Capricorn horoscope 2025 month by month
Feel free to return to this page throughout the year, or you can also check our daily Capricorn horoscope & monthly Capricorn horoscope.
January 2025:
Starting with a Bang!
January 1, 2025 - Mars in Leo Opposes Pluto in Aquarius
On January 1, you're like a caged lion, ready to pounce on the first person who annoys you. Stay calm, rather use the drive within you to overcome obstacles and adversaries according to the Opposition between Mars in Leo and Pluto in Aquarius.
January 13, 2025 - Full Moon in Cancer
On January 13, the Full Moon in Cancer is linked to the Mars Pluto Opposition and forms a Sextile to Uranus. You have the opportunity to assert yourself or achieve results through sheer determination.
January 26, 2025 - Semi-Square between Saturn in Pisces and Pluto in Aquarius
You might feel a conflict between logic and impulses. You could experience a tug-of-war between a desire for caution and intense cravings. This situation can cause inner discomfort but also pave the way for personal evolution and transformation according to the semi-Square between Saturn in Pisces and Pluto in Aquarius.
January 29, 2025 - New Moon in Aquarius
The New Moon in Aquarius is linked to Mercury and Jupiter. It whispers excellent ideas to improve your finances or launch an innovative project. Be attentive!
⭐⭐⭐⭐ - You start the year in warrior mode, ready to conquer everything. Mercury helps you juggle the unexpected, and on the heart side, Venus reserves moments worthy of a romantic movie. Be careful not to exhaust yourself from the start, Mars might push you to do too much. Take time to breathe, even if you feel like everything must be done yesterday.
February 2025: Heart at Work
February 12, 2025 - Full Moon in Leo
This Full Moon is linked to the Mercury Uranus Square. You need to express your ideas but your impatience may lead you to say regrettable words. Caution.
February 28, 2025 - Alignment of 7 Planets in the Sky and New Moon in Pisces
Your creativity, intuition, empathy, and spirituality will be boosted.
⭐ ⭐⭐ - On the heart side, it's a bit of a storm. If you're in a relationship, expect emotional roller coasters. Single? Ghosts from the past might resurface. Fortunately, Jupiter lends a hand professionally: it's time to show what you're capable of. Don't let emotions hold you back, you're stronger than that!
March 2025: A Strange Atmosphere...
March 14, 2025 - Full Moon in Virgo and Total Lunar Eclipse
Favorably linked to Saturn, Mars, and Uranus. With this Full Moon, it's time to gather your ideas to structure them and act effectively.
March 23, 2025 - Sun Venus Conjunction in Aries
Your romantic relationships are characterized by increased intensity, deeper passion, and powerful emotions.
March 30-31, 2025 - Neptune Enters Aries
You feel a greater need to act to realize your dreams and ideals.
⭐ ⭐⭐ - The planets are having fun testing your patience. Venus retrograde, Mercury too... In short, you feel like you're talking to a wall. Don't get discouraged, Saturn is keeping watch and helps you stay on course. In terms of health, stay grounded and don't get carried away by the agitated ones. You're solid, don't forget it!
April 2025: A Varied and Busy Month
April 4, 2025 - Sextile between Saturn in Pisces and Uranus in Taurus
In your initiatives, you combine your sense of caution, balance, and your ability to adapt to the evolving context.
April 13, 2025 - Full Moon in Libra
Squared to Mars in Cancer. It's time to make an emotional decision, to commit or not with a person or in a family project... Assert your desires.
April 20, 2025 - Trine Mars in Leo Neptune in Aries
Your energy is strengthened by your inspiration and keen intuition. Driven by an ideal and supported by a group, you stand out.
April 27, 2025 - New Moon in Taurus
Linked to the Opposition between Mars and Pluto. It's time to explore your resources and use your tools to find a practical solution. You have the key!
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ - Mercury and Venus resume their direct course, phew! Your relationships calm down and you regain some stability. Professionally, it's time to collaborate, even if you often prefer to go it alone. Mars pushes you to action, but be careful not to exhaust yourself. Take care of yourself, you're not a machine (even if you sometimes give that impression).
May 2025: It's Busy but Interesting!
May 2, 2025 - Venus Neptune Conjunction in Aries
Your love life is passionate, tumultuous. Your strong sensuality guides you. This strengthens your relationship but can also lead to missteps. Caution!
May 12, 2025 - Full Moon in Scorpio
Linked to Uranus in Taurus. Your need for freedom is heightened. If you're lacking autonomy, let your surroundings know.
May 25-26, 2025 - Saturn Enters Aries
You feel a surge of energy and ambition. This Transit pushes you to take bold initiatives but also asks you to structure your projects with rigor.
May 27, 2025 - New Moon in Gemini
Linked to the Mercury Pluto Trine. Your sharp critical mind and keen analysis allow you to uncover a hidden truth, to solve a mystery.
⭐⭐ ⭐⭐ - Your family life is in the spotlight, with great news in store. Professionally, Mars and Uranus encourage you to step out of your comfort zone. But beware, Saturn and Neptune might play tricks on you at the end of the month. Stay clear-headed and don't get involved in overly ambitious projects. Patience, Capricorn, all good things come to those who wait.
