Planet Mars In Astrology: Influence And Effects To Know

Last updated by Susan Taylor

The planet Mars is an important figure in the world of Astrology- and that’s clear to see in the crucial role it plays in our birth charts. Want to learn more about the ‘Red Planet’? Susan Taylor, our very own astrologer, unveils some of its biggest secrets, including how it influences your personality both positively and negatively.

Planet Mars In Astrology: Influence And Effects To Know

Mars in Astrology: The planet of action!

In a natal chart, Mars represents our way of acting, our modus operandi, our readiness to take action. It’s the soldier who executes. On the positive side, Mars symbolizes efficiency; on the negative side, it’s war. The key is to analyze its position in the Zodiac sign and house, its aspects with other planets, etc. In a woman’s chart, Mars can represent the lover (while the Sun represents the husband), embodying the more "sexual" side of a partner. In a man’s chart, Mars symbolizes his virility. In transit (a predictive technique), Mars often triggers events. Mars rules the Aries zodiac sign. And what about you? 

Positive influence of Mars: spontaneity, frankness, dynamism, entrepreneurial spirit, strength, energy, courage...

  • Negative influence of Mars: violence, aggressiveness, impatience, tantrums, anger, childishness, destruction, tyranny, criticism...
  • Symbolically, Mars represents: action, initiative, experimentation, impulse, sexual drives, vitality, soldier, military, lover...
Susan Taylor

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Where is Mars in your natal chart? What influence does it have? Find out now!

Mars in the zodiac signs: What influence does it have?

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In an astrological chart, look at which zodiac sign Mars is in, and you’ll learn more about its true influence.

Mars in Aries

Mars is at home here, as it’s the ruling planet of Aries. Action is essential for you, you are bold, challenges excite you, and difficulties don’t scare you. You are quick, direct, and sometimes aggressive. Your reckless side, lack of patience, and impulsiveness can lead to carelessness. You often get angry, but it never lasts long.

Mars in Taurus

You’re not the type to rush into action. Quite the opposite, you take your time to think before acting, to the point where some people might find you slow in your reactions. In fact, you weigh the pros and cons, the risks and benefits. You don’t want to make mistakes and waste time and energy! However, once you’ve made up your mind, you’re like an unstoppable bulldozer. Your determination borders on stubbornness. You need to assert yourself through material or financial achievements. You don’t get angry easily, but when you do, watch out!

Mars in Gemini

You’re quick, always on the move, and you love speed. You can’t sit still and may sometimes spread yourself too thin by taking on too many things at once. Your frankness can be jarring in conversations. You’re not one to think twice before speaking. Luckily, when you want something, you’re persuasive, and your quick wit hits the mark!

Mars in Cancer

You’re not one to use force to assert yourself. This can sometimes make it hard for you to face life’s challenges, as you avoid confrontation, disputes, and competition. You need encouragement from loved ones to take action, to dare. However, when it comes to protecting your home, your family, you can focus your energy to defend everyone’s interests. Your strengths are patience and persistence.

Mars in Leo

This position of Mars gives you a rather dominant character. People appreciate your dynamism, your conquering spirit, your control over events, and your self-confidence. Despite a certain generosity, you may sometimes become inflexible or, depending on the rest of your chart, be tempted by the abuse of power. You need to make decisions and get results quickly. Sports help you channel your tremendous energy.

Mars in Virgo

You only act when you know your actions are essential. In your activities, you calculate, evaluate, and wait for the right moment to act. You organize and target your actions, which makes you highly effective. Thanks to your foresight, you make fewer mistakes than others, which inspires confidence, even if some may find you too slow or hesitant. The precision and quality of your work are often praised. However, be careful that your perfectionism doesn’t make you obsessive. Keep a critical mind, but don’t underestimate yourself. You have the patience to handle daily tasks. You need to feel useful and helpful, but if someone disrupts your schedule, you can lash out...

Mars in Libra

You’re not the type to jump into a boxing ring. You avoid conflict and competition. You hate physical and verbal violence. However, thanks to your sense of justice and diplomacy, you can win, impose your desires, and get your ideas across better than others. You’re both flexible in your actions and, at the same time, capable of being uncompromising once you’ve made a decision. You wield the sword of justice when you’re sure of what you’re defending. Depending on the rest of your natal chart, you may prioritize others' interests over your own or fall into fanaticism...

