How To Make Use Of The Powers And Virtues Of These 10 Plants

Last updated by Susan Taylor

Plants each have their own virtues and powers, so much so that our ancestors often used them for food, medicinal or protective purposes. Even today, the use of plants is still common, in food, in the form of herbal teas for example, or as remedies in the case of essential oils or homeopathy. We’ve compiled a list of 10 plants and are here to reveal what they are useful for and in which circumstances you ought to turn to them.

How To Make Use Of The Powers And Virtues Of These 10 Plants

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From skin problems, digestive issues, migraines to bruises, the use of plants does not of course replace medical advice but can be useful in helping you heal and recover. Indeed, these wonderful elements of vegetation are said to mend broken hearts and aid in the quest for falling pregnant.

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The virtues of plants and how they can help you

Discover the secrets of these 10 medicinal plants along with their mythical and mystical powers...

1. Belladonna - The beautiful mortal

The Roman goddess of war, Bellona, gave her name to this plant, which in the past was used, in small doses, to pray and invoke her help, but also to help to have visions. Knowing that 3 to 4 berries of this plant are deadly, it must be correctly dosed.


This pretty plant with purple flowers and black berries is in fact an extremely violent and contains a deadly poison. But, when used wisely in phytotherapies or homeopathy, it is an excellent remedy against arterial hypertension and insomnia.

2. Wheat - Your fertility ally

This plant is also a symbol of fertility that can be carried around by someone or offered to newlyweds to help them conceive a child.


Wheat has been used in human food for millions of years. Even before they knew how to make bread, our ancestors knew about its benefits. Indeed, sprouted wheat is rich in phosphorus, magnesium and calcium.

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3. Cinnamon - Sensuality and prosperity

This spice is widely used in cooking and has many properties. Astringent, antiseptic and stimulating. It is used as wall against warts, as to find the form or in aphrodisiac massage

CinnamonWhen placed at home, in the form of incense for example, it helps to bring prosperity into the home.

4. The Pumpkin – The secret to getting pregnant

Much more than a tasty squash, the pumpkin has many health benefits. It acts against heart disease, insomnia, diabetes, constipation or urinary inflammation.


This cucurbit is also loaded with symbols, including being resurrection of the dead at Halloween for example, as well as eternal life and fecundity. Indeed, its shape recalls the belly of a pregnant woman, and as for the seeds, they would allow women to be more fertile.

5. Foxglove and its protective power

Even in small quantities, such as in a herbal tea, this plant is deadly, but as so often, if it is used correctly its virtues to heal the heart are recognized.


In addition to its health benefits, Foxglove is best known and used for its protective power. In order to protect your home and your land, grow some in your garden.

6. Mistletoe - The plant of the druids

Mistletoe was of course the sacred plant of the Celtic and Gallic druids. Its ability to stay green even in the heart of winter was a symbol of regeneration, vitality and eternal vigor. Our ancestors used it to treat high blood pressure, epilepsy, infertility, nervous conditions, asthma and headaches. Traditional herbal medicine has mainly retained the use of the plant to treat high blood pressure.


Worn as a talisman, they would have aphrodisiac properties but it would also ensure conception and protect children from nightmares.

7. Lavender – Revive an old love story

In addition to its lovely smell, lavender has many effects in phytotherapy especially for skin problems (acne, psoriasis, eczema), small wounds and scars. In forehead massages, it is also known for its calming and soothing properties that reduce nervous tension and migraines. It also alleviates depressive states.


It’s a plant of love, it can be used as a candle to obtain sentimental satisfaction and bring peace of mind to your home.

8. The Poppy - The answer to your questions

Eaten or carried, this plant increases fertility and attracts luck and money. A Romanian belief even holds that whoever wants to know the answer to a question can write it in blue-on-blue paper and slip this paper into the heart of a poppy flower so that the answer will come to them in a dream.


In the kitchen, poppy seeds are said to aid digestion and sleep. As a decoction, poppy seeds are beneficial against insomnia, but when used on the skin, they heal wounds, burns and itching.

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9. Thyme - Your health partner

Our ancestors already knew the antiseptic properties of thyme and its power to soften the respiratory mucous membranes. It is therefore still perfect today when chasing away colds but also to alleviate asthma, pursuit dark thoughts or to invigorate the body and relieve rheumatism in a bath.


Etymologically, in Greek the word thyme means "offering that one burns, perfume, herb". Legend has it that if thyme is burned on charcoal in the house, it guarantees good health to all the occupants.

10. Verbena - The grass of Venus

The verbena that we often consume in herbal tea is lemon verbena. It is reputed to help digestion and sleep but also for its antispasmodic effects. The officinal verbena, also called "Venus herb" was widely used in Greece, macerated in wine, for its aphrodisiac effects. This plant of love, is also used to keep a loved one close to you or to attract a desired person to you.


You now know more about the benefits of plants on your health, to go further we recommend our dictionary of ailments, discover the meaning of body aches, the relationship between emotions and disease.

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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