June 2025: Watch Your Spending!
June 9-10, 2025 - Jupiter Enters Cancer
You feel a deep need to redefine your ambitions. Jupiter invites you here to explore your emotions and intuition.
June 11, 2025 - Full Moon in Sagittarius
Well connected to Mars in Leo. Take advantage of this to assess the best way to act, establish credible plans, and change your methods if necessary.
June 15, 2025 - Square between Jupiter in Cancer and Saturn in Aries
A certain pessimism grips you, your will is weak, you feel like you're lacking luck or support.
June 19, 2025 - Square between Jupiter in Cancer and Neptune in Aries
Jupiter stimulates your appetite, your need for expansion, and Neptune opens you to all possibilities. Beware of temptations and the means you use to achieve your goals.
June 25, 2025 - New Moon in Cancer
Conjunct to Jupiter and Squared to Saturn and Neptune. Don't embark on a financially costly or risky initiative or your wallet will groan...
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ - Venus and Jupiter stabilize your love life, but Saturn and Neptune sow doubt from the 15th. Financially, it's time to take a serious assessment. Mars in Virgo helps you stay focused and precise in your tasks. Don't let doubts overwhelm you, Capricorn, you have the resources to overcome this period.
July 2025: Progress Above All
July 7-8, 2025 - Uranus Enters Gemini
In this turbulent sign, the explosive planet stirs your thoughts and keeps you in a state of constant excitement.
July 10, 2025 - Full Moon in Capricorn
Conjunct to Jupiter and well connected to Mars in Virgo. Focus: it's time to find a solution to a practical or financial problem.
July 24, 2025 - New Moon in Leo
Opposed to Pluto but well connected to Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus. You can lucidly embark on new ventures effectively and inspired!
⭐ ⭐ - You are in full introspection, analyzing your relationships and projects with relentless rigor. Uranus awakens in you desires for change, but Saturn reminds you not to rush. In terms of health, a little makeover could do you good. Come on, Capricorn, a bit of fantasy won't hurt you!
August 2025: Say Yes to Love!
August 9, 2025 - Full Moon in Aquarius
This Full Moon enlightens you and helps you find solutions on your own but also suggests listening to others' advice to achieve perfect balance!
August 12, 2025 - Sextile between Saturn in Aries and Uranus in Gemini
Combining caution and adaptability allows you to create a business without taking excessive risks.
August 12-13, 2025 - Venus Jupiter Conjunction in Cancer
It's time to fully enjoy life, solo or duo. It's also a good period to settle down, to offer union or to solicit it.
August 23, 2025 - New Moon in Virgo
Squared to Uranus in Gemini. Uranus makes you restless, this New Moon shakes you up and gives you a kick to initiate targeted actions.
August 29, 2025 - Sextile between Uranus in Gemini and Neptune in Aries
There is harmony between innovation and intuition, individual and collective, which stimulates everyone's creativity.
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ - It's the month of love! Venus and Jupiter have beautiful surprises in store for you, whether you're in a relationship or single. Professionally, your affairs are going well, and if you're on vacation, you manage your finances brilliantly. Take advantage of this period to recharge and focus on what really matters: you and your loved ones.
September 2025: Fire Under Ice
September 1, 2025 - Saturn Returns to Pisces
Saturn in Pisces helps you overcome your fears, draw the outlines of your inspirations to better realize them.
September 5, 2025 - Square between Mars in Libra and Jupiter in Cancer
On September 5, your drive might make you cross the line, especially with any form of authority. Avoid using a peremptory tone if you want to get satisfaction or you risk losing your advantages. You can be demanding without being harsh. Beware of anger under the Square of Mars in Libra and Jupiter in Cancer.
September 7, 2025 - Full Moon in Pisces and Total Lunar Eclipse
Linked to the North Node, it advises you to isolate yourself to take stock, make a spiritual retreat, accept not to act at all costs.
September 21, 2025 at 7:55 PM GMT - New Moon in Virgo (Partial Solar Eclipse)
On the 21st, the New Moon in Virgo is also a partial Solar Eclipse. Opposed to Saturn and Neptune, it invites you to meditate on possible obstacles or disappointments to avoid pitfalls.
September 13, 2025 - Sun-Mercury Conjunction in Virgo Sextile to Jupiter in Cancer
Your mind is more methodical, you have a greater sense of detail and meticulous work. Patience and application guide your actions towards success.
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ - Neptune and Venus awaken your desires, and you are more passionate than ever. Professionally, you charge ahead, but be careful not to crush everything in your path. Mars in Scorpio gives you incredible energy, but don't forget to take time to relax. You're not invincible, even if you like to think so.
October 2025: You're Leading the Dance
October 7 at 3:50 AM GMT: Full Moon in Aries
On October 7, the Full Moon in Aries lights up the sky with fiery energy, amplifying passion. It's time to emotionally free yourself, assert yourself, and act according to your needs.
