. It’s the soldier that marches and the passion that burns. When positive, it is efficiency and success, but when negative, it is war!

The key to understanding it is analyzing its position in relation to both your sign and the other planets. In a feminine theme, it can represent the more sexual, intimate side to love, whereas its native masculinity evokes images of power and independence.

Learn about the effects of Mars retrograde on your zodiac sign!

Mars' effects on our astrological personalities

  • The positive effects of Mars include spontaneity, dynamism, honesty, entrepreneurial spirit, courage, and energy
  • The negative effects include violence, impatience, fickleness, anger, childishness, and destruction
  • On a symbolic level, it represents action, experimentation, sexual impulses, initiative, passion, and military

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Six Things to Know About Mars

  1. Orbital period (the time it takes for Mars to revolve around the Sun): 687 days
  2. Element: Iron
  3. Body part: Muscles, spleen
  4. Bodily functions linked: Energy, sexuality, hormone system, hemoglobin
  5. Metal: Iron
  6. Day: Tuesday

>>> So, there you have it, you’re now an expert on this planet! That said, there’s still so much to learn about our solar system, especially when it comes to knowing which planet rules over your zodiac sign, so open your mind and watch the night sky become alive before your very eyes!

Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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