What is a Gemini man like in love? — He's playfully romantic
When a Gemini likes someone, he can’t stop himself teasing them. These guys are hilarious and will have you rolling on the floor laughing at their hilarious jokes. However, they can sometimes appear fickle because they find it hard to intellectualize their relationships.
They are natural seducers who crave attention. Natives of this sign strongly appreciate change and hate routine. They prefer to engage in several relationships at the same time, however, this frequently comes back to bite them. Despite this, these guys are easily seductive thanks to their natural duality; indeed, they are both charming and sensitive, yet also, strong and weak.

Native males of this sign analyze everything, so they won’t just be guided by passion, but instead with their heads.
What drives a Gemini man wild?: Intellectual discussion
If you want him to pursue you, you need to impress him intellectually. The keys to catching his attention are starting passionate debates and sharing your revolutionary ideas. These guys love having fun and enjoy the thrill of the chase when it comes to love. If you want to drive him wild, keep him on his toes and surprise him every once in a while.
Men native to this sign have great sense of humors and when they like someone they can appear very full on and enthusiastic. The key to intriguing him and really getting his attention is by being a little mysterious. They love it when their crushes keep them guessing about their feelings. Don't reveal your secrets all at once because these guys love playing the detective.
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Gemini compatibility: Who is their best match?
A Gemini is compatible with an Aquarius or a Libra because they feel at ease together. Gemini appreciates an Aquarius’ inventiveness and Libra’s social skills. Relationships between these signs are strong and connected on a deeper level. As an air sign, he possesses an aerial nature, which appeals to many personalities. Even if his exuberance does not always work well with earth signs, which prefer logic to lyrical flights of fancy.
Gemini's matches in love:
could gemini women stay in relation with gemini man??
Soniya, 4 years ago