Leo Personality: Everything About This Astrological Fire Sign

Last updated by Susan Taylor

If you were born between July 23 and August 23, then congratulations, because you're a Leo! ♌ As the true king of the jungle, Leo naturally radiates and exercises constant self-control. These folks are known for their generous, warm-hearted, authoritarian, proud, and demanding characters. Likewise, these personalities are very sincere and genuine in all their relationships. Readers, here's everything you need to know about the Leo personality, enjoy!

Leo Personality: Everything About This Astrological Fire Sign

Leo, a fixed fire sign, ruled by the Sun

Zodiac signs are grouped by elements and modes. Leo is therefore a Fire sign 🔥 with a fixed mode. There is a fixed mode sign for each season, with Leo representing summer, Taurus spring, Scorpio autumn and Aquarius for winter. A "fixed" sign is described as loyal, persevering, with a stubborn personality who acts decisively in a precise direction. The Fire element represents strength, vitality, passion and energy.

Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac, coming just after Cancer and before Virgo. Its season is the height of summer, between July 23 and August 23, when the sun is at its hottest and illuminates us with its rays.

The Sun is this sign’s dominant planet, and this radiant, virile star gives him all their radiance, meaning it's therefore impossible not to notice a Leo in a room! Their appearance is always well-groomed, and when they’re out and about with their mane in disarray, they exude an indescribable, and eye-catching aura. Their warm, generous personality is rather dominant and authoritative.


🦁 Pride, high standards and ambition characterize you, yet you're not one of those heartless leaders because your need for love and recognition outweighs your intransigence.

The dates and personality of Leo: July 23 - August 22

The Leo personality is one you cannot miss because these natives are always in the thick of things and have an indescribable aura that people follow. They overflow with self-confidence and know how to get their way in order to be successful. They adore having their loved ones share in their joy and always play up for an audience. Likewise, they are above all generous and a very loyal zodiac sign.

This sign places a lot of importance on their own needs, and often puts themselves before others. They love being surrounded by friends who appreciate their generosity and loyalty. Natives of this sign are known as the life and soul of the party and bring warmth everywhere they go.  They love attention and having people's eyes on them. This zodiac is one of the 3 Fire signs and is therefore a natural-born commander! These folks see life as a performance, which is why they always give everything their best shot.

These folks are true party animals! They are charming and self-assured, and always know how to bring a crowd together. Although, despite their bubbly characters, difficulties can arise when these natives become obsessed with their own accomplishments. They can be arrogant, inflexible and even lazy.

Proud and generous, Leos are usually surrounded by friends who appreciate their generosity and loyalty. King of the party, charming and self-confident, these personalities always know how to gather crowds. Leo's physical weaknesses may stem from their heart and spine, to which he needs to pay particular attention.

🔴 Difficulties can arise when Leo becomes obsessed with their own achievements. They can be arrogant, inflexible or even lazy. Fortunately, by developing a sense of humor, Leo can mitigate their shortcomings and learn to work cooperatively with others.

🧑 What's the Leo male personality like?

A Leo male is typically characterized by his confident and charismatic personality. He enjoys being the center of attention and has a natural flair for leadership. Ambitious and driven, he pursues his goals with determination and passion. His generous nature and warm-heartedness make him a loyal friend and partner, often going out of his way to help those he cares about. However, his desire for recognition and admiration can sometimes come off as egotistical or demanding. Overall, the Leo male thrives in social settings where his vibrant and dynamic energy can shine.

You are definitely impressive! As folks who overflow with energy and who are always well surrounded, you only aspire to one thing, and that is to make your life extraordinary. Of course, your need to constantly be noticed can sometimes overshadow those around you, but you compensate with levels of loyalty and faithfulness that are only equaled by your generosity. You hate mediocrity, so nothing pleases you more than spoiling your loved ones, even if it means paying a heavy price. You are brilliant and passionate, indeed you are driven by a fierce ambition that feeds both your professional life and your personal projects.

👩 And, what's the Leo female personality like?

A Leo female is equally captivating with her bold and vivacious personality. She exudes confidence and is often admired for her strong presence and sense of style. Like her male counterpart, she is a natural leader and is not afraid to take charge in various aspects of her life. Her enthusiasm and passion are infectious, inspiring those around her. The Leo female is also known for her loyalty and generosity, always ready to support her loved ones. While she enjoys being admired and can sometimes be a bit dramatic, her genuine warmth and optimism make her a cherished friend and partner.