Mars in Scorpio

Like in Aries, Mars is at home in Scorpio (Scorpio’s second ruler is Pluto). Mars fully expresses itself here. It gives you powerful vitality and a taste for confrontation. It pushes you to rebel, to reject anything that doesn’t suit you. With Mars in Scorpio, your confrontational nature can lead you to fight great and noble battles. However, it can also complicate your life, entangling you in petty conflicts and recurring disputes. Depending on the rest of your natal chart, Mars in Scorpio can make you a formidable person who enjoys exerting control over others and exploiting their weaknesses. On the positive side, crises and major difficulties allow you to transform, surpass yourself, and show remarkable courage.

Mars in Sagittarius

You need to set high goals to take action. Challenges excite you, but sometimes you spread yourself too thin and exhaust your energy. Try not to go in too many directions at once. You enjoy working in a team, contributing to a group, and sharing initiatives. You can be generous and perform good deeds. However, competition drives you so much that you sometimes feel the need to impose yourself on others excessively. Depending on the rest of your chart, you may fall into vanity and overzealousness.

Mars in Capricorn

In this sign, Mars gives you tenacious determination, a lot of insight, and caution. Your perseverance allows you to see your projects through to the end. You’re not one to act on impulse. You think things through and analyze before taking action, but you’re particularly skilled with long-term projects. Your persistence works wonders. You prefer to work alone and are better than anyone at putting emotions and feelings aside to achieve your goals.

Mars in Aquarius

You’re inventive in your actions or skilled with manual techniques. You have a lot of energy, though it’s more nervous energy, which can sometimes result in sudden fatigue. You like to act immediately, take on multiple tasks at once, and you need things to keep moving. You have excellent reflexes in your reactions. You prefer to work with others, as solitude doesn’t appeal to you. However, in teamwork, you can sometimes be individualistic and do things your own way. On the negative side, depending on the rest of your chart, you may come across as undisciplined, reckless, impulsive, or intolerant.

Mars in Pisces

You avoid conflicts and competition. You’re very respectful of others. Your initiatives may seem too timid or hesitant, but you reach your goals thanks to your intuition, your delicacy, and a certain charm, rather than force. You have a need to defend the weak and can act more firmly when it comes to defending your ideals or achieving your dreams. Generally, you like to surround yourself with trustworthy people to act as a group. On the negative side, depending on the rest of your chart, you may risk becoming passive. Your emotions, sometimes overwhelming, can prevent you from taking action.

Mars represents our way of acting, our modus operandi, our readiness to take action. Be cautious when it goes retrograde! Discover the dates of Mars retrograde.

📍6 Key Points to Know About Mars

Apparent Solar Revolution (time it takes for the planet to orbit the zodiac and return to its starting point): 687 days
Element associated with Mars: Fire
Body part associated with Mars: Muscles, spleen
Physical function associated with Mars: Tone, sexuality, endocrine system, hemoglobin
Metal associated with Mars: Iron
Day associated with Mars: Tuesday

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The Influence of Mars According to the Astrological House It’s In

💡 Before you start reading, do you know what an astrological house is and why it’s important? No? Then this article is for you:  Astrological houses: What role do they play? What do they mean?

Mars in the 1st House

You are dynamic, combative, and very active. You need to move forward and take a stand. Sometimes, your tremendous energy can turn into aggression or anger. In any case, you need to expend physical energy, fight, and defend, whether through sports, military service, or another mission.

Mars in the 2nd House

You channel your drive for action and conquest into material possessions, finances, etc. You work hard to achieve a good financial situation. For you, money can be a tool of power. Depending on the aspects and the sign Mars is in, you may be skilled in business or prone to exaggeration, greed, or easily discouraged when it comes to earning a living.

Mars in the 3rd House

You don’t like to procrastinate, and you enjoy quickly turning your ideas into actions. You take initiative and are particularly skilled at solving practical problems. This position may push you to rebel or advocate for an ideal or cause... You’re not afraid of controversy, to the point where you may sometimes lack tact and come across as too blunt in your speech.

Mars in the 4th House

With Mars, the planet of combativeness, courage, and war, in the sector of family, roots, and home, several possibilities arise here (depending on the sign Mars is in and the aspects it receives). In your childhood, you may have been influenced by dynamic, energetic people who pushed you to take personal initiative early on. In adulthood, you tend to take on the role of "head of the family," the one who gives orders, asserts authority, and has control over the household but also provides security. This can manifest as someone who works hard for their family or someone who is aggressive towards them. Sometimes, this Mars position is found in the charts of politicians, business people, or those with a strong need to assert themselves.