October 19, 2025 - Mercury Mars Conjunction in Scorpio
On October 19, your mental agility and motor promptness are conducive to spontaneity and quick reactions. Your reflexes are excellent, your comebacks leave a mark, and your psychological insight works wonders. Use humor, even dark humor, to lighten the atmosphere under the Conjunction of Mercury and Mars in Scorpio.
October 21, 2025 - New Moon in Libra
Squared to Jupiter and Pluto. Use psychology and diplomacy in negotiations, disputes, or competition to defuse any conflict.
October 23, 2025 - Neptune Returns to Pisces
You feel amplified sensitivity and a connection to others' emotions. Your dreams, often enigmatic, guide you on this journey.
⭐ ⭐ - Until the 13th, your family and friendship projects are at their peak. Then, you're absorbed by your practical affairs, but don't panic, Jupiter and Saturn support you fully. In terms of health, you're a real war machine. Nothing resists you, even the most daunting chores become child's play. Bravo, you're at the top!
November 2025: Head in the Stars
November 5, 2025 - Full Moon in Taurus
May bring you good financial news. It's time to reconsider your situation to improve your comfort and security.
November 20, 2025 at 6:50 AM GMT - New Moon in Scorpio
The New Moon in Scorpio is linked to Mercury, Uranus, Saturn, Neptune, Jupiter. You want to assert your personal opinion without hurting the community. Find the right words!
November 28, 2025 - Saturn Direct in Pisces
Saturn, which had begun its retrograde in Aries on July 13, now resumes its direct path in Pisces. This facilitates the resolution of stagnant situations after a period of deep reflection. You make confident decisions in all areas. A new direction opens.
⭐ ⭐ - Your love life ignites between the 7th and 21st, and you are irresistible. Professionally, Mercury retrograde might complicate things, but Saturn helps you restore order at the end of the month. In terms of health, watch out for muscle pain and minor slumps. Take care of yourself, you need to stay in shape to face the winter.
December 2025: End of Year Fireworks!
December 4, 2025 - Full Moon in Gemini
Linked to Venus and Mars in Sagittarius. Good news in relationships, friendly meetings, or a love declaration can delight you.
December 13, 2025 - Mercury Sextile in Sagittarius Pluto in Aquarius
On December 13, your open mind enjoys shaking up mentalities. Your heightened intellectual curiosity pushes you to be interested in avant-garde ideas. In your activities, your formidable insight and critical sense allow you to finely analyze situations according to the Sextile between Mercury in Sagittarius and Pluto in Aquarius.
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ - Love sweeps you away from the 25th, and you are ready to experience memorable holidays. Professionally, everything runs smoothly until the 10th, then Mars in your sign from the 15th gives you an incredible boost. You are focused and full of energy, ready to conquer the world. Come on, finish the year in style and prepare for a 2026 just as promising!
💪 A Year Full of Surprises!
2025 promises to be intense! Between emotional upheavals and unexpected professional opportunities, you'll have to step out of your comfort zone. But don't worry, with the Horizon Bundle, you have a tailor-made guide to navigate this eventful year smoothly.
- Your tailor-made horoscope: Detailed forecasts for each month, adapted to your need for structure and the surprises the stars have in store for you.
- A private consultation: A session with an astrologer or the seer of your choice to get practical advice and help you turn the unexpected into opportunities.
My tips for a great year:
You got it, it's a year rich in events that promises to be, it can be great provided you listen to the teachings of the stars and accept to move. Here are some little tips to keep in mind
- Say yes to change: With Uranus and Jupiter orchestrating your year, be ready to seize unexpected opportunities. Whether it's a new job or a love at first sight, jump on the train of surprises! 🚂
- Balance work and relaxation: Saturn pushes you, but Neptune whispers to you to relax. Integrate breaks into your routine. Yoga, meditation, or even a little nap, everything is good to recharge the batteries! 🔋
- Open your heart : Love knocks at your door with Neptune and Venus as reinforcements. Whether you're single or in a relationship, let your romantic side express itself fully. 💕
- Stay in touch : Moves might physically distance you from your loved ones, but don't forget that Skype and WhatsApp are your allies. A video call can sometimes save a day! 📱
- Get organized (easy for a Capricorn): With all these emotions and opportunities, a little organization won't hurt. Keep an up-to-date agenda to not miss anything and make the most of this eventful year. 📅
There you go, you know almost everything about your year! For more details on your year, I invite you to read the horoscope of your lunar sign, as well as the horoscope of your ascendant. For those of you who are more advanced, delve into your astrological houses and your planets. For example, to know which domain will be impacted by Pluto in Aquarius in 2025, look at the house and planets you have in Aquarius. And since it's a profession, if you have questions, want personalized support, contact one of our astrologers for a complete and personalized study of your birth chart.
Wow, I hope most of those things happen. I could use a few good experiences coming my way.
Sharon, 3 months ago
I’m so glad the horoscope resonated with you! 🌟 Stay positive and open to the opportunities the universe has in store—you deserve wonderful things. Sending you lots of good energy! 💖✨ – Susan Taylor
Susan Taylor