Aquarius Horoscope 2024: Embrace Your True Self

Last updated by Susan Taylor

In 2024, Pluto moves in on you, and the effects are immediate. Here, you’ll discover the real you, the 100% authentic you. You’ll be more lucid and demanding than ever before, plus, you'll become your own judge. And that's part of what will lead you to a major adjustment in your love life. But, you’ll have to make the right choices and take responsibility for them. As for your ambitions, they’ll remain intact, and you'll work hard to succeed. Aquarius horoscope 2024 awaits, so here we go, the rollercoaster is about to start!

Aquarius Horoscope 2024: Embrace Your True Self

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Reminder: If you were born between January 20 and February 19, you are Aquarius, and therefore this horoscope is for you! 

Aquarius in 2024: Total freedom

In 2024, Pluto passes through your sign and frees you from a certain weight that has been getting you down. In particular, that of having to please everyone. As you’re becoming more lucid and authentic, you’ll rely solely on yourself. You’ll enjoy yourself, you’ll love what you do, and the other people around will just have to adapt 😛. In any case, given the pressure you'll be putting on yourself, you won't have time to waste on other people's opinions. Besides, we know you Aquarius, you've got independence at heart, and that's certainly not going to change this year!

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Aquarius love horoscope 2024 - Romance at every turn


If some people's hearts are quite indecisive, you’d do best to move onwards. In 2024, you'll get to taste all the flavors of love, and while some will be very sweet, others will be much more bitter. Whatever happens, you must try and remain transparent in your choices and ideas. Be honest about your feelings. Whether it's crazy love and supreme happiness, to the point where you, yes you Aquarius, want to make a commitment. Or whether it's more or less painful fine-tuning, crises, and mismatched desires, make your choices and speak from the heart. Take responsibility and don't hide behind false excuses 🫣.

How will you get on with your family and friends? 


Aquarius horoscope 2024 starts well, here, the mood is one of celebration, getting together and sharing. You’ll enjoy these moments of complicity with those closest to you, yet it's here, in your circle, that you feel most like yourself. Of course, reality always ends up reminding you that "you've got a life after all, and it's all about taking responsibility" 😒. So after the time of lightness comes a time that's a little more serious and lonely. And then we see each other again, and then we see each other less, to the rhythm of the seasons and everyone's occupations. All the same, you know you can count on those you love. Some very slight conflicts may arise, however, as well as new friendships. If you haven't yet found your best friend at work, this year, there's a lot of bonding in the air!

✨ Read the 2024 horoscope predictions for the other signs, here ✨

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Aquarius career horoscope 2024 - No fun or games


Demands will be at the heart of your professional year. It's true that when it comes to your job, your activities or your projects, you're going to have to show discipline and determination, to move forward and hope for success. Fortunately, you're not lacking in creativity, which is a serious boost when the going gets tough, because creativity means imagination and resourcefulness. And sometimes, you'll have to juggle determination with the ability to bounce back. Are we asking too much of you? Yes, there's no doubt about it, there will be challenges this year, and I'm not even talking about your finances, which will suffer a few unforeseen events (oops, I mentioned that 🫢). You'll also have to deal with criticism and jealousy, but that's a lesser evil, you're a sign of communication, you know how to silence the haters.

Your financial predictions 💰 - It's decision time


Saturn, which leaves your sign on March 7 and settles for the rest of the year in your financial sector, recommends that you keep a regular check on your spending and your accounts. In 2024, you seem to be torn between your desire to detach yourself from materialism for the sake of a spiritual quest, to find more freedom, and the temptation to get rich whenever possible. Remember; bet on February to seize an opportunity. You will tighten your purse strings in March. Avoid slippage at the end of April and May. You are gifted with management and good choices in June and July. Influences are more irregular afterward, but you manage to keep your balance...

> Read; What is the lucky color for 2024? <

Health predictions - From top to flop...


If I had just one piece of advice to give you, it would be to listen to your body. Why would you do that? Well, let's put it this way: in 2024, your body's shape will be put through its paces ⤴️ ⤵️. Either Pluto is influencing you and making you invincible, with a fighting spirit and a capacity to recover that's simply incredible. Or you're as fragile as a little chick that's fallen out of the nest and is just about ready to get out of bed and crawl onto the sofa 😩. These periods of intense fatigue will pass quickly, but don't neglect them, you could pay for it later. Finally, a special mention for your intuition. Listen to it, too, because this year it's bordering on clairvoyance. If your little voice says "go that way", believe me, that's the way to go!

