Are Taurus And Leo A Good Match?: โ™ฅ This Is An Explosive Couple...

Last updated by Susan Taylor

This pairing is formed of two polar opposites, and that's really where the troubles begin. ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ’‹โ€๐Ÿ‘จ Taurus is very ambitious and secretly loves to be admired for their talents. Leo on the other hand doesn't hide their desire for praise and always craves attention and the spotlight. Their common need to feel accomplished is problematic and will certainly cause drama in their relationship. That's right, they'll constantly be in competition with each other. This duo should prepare for a power struggle that could rip them apart... Discover the Taurus and Leo compatibility score and find out why they aren't very well-matched.

Are Taurus And Leo A Good Match?: โ™ฅ This Is An Explosive Couple...

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What is the Taurus and Leo compatibility score? It's 2/5

Here are two strong personalities! With the headstrong Taurus and authoritative Leo personalityโ€ฆfights are likely to occur. Fortunately, they stay loyal to each other and always find a path to reconciliation. However, they should not give into playing games, and instead ought to explain their points of view with tact and maturity. In terms of finances, Taurus personality needs to be reassured and Leo is looking for success. Although, in the midst of frustrating projects, they support each other hand-in-hand.

Each of you will have to watch your jealousy, especially as it has different origins: greedy, sensual possessiveness in Taurus, misplaced pride in Leo. With your loyal and honest attitudes, and your shared values, you can create a beautiful and lasting relationship, provided you make room for each other and don't try to dominate the situation. On the face of it, it's perfect: you share the same material values, you're sensual and tender. But watch out for power struggles! Each of you will have to watch your jealousy, especially as it's not motivated by the same reasons: possessiveness on the one hand, misplaced pride on the other. With your loyal and honest spirits, and your shared values, you can create a beautiful and lasting relationship.

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Their strength: A powerhouse team, as they complement each other so well.
Their weakness: Watch out for power struggles within the couple.
Love advice: Communicate, express yourselves, and take a step towards each other.

Why this couple could be successful in love

Leo needs to try a sit back in the relationship, because if Leo attempts to dominate, Taurus won't stick around for long! Taurus is capable of giving Leo the love that Leo requires. If this couple works towards similar goals, they could become the perfect love story. Indeed, you both attach great importance to honesty and loyalty, so your relationship will be based on solid foundations.

Each of you will have to watch your jealousy, especially since it does not have the same origins: greedy and sensual possessiveness in Taurus, and misplaced pride in Leo. With your loyal and honest attitudes, and your common values, you can succeed in a very beautiful story which has chances to last, provided that you make room for the other person, and that you do not try to dominate the situation. At first sight, it is perfect: you have the same material values, and you are sensual and tender. But beware of power struggles!

Taurus woman and Leo man compatibility

If Mrs. Taurus makes way for her beloved husband, then this is a relationship that should last a long time. You're heading in the right direction, and you're on the same wavelength in all areas of life! You could even achieve some real challenges, so stay in tune with each other and be yourself. Mrs. Taurus appeals intensely to her partner with her radiant femininity, and has serious assets to lead him towards more demonstrations of tenderness, which will balance things out with her natural authority. This relationship needs a pleasant setting, as material shortages would be too far removed from their ideals to stage their lovemaking.

Taurus man and Leo woman compatibility

Mrs. Leo could run out of steam in this relationship with this Taurus, bon vivant, content with life's pleasures. Mrs. Leo wants to vibrate, to take possession of everything that shines, to be at the center of the stage, to always have more. The relationship between these two natives will be half-hearted, unless Mrs. Leo has ambitions and acts on them. In this case, Leo will do her best to propel him to the heights, which will release her emotional impulses and cement their union. She needs to admire to truly love, and that's what it's all about. The Taurus man will become attached to her if, at the same time, she accepts to vibrate with authenticity.

Risk: Too many arguments

The Leo should not try to lead the Taurus, who cannot stand it. Also, don't imagine trying to change their mind; there's nothing more stubborn than a Taurus. Both will have to learn to explain themselves with tact and maturity because neither of them tolerates pettiness or yelling.

Strength: They both seek financial security

From a material point of view, Taurus needs reassurance, and the Leo seeks financial success. So together, they can move forward hand in hand in fruitful projects and strengthen their comfort of life. They provide themselves with the means to achieve their goals and support each other in their individual projects. The Leo ambition fueled by Taurus's down-to-earth common sense can only spark...

Sex: A hot mix

Here's a duo that sparks and everyone knows that in bed, the more tension there is, the hotter the sexual atmosphere. With this stubborn couple, you can only imagine! Disputes are often resolved on the pillow for everyone's pleasure. From there, to provoke them just for the pleasure of being together... why not?

Advice: Concessions must be made

Couple life is not a smooth journey for these two stubborn individuals. Therefore, they will have to learn to communicate with a little more maturity, risking growing tired of each other. Take the time to be together, calmly, so that each can express their desires, needs, and frustrations. Take a step towards each other and love each other as they are without trying to change them.

- Learn more about this sign in 15 facts about Taurus -

๐Ÿ”ด Remember, I'm only touching on sun signs here. For a true astrological compatibility study, you need to compare the natal charts of both people. Finally, remember that a couple is something you work on every day, and that it's all about love, sharing, mutual respect and so much more, so it's up to you.

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - Iโ€™ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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