How To Attract A Pisces Man, Plus The Signs He's Into You

Last updated by Susan Taylor

If you want a Pisces man to fall for you, then you're in luck, because you're dealing with one of the sweetest signs of all. Despite his shy side, he is a huge romantic who tends to get carried away very quickly 💗. That's right, he needs to spend a lot of time with the person he loves, because physical separation is extremely hard for him. If you are crushing on a native of this sign, and want to capture his heart, you need to talk to him about love and make him dream about a future by your side! We reveal our best romance tips on how to attract a Pisces man and even how to figure out if he's interested in you.

How To Attract A Pisces Man, Plus The Signs He's Into You

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How to attract a Pisces man: Let him know you're interested

Male natives of this sign are sweet dreamers who love to spend hours daydreaming about their future; this explains why they are often described as being in their own little bubbles. In order for them to feel good, they need to feel useful and to be perfectly in tune with their loved ones. Their ideal partner is someone sweet, imaginative, affectionate, and very emotionally mature. If you want to attract one, you simply need to talk to him about how you feel and the prospect of a romantic future. Confide in him your feelings and emotions, and he’ll definitely fall head-over-heels! 

This man is one of the most romantic zodiac signs! He’s intuitive and emotional, and he feels the effects of everything that surrounds him, although, this can sometimes make him worried and even feel oppressed. He's an idealist who needs to believe that love is pure and will last forever. Likewise, he is a very considerate, loving and dedicated, and he’ll quickly bend over backwards in order to please his partner 💟. 

If you wondering how to attract a Pisces man, well, these men love being complimented and having their egos stroked by their admirers, so don't forget to tell your man how special he is to you. They are also more attracted to simple and laid-back women who aren't materialistic or superficial. Remember, if you want a Pisces man to be putty in your hands, the secret is to make him feel good about himself.

Attracting a Pisces man and winning his heart is more just about being nice, essentially, you’ll need to take your time and avoid harassing him with questions about his life. Although it may be tempting to rush into things, you’ll need to let him reveal himself slowly 👨. You must also note that he's emotional, so you must avoid sensitive subjects, because he quickly gets teary-eyed, and this could put a damper on the evening's mood. 

Conversely, make him laugh and ensure he has fun, because feeling comfortable letting his hair down will bring him closer to you.

- Don't miss out on more information on the zodiac signs and read up on the Pisces season! -


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📍 FAQ; 📍

What attracts a Pisces man?

A Pisces guy is the kind of person who doesn't understand discreet messages of seduction. With him, you must clearly show your ambitions, meaning you might need to make the first move, but don’t worry, he loves confident women. With him, you must express your opinions, no matter if they are not the same as his. He needs as much information as possible to confront the idea of opening a romantic relationship with you. In love, this romantic guy prefers outspoken girls who are sure of themselves.
- For more information, check out 15 facts on the Pisces zodiac sign.

What are the signs a Pisces man is sexually attracted to you? 💑

It is only when you spot these more than 5 revealing signs of body language that you can answer positively whether a Pisces man wants to take you to bed.

1) When a Pisces man talks to you, he always faces you

Even if the Pisces man tries to hide it, his body is well aware of the attraction he feels for you. Indeed, when a man is interested in a woman, he always keeps his face and body turned towards her to avoid being distracted by anything else. Thus, he completely focuses on you. And, he will use this opportunity to gaze into your eyes. In fact, he will look for revealing signals that will prove you are also attracted to him. This is the typical behavior of a man interested in a woman!

2) He sits close to you

How to know if a man is secretly attracted to a woman? He always seeks to be near her. He wants to use every possible opportunity to focus on you and make you understand that you have his full attention. Moreover, when he sits close to you, he may put his arm on your chair to create a semblance of contact without crossing reasonable boundaries.

3) For him, everything you say is hilarious!

Sure, you're funny, but you're not a comedian either! Not everything you say is hilarious, admit it! But clearly, this man thinks differently. How to know if a Pisces man is secretly attracted to a woman? He laughs out loud. For him, all your jokes are hilarious, and he smiles to attract your attention. Moreover, he also tries to make you laugh by telling you his most ridiculous stories. This is the behavior of a man interested who finds no faults in you!

4) He scans your body up and down

What is the body language sign that most reveals his attraction to you? He scrutinizes you with his gaze. Moreover, you understand that he notices any changes you have made: hair color, a new look or T-shirt, etc. Whether you are physically close or far away, he looks at you. He looks at you with his eyes to be able to observe your body and your attitude. In fact, he cannot control his need to see you, and despite himself, his behavior betrays his feelings for you.

5) As soon as he lays eyes on you, he smiles

When your eyes meet, it's stronger than him, he smiles! It's one of the most obvious signs of body language. Moreover, he doesn't just smile with his mouth; his whole face lights up. Even if he is in a bad mood, this almost instinctive reaction is uncontrollable. Clearly, he appreciates you more than he wants to admit, and he struggles to put clear words on what he feels.

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Pisces compatibility: He matches best with Cancer or Scorpio

The Pisces man believes in true love. He will work hard to find the right partner for him, however, he is very marked by the intense love relationships he has had. If he falls in love, he will find it difficult to give up that love permanently unless a stronger love comes into his life. He is very sensitive to feminine charms, and will be seduced by women who exude a great femininity, but above all a great personality.

Pisces will form a harmonious couple with either Cancer or Scorpio. He appreciates Cancer’s sweetness as well as her tender and emotional side. With Scorpio, he falls for her mysterious and secretive personality.

His best matches: 

Pisces man in love

He needs to feel like he has the same thoughts as his social circle. He needs to believe in something, love, and be useful. Likewise, he loves to let his mind wonder and to take his time.  

More top seduction tips in our unmissable video:

Video: How to attract a Pisces man

Susan Taylor’s insights: How to conquer Pisces

Give him confidence. Pisces is a man who can be easily discouraged. You must awaken his daring side while reassuring him that he is in good hands. Behave like a princess, let him come to your kingdom and court you. Stimulate his ambitions and make him dream, he won't be able to let you go! If you want more insights into how to live happily ever after, connect with an Astrofame advisor.

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

My Pisces guy is the exact opposite of all the key points you made. He's insensitive, has angry outbursts, and is mean. He could care less about most things that other people like and he's hurt me more times than I can count. He hates me.

Cadavera 2 years ago

Sadly, I ditto this.

k.c. 2 years ago

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