Your organizational skills are really only at their peak when you're putting on grand and lavish events for yourself and others. Plus, your friends had better follow your lead because your drive is boundless. It's simple, if you don't remain active, if you don't go out, boredom gets the better of you. It's the same thing at work, where you can't stand half measures. You are always willing to take on more responsibilities and set up big projects. You know that prestige cannot be obtained without getting your hands dirty, and nothing is more beautiful in your eyes than the recognition of those around you.

What are Leo's personality flaws? - These folks are proud and authoritarian

As one of the proudest zodiac signs, these folks want to be in the limelight at all costs, even if it means crushing all those around them. They cannot bear to be relegated to the background, and the thought of living in the shadows makes them anxious. They are often authoritarian and sometimes even despotic, and their outbursts cannot be erased with gifts...

You are often bossy and need to learn that your outbursts cannot be erased with gifts. No, you can't buy forgiveness that easily... Your pride often prevents you from challenging yourself, but if you do, you may find that your drive and enthusiasm make you an excellent leader. Although, there's no need to boss everyone around with a superior, paternalistic tone. You're wearing yourself out by constantly trying to impress other people. You ought to pay less attention to the superficial aspects of life and instead make more room for the person you really are at heart.

Celebrities born under Leo

As you can imagine, with a personality like that, Leo often finds themselves in the spotlight. Here are a few personalities born under the sign of Leo, just like you. 

- Jennifer Lopez: Born on July 24

- Barack Obama: Born on August 4

- Madonna: Born on August 16

- Chris Hemsworth: Born on August 11

-  Demi Lovato: Born on August 20

Facts to know about the Leo personality traits

We've picked out 15 fun facts about Leo which are guaranteed to blow you away!

  • Leo dates: July 23 - August 22
  • Season: Summer
  • Strengths: Kind, organized
  • Celebrities: Kylie Jenner and Joe Jonas
  • Faults: Pride, authoritarian attitude
  • Gems: Topaz, diamond
  • Zodiac element: Fire
  • Colors: Yellow, orange
  • Metal: Gold
  • Corresponding body parts: Heart, eyes, arteries

What does it mean to have Leo as your rising sign?

Having Leo rising in your birth chart makes you lively, instinctive, feline and observant. For some natives, it will give you more ambition, envy and desire. It's a symbol of creativity and will make you more astute but also more inspired. You will therefore be able to express your feelings and thoughts easier than most. For others, it will multiply your desire for children.

- Use our rising sign calculator to find out more -

Now that you know your ascendant, discover your personality in more detail:

What is Leo like at work?: These folks have an immense need for recognition

Leo wants to be seen and recognized at work and in life. Now, this is a demanding and proud sign that aspires to high-level positions with important responsibilities. This is what guides their steps and choices throughout their careers. They’re made for responsibility, and their natural authority enables them to spontaneously assert themselves in all management and strategic decision-making positions within a company. Leadership positions are obviously a king's choice, even if it means setting up their own company. At work, these folks don't tolerate half measures and are always willing to take on more responsibility or to set up major projects. They know perfectly well that prestige can't be achieved without getting their hands dirty.

👉 Possible professions/industries for a Leo: business leader, influencer, actor, director or any other profession linked to the luxury or show-business sector would suit you perfectly.

What are they like in love? Grandiose!

When they are in love, Leo doesn't pretend. It has to be said that they have a great and beautiful idea of love. Generosity, honesty, fidelity, total commitment, Leo thinks big when it comes to love. With these folks, there's no shortage of gifts, surprises and little attentions. However, they expect the same level of attention from their partners, and will not tolerate anyone taking less interest in them, or worse, making fun of them. Their touchiness is incredible and can often lead to arguments. Of course, they can be a bit domineering in a relationship and try to take charge at home. It's up to you to find the right balance for your relationship. Beware also of their jealousy because they won't tolerate flirtation or infidelity.

As faithful and generous people, they are partners to be reckoned with, as long as your heart's in the right place. In a nutshell, they’re a passionate but very authoritarian lover. You never know where you stand with them. That's why they get on so well with Libra, because they know how to avoid conflict and keep the flame alive.

Leo compatibility: Who is their perfect partner?

Leo people are most compatible with Aries, Sagittarius and Libra. With Sagittarius, they make a good love match because they share the same vision and life goal, they really are on the same wavelength. With Libra, their classy personalities and similar hobbies make them the perfect match. 

👉 Want to know more? Read about the Leo compatibility and find out which signs they match with and which signs they ought to avoid.

