Risk: Oversized egos
Oversized egos that support and admire each other can't coexist every day without some friction. And as good Fire signs, their arguments are often big fires that burn everything down.
It's worth noting that Leo can be quite domineering and needs to be the center of attention, which could sometimes irritate Sagittarius, who also needs freedom and autonomy. Sagittarius can also be unpredictable and unreliable, which could frustrate Leo, who prefers stability.
These two Fire signs need to explode from time to time. It is very likely that some tempers will flare up in this couple's daily life. But fortunately for these generous lovers, these are often just minor frictions, just enough to restore order in the relationship.
Strength: They lift each other up
Both active and decisive, they are also quite bossy. But there's no danger here. Once in love, these leaders are capable of great generosity and kindness. They can use their strong characters to help each other progress, without falling into rivalry and even less into pettiness, which they hate!
Their respective courage helps them overcome the problems they encounter in life. Leo and Sagittarius admire and respect each other, so even though they are very attractive, fidelity can be preserved in their relationship.
Sex: Enduring!
In bed, they are very enduring but love to wait before getting down to business, just to build up the desire. They love being begged. Both love tenderness and can build up the temperature and excitement for long moments before getting down to business. So their encounters are always explosive.
📍For a reliable astrological love compatibility study, I need to analyze and compare the natal charts of both individuals. So take it with a grain of salt. For more details, I invite you to consult the Moon sign and the rising sign to learn more about how you approach your relationships and how you experience your emotions. To conclude, remember that here, we are talking about astrology, but a couple is above all about love, sharing, mutual trust, respect, and many other things. It’s up to you!
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