3. Respect his independence
Aquarius men highly value their freedom and independence. Show that you respect his need for space and autonomy by giving him the freedom to pursue his interests and spend time with his friends. Avoid being overly clingy or demanding, as this can push him away. Instead, demonstrate that you are a supportive and understanding partner who values his independence.
4. Be social and friendly
Aquarius men are social beings who enjoy being around people. Show your sociable side by being friendly, open, and engaging in social activities. Participate in group events and introduce him to your social circle. He will appreciate your ability to connect with others and your outgoing personality.
5. Show your humanitarian side
Aquarius men are often passionate about social causes and making a positive impact on the world. Show your compassionate and humanitarian side by getting involved in charitable activities or discussing your views on social issues. He will be drawn to your caring nature and shared values.
♒ Aquarius man dating cheat sheet
What He Loves | What To Avoid |
- Intellectual conversation - Quirky and unique traits - Freedom and spontaneity - Innovative ideas and causes | - Clinginess or controlling behavior - Routine and boredom - Lack of open-mindedness - Overly traditional lifestyles |
Keep this cheat sheet handy to navigate his quirks and win his heart! 💜
❤ When in love, the Aquarius man is non-conformist ❤
These guys are non-conformists in their way of loving and love to be different. The idea of a traditional lifestyle doesn’t appeal to this guy at all, as he would prefer to love and discover things endlessly. They like originality in their relationships, which explains why they’re often found on a slippery slope. This isn’t a sign who’s very stable, and he has a huge fear of commitment.
With an Aquarius, you have to move forward slowly but surely. That’s right, you definitely shouldn’t rush them... because there is nothing they love as much as their independence. But if you know how to be autonomous, they won’t be reluctant about coupling up with you. As long as their partner is not too “full on” with them, the relationship will go swimmingly. So, it’s undoubtedly best to avoid the “honey, shall we have a baby?” project, because they’d probably suggest “Honey, shall we take a trip to the other side of the world?” instead.
Aquarius compatibility: Who is their perfect match?
As a sociable person, they like to explore and meet different people. These natives can tend to get bored quickly. They can also be addicted to change, which will always be unhealthy for their personal balance. However, they do appreciate a certain consistency in life, which the Sagittarius is in line to give them 💑.
With Sagittarius, even if adventure calls them, or they wish to change their lives, place, or profession, they will do everything to keep their partner as the constancy necessary for their balance. Indeed, together, the Aquarius and the Sagittarius share the same spirit of adventure and look for the same challenges. They’ll also count on each other to find the personal balance and stability they need. That’s right, if they share a common cause or goal, then their union will be magical, and they will even be able to perform real miracles together.
>>> Read up on the Aquarius compatibility.
What Aquarius natives find sexy 👍
Aquarius is an original! Communicative, extroverted, they need to express themselves. They have a well-filled address book and love meeting new people. They love new technologies, always staying at the forefront of progress. Curious, they are ready for adventure or new experiences. A complete character, they do things differently and love it! Aquarius natives are attracted to lively, energetic, dynamic, and open people. They have no preconceptions about others and love to be surprised. Let them see that you are capable of standing up against injustices. Innovate, live in the present, constantly renew yourself, and they will fall under your charm.
What Aquarius natives hate... 👎
Aquarius is very attached to their independence, which they defend vehemently. They flee routine and commitment; they love to be free, setting no barriers and not tolerating any imposed on them. Let them go on an adventure and explore new horizons. Be careful not to rush them; give them the freedom they need, or they will run away. They don’t appreciate the arrogance and excessive self-love that they themselves lack.
- Discover more about Aquarius in the Aquarius season -
Susan Taylor’s insights: How to drive Aquarius wildShow him that you are alive, tonic, dynamic, and open to the world. Don’t have any preconceived ideas about others, Aquarius hates that. You must let him see that you are capable of mobilizing against injustices. Innovate, live in your time, and always renew yourself, and he will fall under your charm. If you want more insights into how to live happily ever after, connect with an Astrofame advisor. |
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