Their best matches are: 


The person of their dreams has to have a good aura, a sparkling personality and be able to shine by your side. These natives want to live with a distinguished and elegant person whom they can shower with gifts. 

What type of person are they incompatible with?

"I never have any luck", "it's too hard", "things never go my way". As soon as a Leo personality hears these kinds of negative sentences, they instantly run away! Nothing turns them off more than people who complain all the time. Negativity is contagious, and these natives don't want to lose their optimism or dim their shine. This type of person is very toxic to this personality. Listening to them complain all day long can make them brood and angry...

Susan Taylor’s insights: The final word on Leo

Born with an oversized ego, the Leo sign likes to take center stage. Pride, arrogance, and self-love add to Leo’s colorful character. Their need to monopolize attention is vital, and their perfection must appear for all to see. If you want more insights into this sign, connect with one of our advisors.

- The future is mine -

More details about this sign:

Now that you have read up on this star sign, Susan Taylor suggests you go one step further and check out all this great content:

* Literature Source: The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need, Author; Joanna Martine Woolfolk, Published in 2012 and available here: Amazon - The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

Leo and proud of it.

Richard 3 years ago

Leo personality

Leo personality

All about the Leo personality 

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For a full analysis of your personality, add your rising sign too

What Does Pisces Sun Leo Rising Mean?

Pisces sun Leo rising, you find comfort in the accumulation of your daily victories despite a chronic lack of confidence you suffer from. You evoke sympathy through bursts of genuine generosity, yet you seek recognition and are too sensitive to flattery. You nurture grandiose plans that have a chance of materializing if they concern artistic, philosophical, religious, or, more broadly, spiritual life.

What Does An Aquarius Sun With Leo Rising Mean?

Aquarius sun Leo rising, you're not the easiest person to live with in the zodiac! Your libertarian character and fiercely independent nature can easily veer into megalomania. You can switch from the most sordid egocentrism to the most selfless humanism—it's a matter of timing, people, and mood... It's in your emotional life that your qualities of dedication and warm generosity shine best with someone solid.

What Does Gemini Sun With Leo Rising Mean?

Gemini sun Leo rising, you're brilliant: intelligent, charming, ironic, and talented in many areas. However, you lack a clear line of direction, which can lead you to scatter your focus among conflicting interests. You don't always take the time to get to know your potential partners well, predisposing yourself to errors in judgment, particularly detrimental in your love life, as well as in all your associations.

What Does Taurus Sun Leo Rising Mean?

Taurus sun Leo rising, you have great allure and grand projects, with just the right mix of practicality, willpower, organization, initiative, and tenacity to see your endeavors through. Your self-esteem is a powerful motivator, very positive if it doesn't turn into megalomania and if you don't stubbornly cling to rigid opinions. When something strikes your conscience, the impact is profound; you immediately connect it with your ideals.

What Does A Capricorn Sun With A Leo Rising Mean?

Capricorn sun Leo rising, you overflow with great ambitions, love for a job well done, and exorbitant demands on everyone, including yourself. You try to fill your inner solitude by seeking a reliable and, above all, warm partner to brighten your daily life. When you have taken sides for an idea, a goal, or a person, you put your honor at stake to motivate yourself and win.

Sagittarius Sun Leo Rising: Meaning And Influence On Your Personality

Sagittarius sun Leo rising, you have the bearing of a grand nobleman, your gait is regal, your nobility natural, your contagious enthusiasm, and your high ambitions. Your passionate impulses towards great and noble knightly loves, loyal fights for a noble cause, do not detract from your independence. You aspire to a life of independence or a position of responsibility because you find it difficult to see your talents drowned in the crowd.

Scorpio Sun Leo Rising: Meaning And Influence On Your Personality

Scorpio sun Leo rising, you possess a powerful personality, even a touch of mystery. Your imposing demeanor conceals a will of iron and great strength. Your dominant character doesn't fare well with shades of gray. You are very demanding, yet also very loving to those who know how to approach you... Your sensitivity can bewilder others as you invest much of your self-esteem in details that seem insignificant to others.

Libra Sun Leo Rising; Meaning And Influence On Your Personality

Libra sun Leo rising, the desire to be recognized and appreciated is so deeply ingrained in you that your popularity is undeniable; you collect relationships. You benefit from a charisma that exudes nobility and elegance. It is in your social and relational sphere that you are most likely to encounter fulfilling professional opportunities.

What Does It Mean To Have A Virgo Sun With Leo Rising?