Mars in the 5th House

Mars is in the House of vitality here. It gives you enthusiasm and productivity. Since the 5th House is also the sector of pleasures, some natives may be excessive, blinded by their desires... Depending on the sign Mars is in and the aspects it receives, this can indicate someone who wastes their energy and doesn’t respect their limits, leading to fluctuations in vitality. In love, passion and possessiveness can make your romantic life stormy. In your relationships with your children, you may be quite authoritative, unless you’re a teacher respected for your discipline. Sports help you channel and regulate your tremendous energy.

Mars in the 6th House

Mars in the sector of daily life, work, and health offers various possibilities. You need a daily routine and a professional activity where you feel useful and, above all, free from monotony. Otherwise, you may get bored faster than others, turning your frustrations into aggression and conflicts with colleagues or neighbors. Depending on the aspects Mars receives and the sign it’s in, you may enjoy good physical strength and health, or your irritability may harm your well-being through sudden actions or psychosomatic issues.

Mars in the 7th House

Mars is in your sector of relationships, partnerships, and contracts. You seek stimulating relationships, far from lukewarmness and monotony, with dynamic, reactive, and enthusiastic people. Some natives with Mars in the 7th House seek to assert authority and dominate their surroundings, leading to more frequent conflicts, lawsuits, disputes, or breakups.

Mars in the 8th House

Mars in the House of "death and rebirth" gives you great regenerative power. You are resourceful and bounce back in crises. You are skilled at acting in emergencies, in extremely difficult circumstances, with calm, courage, and strength. Mars in the 8th House can also give you strong sexual drives. Depending on the aspects Mars receives and the sign it’s in, you may feel a lot of inner violence, which you can channel and control through combat sports, for example.

Mars in the 9th House

In this astrological House, Mars may push you to fight for your ideas, opinions, or to advocate. You need adventure and exploration, either through travel off the beaten path or by taking on sports challenges, feats, and self-improvement. Depending on the sign Mars is in and the aspects it receives, your untamable and impatient nature may lead you to take unnecessary risks. Be careful...

Mars in the 10th House

Mars shines in your natal chart. Positioned in the sector of career, ambitions, and destiny in general, it gives you a lot of determination, dynamism, and authority. Indeed, you like to give orders, but you’re less inclined to take them. Nothing tires or bores you when it comes to achieving your ambitions. You need a job where you can expend physical energy, prove yourself, and constantly assert yourself. Otherwise, you risk getting bored and frequently changing activities. This Mars position is often found in the charts of leaders and bosses. However, depending on the aspects Mars receives and the sign it’s in, it may awaken in you a need to exert excessive control over your social and professional environment, to the point of becoming aggressive.

Mars in the 11th House

With this Mars position, you may either frequently scatter your energy or be capable of handling multiple projects simultaneously. Mars can awaken in you a need to invest in a group, a community, or your circle of friends with determination and efficiency, even if it means constantly defending others. However, depending on the aspects Mars receives, you may also quickly change your interests and friendships.

Mars in the 12th House

Mars is in the House of trials and limitations. You may be tempted to take on improbable challenges or try to achieve great feats. Alternatively, depending on the sign Mars is in and the aspects it receives, you might easily give up and get discouraged in the face of life’s difficulties due to a lack of self-confidence or anxiety... With a well-aspected Mars in the 12th House, the native may surprise their surroundings with their ability to bounce back and react to life’s major challenges (illness, death, etc.).

Mars in Astronomy: The Red Planet

Mars is an inner planet, like Venus and Mercury. Mars is about ten times less massive than Earth but ten times more massive than the Moon. Mars is an average distance of about 230 million kilometers from the Sun. Its rotation period is very close to that of Earth, so the alternation between day and night occurs at the same pace as on our planet. Mars also has a cycle of seasons! It’s a rocky planet, and its red color is due to the presence of iron oxide. Its sidereal rotation period is 687 days. Mars can be observed with the naked eye, though it’s much less bright than Venus.

Mars in Mythology: The Mighty Warrior

Mars is depicted wearing a helmet and carrying a shield. He is the son of Jupiter and Juno (in Greece, he is Ares, son of Zeus and Hera). He is the god of war, whose main function is to defend the state. He is a fierce, proud warrior, always ready for battle. He is closely tied to the legend of Rome, as he is the father of Romulus and Remus. He also had other children, including two sons and a daughter with Venus, with whom he was a lover: Deimos and Phobos (Terror and Fear) and Hermione (Harmony).

👉 Now that you know more about Mars in astrology, don’t stop here! Discover the meaning of the planets.

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Article presented by
Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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