Aquarius horoscope 2024 - Predictions month by month

You won't want to work...
If humor and whimsy seem to take up residence in every corner of your universe, it's nothing of the sort when it comes to work. Your lack of motivation is blatant.
Blow it out!
OK, it looks like everyone's getting their act together and trying to push your buttons. Between frustrations and unspoken words on the one hand, criticisms and derogatory remarks on the other, you're having a hard time keeping your cool. You'll have to try to calmly clear the air.
A state of ecstasy
In your heart, you're on the move. In fact, this month you're seeing your feelings more clearly, and that's giving your life a whole new twist. That’s right, when we feel free to love, we feel so much better about ourselves.
A month rich in emotions...
This month, love at first sight is a true possibility... but take your time, there’s no need to rush. Get to know each other first.
A colorful month... 
You’ll start the month with a conqueror's soul that allows you to both advance in your business and restore family balance. Whatever the case, in every area of your life, you can rely on your communication skills to work things out.
⭐ ⭐
It's all too easy
A little Band-Aid on a self-esteem wound from the beginning of the month, and you're off again! Suddenly more optimistic and confident, you approach life with greater ease. Even when Mars doesn't make things easy for you, you'd rather see challenges than complications.

Passion lost sight of
On the business side of things, you're all in, turning the tide in your favor. At home, on the other hand, daily life and its routine are slowly extinguishing you. Passion is no longer on the agenda, but Venus and Pluto will take care of giving you a little inspiration to get things moving.
It's a mixed bag
You'll have no shortage of audacity when it comes to getting what you want, but caution is called for when it comes to money. On this subject, be prepared for a little disappointment. There will also be disappointments in your relationships. Someone's out to get you, and it's bound to lead to conflict. Oops!
Highway to love
You've just taken the highway to love and you're speeding along. You're usually afraid of commitment, but now your passion's grabbing you by the gut, and you've decided to enjoy happiness while it's still there.
In love, charm, serenity, and complicity are the order of the day, and when it comes to your projects, you're on the right track, with success to boot. Your intuition is working wonders.

Bad times
Every time you try to take your mind off things with your partner or friends, every time the worries you encounter in the professional field come back to you. You're disturbed and very consumed by your work and some of the ego wars being played out there. Put your back into it.

A tough period
This month Mercury retrograde causes delays in the progress of your projects. On the other hand, in your heart, you're making progress, but you're making a decision! Venus and Pluto force you to make a choice, and so you engage in relationships that are both passionate and chaotic.

Your luckiest month in 2024, is October

It's right in the heart of autumn that you'll experience your peak... or at least, the most harmonious period of your year. In this month of gray skies and fallen leaves, your love life is of incredible serenity. Even your dates don't disappoint you 😍. On the professional side, your intuition works wonders. You listen to your inner voice, follow it, and your projects head straight for success. What more could you ask for? Maybe a bit more money... 🤑

Astrologist Susan Taylor

My advice to Aquarius natives:

In Aquarius horoscope 2024, do not let yourself be destabilized, instead, seek the balance between your aspirations, desires, and ambitions.

📌 The planets of your year, Pluto - Saturn - Jupiter

As we've seen, this year, Pluto acts on you as a liberator 🆓. Indeed, you are already a very free person, but here, it's a concept of freedom focused on authenticity. You are more in harmony with yourself, expressing and acting accordingly. On the other hand, Jupiter, the planet of success, does what it does best... guide you towards... success. But beware, it only guides you and makes your task easier; you still need to show tenacity to reach your goal. You can also count on Saturn's support to avoid some buying fevers 🛍️. I remind you that, for you, the year 2024 calls for more financial caution, so put away your credit card 💳 and thank you, Saturn!

A glimpse into 2025: Inner journey

2025 will be a highly cerebral year. Engaged in a kind of personal quest, you will only find answers to your questions at the cost of a little internal crisis. It's going to shake! It's always a bit the effect of a good self-examination, but it will pass. Soon your mind will turn to more practical tasks. Your creativity, imagination, and way of envisioning the world will allow you to make progress at work or in a project that is close to your heart.

My conclusion for Aquarius 2024 horoscope... 🖋️

In 2024, the stars could push you into a career reorientation or toward a new union, depending on your situation. You should therefore follow your instincts and not oppose your desires, however, do not do things impulsively. Watch your back!

🌟 The entire Astrofame team wishes you a wonderful year

The Aquarius zodiac sign is free and creative. I hope these yearly predictions will help you move forward in your life in 2024 and help you achieve great things. Don't forget to also look at your ascendant and your moon sign for this new year 😉. If you want more details about your future, please feel free to contact our astrologers, who will answer all your questions with gentleness and kindness.

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To learn more about 2024, why not also check out the following forecasts:

* Literature Source: The New International EPHEMERIDES 1900 - 2050, Author; Francis SANTONI, Published in June 1994 and available here: Amazon - The New International EPHEMERIDES 1900 - 2050

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

I really like what you wrote for next year. Sounds like just what I need. Finances are my biggest worry. I need to buy a home to get out of my small apartment. I don’t know what to do to get enough money for a down payment. Can you be more specific? Aquarians have never been lucky and I really need all the help I can get.

Gloria 8 months ago

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