Have you ever noticed that the duration of the lunar cycle (28 days) corresponds with a woman’s menstrual cycle? It is also widely believed that there are more births during the periods of Full Moon, so it's not surprising that the Moon has a strong influence on your libido and romantic relationships… Follow our Moon calendar for all the essential dates of these important phases.
How does each Moon phase impact your libido? — Discover the high and low points of your sex drive
1. The New Moon encourages you to become more seductive 💋:
This phase represents the time for initiatives to be taken and embarked on! The New Moon is the best period for furthering projects with your partner, so why not try suggesting new and sexy experiences? In any case, don't hold back when it comes to surprising your partner on the evening of the New Moon, and if things have hit a bit of a blip, try to rekindle the flame. Learn about the uses of Moon water here.

If you’re single, the New Moon is the perfect time to start dating or even to begin a new relationship.
2. The first quarter encourages sexual communication with your partner 💑:
If you’re having problems in your relationship, despite the efforts that you made during the New Moon, this is the time to set things straight between you and your partner. This clarification allows you two to open up more than ever before. Ask your partner what makes them happy, what doesn't, then adapt yourself to their needs. If everything goes well between you, then think about expressing your sexual desires and why not even your super-secret fantasies!
— Discover the power of plants on fertility —
3. What does a Full Moon mean sexually?: Your orgasms will be heavenly 💏:
Sex on a Full Moon is the ideal time to reach orgasmic levels with your partner! During this phase, you feel more energetic, so you’ll need less sleep, and sex is the best way to channel your energy. All of your senses are stimulated by the Full Moon, in short, your sensations are multiplied by 10, and it’s a one-way trip to heaven, so make sure you get on board! Discover which zodiac signs are most sexually compatible.
Some suggest that the Full Moon also plays a role in hormones. Its electromagnetic radiation would indeed influence our hypothalamus, the gland that orchestrates the secretion of hormones. By contributing to increasing the production of hormones, and thus of testosterone, which controls sexual desire, the Moon would thus have a power on the libido.
Now, because the general energy is at its peak, the Full Moon is associated with personal reflection and assessment. This time of year is more conducive to introspection and tends to make humans more emotional and tense. However, some people are able to release these tensions by making love. Likewise, because the full moon is associated with greater aggression. We notice that human beings tend to be more impulsive and reactive during this time of the month. Some people might therefore feel like having adventures and be tempted by the unknown. Some dating sites say they have noticed an increase in registrations during the nights of the full moon.

If you’re single, it’s time to bring this to an end and start enjoying great sex!
4. The last quarter will decrease your libido 👫:
Often during this last phase, you’ll have less of a desire to be intimate, and you’ll withdraw yourself as if you’re going to take a nap until the next New Moon. Furthermore, the craziness from the Full Moon has probably made you tired. If you’re single, this isn't the time to look for a relationship, so be sure to quietly stay in your corner because the person you’re interested in will push you away.
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