Can't sleep Full Moon spiritual meaning
If you've been pointing the finger at too much screen time before bed, you can now turn your attention to the Full Moon. Scientists agree that the most common explanation for insomnia is that our internal biological clock is linked to the phases of the Moon.
Indeed, many of us find that it takes us longer to get to sleep on these evenings and that the quality of our sleep is often inferior to other nights. This is due to a diminution of melatonin, the hormone that helps you sleep. If this is your case, scientists call it being ‘lunar rhythmic’ and it means our bodies function around the phases of the moon.
Here's how the Full Moon affects your sleep pattern;
- The sleep period is shortened by 20 minutes, during the 4 nights preceding or following a full moon.
- The deep sleep phase is reduced by 30% on average during a full moon period.
- The rate of production of melatonin, a hormone fundamental for the regulation of sleep, is at its lowest.
- Falling asleep is delayed by 5 minutes on average.
- A feeling of tiredness is noted the next day.
‘The Sun sees your body, the Moon sees your soul.’ This ancient proverb perfectly describes our relationship with this powerful star. Often we look to the Sun to bring us light and clarity, while it is the Moon that sees us in our darkest hours. As humans, we go through different phases, just like the Moon does each month. Simply put, the stronger your connection to the Full Moon, in other words, the more affected by it, you are, the more aligned your heart chakra is. The heart chakra houses kindness and forgiveness. Therefore, as a sensitive soul, this cycle impacts you more than others and deprives you of sleep as a way of getting you to focus on how you can repair relationships.
- Discover how the Full Moon affects each zodiac sign -
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