How To Attract An Aries Man: Tips On Winning His Heart

Last updated by Susan Taylor

The Aries guy is manly, sporty, optimistic, and spontaneous… One thing is for sure, and that's that these men know exactly how to melt us. But like all the players of the zodiac, it is rather easy to catch his eye, yet it's more difficult to envisage a long-term relationship with him. 💑 If you are crushing on a native of this sign, you're probably wondering what these guys find attractive? What do they look for in a partner? And how can you keep these cheeky chappies interested? We reveal the top 10 secrets on how to attract an Aries man.

How To Attract An Aries Man: Tips On Winning His Heart

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10 Tips on how to attract an Aries man and make him yours 👨‍❤️‍👨

Attracting an Aries personality man can be an exciting and rewarding experience, as Aries men are known for their bold, confident, and adventurous nature. Here are ten tips to help you get him to fall in love with you:

1) Be confident to attract an Aries man

Aries natives are attracted to confident, self-assured women who know what they want and go after it. Show him that you are independent, confident, and can hold your own.

2) Show your adventurous side

These men love adventure and taking risks. Show him that you are up for trying new things and taking on challenges.

3) Flirt with him

These guys are attracted to playful, flirty women. Use your wit and charm to catch his attention and keep him interested.

4) Be direct

They appreciate directness and honesty. Let him know that you are interested in him, and don't be afraid to make the first move.

5) Show your strength

These men are attracted to strong, assertive women who are not afraid to speak their minds. Show him that you are a force to be reckoned with.

6) Be independent

Aries men are attracted to women who have their own interests and passions. Show him that you have a life of your own and are not dependent on him for happiness.

7) Embrace your femininity

These natives appreciate femininity and grace. Embrace your feminine side and show him that you are a woman who knows how to be both strong and soft.

8) Show your supportive side

Aries men appreciate women who are supportive and encouraging. Show him that you are there for him and will support him in his goals and ambitions.

9) Be playful

These guys are attracted to women who know how to have fun and enjoy life. Show him that you are playful, spontaneous, and enjoy the simple things in life.

10) Be yourself

Ultimately, the most important thing to do to attract an Aries man is to be yourself. Aries men appreciate authenticity and honesty, so don't try to be someone you're not. Be true to yourself and let your unique personality shine through.


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How do you get an Aries man to like you?

Forget questions like "How can I make an Aries man fall in love with me?" because love can't be commanded. Instead, ask yourself how to please or conquer an Aries man. Aries men are conquerors themselves, so be a challenge! In other words, at first, avoid being at his feet and giving yourself body and soul; instead, show yourself to be inaccessible. Aries will be won over if he's interested in and admires you. Seducing an Aries man is all about appearances, to which he attaches the utmost importance 💅.

In love, the Aries man likes people who don't let themselves be dominated. This born seducer who gets straight to the point likes clarity and frankness. He rarely beats around the bush. His taste for conquests favors short stories, but you should know that he gives his all if he falls in love. In this case, he'll put his trust in you, ask for advice and be naturally faithful. Beware, however, of monotony and repetition, which are his pet peeves, so that he doesn't need to look elsewhere for what he's missing with you. Heralding spring, this astrological sign symbolizes renewal. Aries hates waiting, which can lead to anger, and has difficulty handling criticism. In bed, seducing and keeping an Aries man involves surprises, new places and exploring the unknown.

People born under the first sign love living their lives at 100 mph and need to be free to feel good about themselves. One way to get him to commit is by supporting him in his sporting activities. When it comes to sex, he loves getting creative and inventive with positions. If you can give this man what he craves in bed, you’ll get him to commit.

📍 FAQ; Which signs have the best chance of seducing an Aries? 📍

Air signs are very likely to be able to seduce an Aries man. Librans, Aquarians and Geminis generally get on very well with him. With fire signs, i.e. other Aries, Lions and Sagittarians, anything can happen: the best and the worst. Relationships with earth and water signs are less obvious.

What is an Aries man like in love? He's an affectionate player!

In love, he is what's known as a hunter and conqueror. Before anything else, he loves attracting people because he gets a huge thrill from the seduction phase. The harder the task seems to him, the more imaginative and determined he’ll be to succeed! These males are also very proactive, some might even say hyperactive because they are constantly on the move.


A huge lover of adventure, an Aries man is a real flirt!

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Aries compatibility: Who do they match best with?

Sagittarius, Libra, and Leo match best with this star sign. Their matches will have to support Aries in the most difficult moments and accompany you in your desire for novelty. 

Aries is compatible with:

Is an Aries man frequently attracted to an Aries woman?

Yes, however, generally, when two lovers belong to the same sign, they share many personality traits that make it easier for them to get along. It is a relationship of similarity, but in the case of an Aries couple, things can happen differently, because it puts in confrontation two passionate natures. It thus involves a certain number of risks, and the harmony will not always be easy to achieve. The man will undoubtedly try to impose his points of view on his partner. But the woman will strongly oppose any form of authority and will not tolerate any obstacle to her freedom. Conflicts are therefore inevitable, and this couple does not stand out for its calmness.

Susan Taylor’s insights: Show your softer side

The Aries man is a fighter who doesn't give up, and who from time to time is not averse to a little head-scratching. He often likes to play the big man, after all, he is one of the most virile signs of the zodiac, but that's not to say he's against a little sweetness. If you want more insights into how to live happily ever after, connect with an Astrofame advisor.

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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