Virgo sun Leo rising, you excel more in your professional life than in your family or romantic sphere... Qualities and flaws alternate between professional efficiency and sensitivity, business acumen, but also critical thinking... You are rational, logical, and cerebral, hence reserved, which doesn’t necessarily ease your human relationships despite a real presence. Your broad-mindedness coexists with meticulousness to, at best, achieve a fulfilling balance in all areas.

What Is Double Leo? - It's A Leo Sun Leo Rising

Leo sun Leo rising, you exude distinction and abhor vulgarity, carrying yourself with the air of a noble. One can only hope you have the means to match your aspirations. You rely on your charm to advance in life, a strategy that serves you well. Your charisma opens doors for you. Always seeking self-improvement, you aspire to better understand yourself to better express your identity. Ambitious and determined, you have a clear vision of your goals and are ready to work hard to achieve success and earn the respect of others.

What Does It Mean To Be An Aries With A Leo Rising?

Aries sun Leo rising, you are full of fire and flair, you exist with style, acting loyally and engaging in exchanges without pettiness 🔥. In return, you aspire to social recognition and esteem from your loved ones. You have great energies to manage to succeed in life, and while your excesses may sometimes harm you, your kindness and generosity can also contribute to your success.

Cancer Sun Leo Rising: Meaning And Influence On Your Personality

Cancer sun Leo rising, you crave attention, and you effortlessly draw it with your kindness, charm, and diverse talents. You display remarkable perseverance in achieving your goals, sometimes accompanied by boasting when you succeed... Remember, flattery comes at a cost to those who listen. It's worth reflecting on, as you tend to be somewhat credulous and naive. Allow yourself to be advised on important decisions.

What does my sign say about my personality?

Leo In Astrology: Everything You Need To Know

Leo likes to stand out and be admired. ♌ These natives are certainly proud by nature, and in fact, their motto is definitely 'go hard or go home', which explains why these natives love living in luxury and comfort. Curious by nature, these brave Lions have a great thirst for learning new things. Their social skills mean they are outgoing and always move forward with optimism. Get all the astrology information you need here on this sign.

Leo Horoscope 2024: Embrace The Roaring Adventure!

Oh wow, get ready for an epic year, Leo! This year will bring major changes to your career, and you're going to rock it! 😎 Don't be afraid to roar like the true king or queen that you are, and embrace the exciting journey ahead. Let's dive into your Leo horoscope 2024, which has been specially crafted with love, just for you!

Aquarius And Leo Compatibility: ♥ An Intense Couple

Aquarius is very focused on following their own path despite people's opinions, whereas Leo feels the need to please and impress people. Leo is a being of action and intuition above all, while Aquarius is a creature of ideas and concepts. Both natives will encourage self-expression and communication from their partner. One of the strongest points in favor of this relationship is the attraction between them. This couple inspires lots of optimism and together, they will have the strength they need to achieve their dreams. Read on for more details on their compatibility and discover their love score.

Scorpio And Leo Compatibility: ♥ This Pair Could Clash

Beware of the competition between these two because it's explosive! Especially since Scorpio is not the type to flatter the ego of Leo, which could make His Majesty roar rather furiously. Scorpio's elusive emotions as well as their temperament can irritate Leo, who appreciates openness and frankness above all. Scorpio on the other hand could quickly tire of what they judge to be superficiality and vanity in Leo. Each partner's need for power will end up making the relationship an eternal struggle. Conflicts and clashes take over the rare moments of happiness they experience together. Read on for more details on the Scorpio and Leo compatibility and discover their love score ❤️.

Libra And Leo Compatibility: ♥ An Exciting Match

This match is probably the most glamorous and thrilling of the whole zodiac. Their explosive charm and charism will make them a force to be reckoned with and will pave the way for intense romance. These signs both know how to woo, and they do indeed love very hard, despite the obstacles in their way. If the partners manage to find a balance of power in, they could live happily ever after. Read on for more details on the Libra and Leo compatibility and discover their love score.

What Are Some Unique Facts About Leo?: Here Are 15 Of Them

Ruled by the Sun, Leo is a sign of fire, making their personalities flamboyant and luminous. These natives exude a certain aura and exert domination and authority on their entourages. These folks are born leaders, with huge hearts and a sense of unfailing loyalty, just like the famous king "Richard the Lion heart". We’ve chosen 15 Leo facts which will help to give you deeper insights into the feisty nature of those associated with the mighty Lion.

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