Aries And Virgo Compatibility: ♥ A Doomed Pairing

Last updated by Susan Taylor

These two personalities are very different and are made for natural enemies more than lovers. 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 The timid Virgo doesn't exactly always have what it takes to stand their ground with the pushy Aries. Will this romance fizzle out, or does it have a shot? This couple doesn't have much of a chance on paper, but can the reality be any different? Discover the Aries and Virgo compatibility score and decide for yourself if they have what it takes to fall in love and go the distance.

Aries And Virgo Compatibility: ♥ A Doomed Pairing
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Aries and Virgo compatibility score: 1/5

It's a bit surprising to imagine these two together, as they are opposite in everything! If they manage to complement each other, the conscientious and orderly Virgo will bring stability to the Aries personality and will assist them in their daily tasks. On the other hand, Aries will shine in the eyes of Virgo for their great capacity to act. The Aries has sharp tastes, burning feelings, while the Virgo loves reasonably, with good sense, realism, and dedication. The Virgo must show more spontaneity, and the Aries must restrain their egocentrism. You both share a taste for authenticity, and if each of you makes the effort to adapt, you have every chance of lasting with a lot of passion.

It’s surprising to see these two getting on rather than arguing! At work, Aries and Virgo make a good team, but when feelings of love are involved it’s a bit more complicated. A shy Virgo personality risks being dominated by an extrovert Aries, thus there’s unbalance in the couple. They can teach each other what they lack, but Aries is more likely to give in to the Virgo. Virgo will bring a certain élan of positivity and stability into an Aries' life, and an Aries will fit in well in Virgo's daily life. Although, when things get tough, Aries is likely to flee, so be sure to keep your eyes open, Virgo.

In the realm of extremes that touch... The impulsiveness of Aries may startle the Virgo, who may in turn corner the Aries. If each makes the effort to adapt, the Aries will learn control, and the Virgo will learn to let go. It's worth a try! Aries can showcase their Virgo with their usual enthusiasm. She will be happy to stabilize her wild one a bit.

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Their strength: Differences that can be complementary.
Their weakness: Virgo's rigidity can quickly annoy Aries...
Advice: Talk to each other and get the best out of each other.

Aries woman and Virgo man compatibility: 100% Spicy

The Aries woman risks tiring Mr. Virgo with her legendary fervor and emotional exuberance, and making him uncomfortable with his modesty that demands subtlety. He, who particularly appreciates silence, reverie, calm... feels uneasy facing this demonstrative Aries always in search of affection. It's a relationship that remains fragile in the short term unless it's a devouring passion... which can then also exist forever if they have well-defined common goals that mobilize them both.

- Learn more about this sign in 15 facts about Aries -

Virgo woman and Aries man compatibility: Time for concessions

In order to create a sincere and constructive relationship, it will be necessary for Ms. Virgo not to feel pushed by the vivacity of her dear Aries, which requires efforts on his part! She must grant him all her trust and let him go on his adventures... He, in turn, must take into account the needs of his dear Virgo by getting rid of his legendary fervor, which he displays by wandering the world as he pleases or by speaking faster than his thoughts. If these two natives find common ground, then they could well stay together for many years.

What could tear Aries and Virgo apart?: Control issues

The Virgo, with its need for order and perfection, may sometimes give the impression of wanting to control the impulsive and spontaneous Aries. Imagine a Virgo preparing a detailed travel itinerary, while the Aries prefers to embark on an adventure without a plan. This dynamic can create tensions if the two cannot find common ground. To avoid frustrations, it is essential for the Virgo to learn to let go of some details and for the Aries to understand the necessity of a minimum of organization. Plan together moments of controlled spontaneity, where the Aries can express themselves freely while the Virgo feels reassured by some stable references.

Strength: They can complement each other 

The Virgo, methodical and thoughtful, can be the rock on which the Aries, enthusiastic and bold, can rely on to achieve their ambitions. When the Aries embarks on a new project with passion, the Virgo can bring a critical and organized perspective that helps to materialize ideas. Let's take an Aries who wants to start a business. The Virgo could be the one to develop the business plan, manage finances, and ensure that all administrative procedures are in order, thus allowing the Aries to focus on marketing and promoting the business.


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Sex: Find a balance

The Aries, known for its direct and passionate approach to sexuality, may confuse the more reserved and analytical Virgo. However, this difference can turn into an exciting exploration where the Virgo discovers a new facet of their sensuality. The Aries could introduce games and scenarios that allow the Virgo to feel safe while exploring new sensations. On the other hand, the Virgo could guide the Aries towards a more sensual and detailed approach, which values the quality of foreplay and emotional connection.

🔴 Remember, I'm only touching on sun signs here. For a true astrological compatibility study, you need to compare the natal charts of both people. Finally, remember that a couple is something you work on every day, and that it's all about love, sharing, mutual respect and so much more, so it's up to you.

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

I'm an Aries and my wife's a Virgo and we've been together and married for over 30 years

Steve 3 years ago

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