When To Cut And Dye Your Hair According To The Moon In 2024

Last updated by Susan Taylor

Even though it isn’t scientifically proven that the Moon plays an essential role in vegetable growth, gardeners always observe the Moon before planting and pruning. Following this logic, why wouldn’t it be the same thing for hair growth? 👩‍🦱 We reveal which phases you need to cut your hair in, so that it'll grow back healthier, thicker and fuller than ever, and when you ought to dye it for amazing results! Following our Moon calendar to plan your next visit to the salon will give you the locks you've always dreamed of. It's time you got the shampoo commercial worthy hair you've always dreamed of!

When To Cut And Dye Your Hair According To The Moon In 2024
🌙 Unlock The Power Of The Moon Phases For Your Zodiac Sign! 🌙

Discover how the phases of the moon influence your zodiac sign and shape your emotions, behaviors, and destiny. Our expert astrologers can guide you through the lunar cycles, helping you harness their power for success.



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The Moon calendar is about to become your hair's best friend and will help you decide when the best time is to cut it, for your desired result. Up until now, this has been one of these well-kept secrets, but, it's a fact, having beautiful locks and a good, classy cut really does depend on the Moon’s phases 👩‍🦰

To put it simply, during the Moon’s cycle, there are certain phases that are essential for encouraging the regrowth of health healthy hair. So with all this in mind, we’re giving you all the information you need to increase growth and to become a hair shaman in your own right!


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Hair cutting Moon calendar and color treatments for 2024 🗓️

Are you thinking of trimming the ends or taking off a few inches, so your locks grow back quickly and in a healthier state? If so, the most opportune time to cut your hair is during a crescent moon: this is the stage between the New Moon and the Full Moon. If you cut your hair during this expansive phase, your hair will undoubtedly grow back quicker!

Best dates for a haircut
Best dates for coloring and treatments
January 5 - 18 and January 22
January 11 - 15
February 14 - 18
February 7 - 11
March 14 - 17
March 6 - 10
April 11 - 14
April 3 - 7
May 5 - 7 and May 11
May 23 - 27
June 4 - 8
June 23 - 27
July 1 - 5 and July 28 - 31
July 21 - 25
August 25 - 28
August 21 - 25
September 21 - 26
September 13 - 17
October 18 - 22
October 11 - 15
November 15 - 18
November 7 - 11
December 9 - 11 and December 27 - 28
December 4 - 8

Cutting hair on Full Moon - For the perfect cut ✂️

Many legends exist about the full moon, including the one that says its effects will enhance your hair. It would therefore be beneficial for you to have a "moon cut". This consists in sacrificing a few centimeters of your length, during a night of a full moon. And the promises are tempting: your hair would then grow faster, stronger, and more numerous. Moreover, there are a handful of convinced hairdressers in the world. These hairdressers even offer nightly sessions at these times of the year, which are always performed outdoors.

Even if the cutting hair on Full Moon thesis remains very attractive, it has never been scientifically proven. The positive influence of the moon on your hair remains an unverified belief to this day. For the majority of hairdressers, there is no ideal period! It is only recommended to cut your lengths by a few centimeters every 3 months or so, in order to avoid split ends and to give a boost to your hair.

On the other hand, it is recommended to cut them just before your summer vacation. The reason? If your ends are already damaged, they will be even more so when they come into contact with the sea, sand, or sun. But this advice is still for aesthetic reasons... Generally speaking, human hair that is in good health grows from 0.5 to 2 cm per month. And no phenomenon can change that!

A recap of the best tips for cutting your hair on a Full Moon

  • The Full Moon would be the best time to cut your hair.
  • Cutting your hair during the full moon gives it strength, thickness, and vitality.
  • The full moon is also beneficial for scalp care: hair masks, and conditioners.
  • To benefit from its effects, you will have to work on your hair between 6:00 am and 12:00 pm.

Cutting hair New Moon - Avoid getting the chop on these dates ❌

It is generally not recommended to cut your hair on a new moon day because during this phase your hair would be more fragile, thinner, and more likely to fall out. Therefore, if you want to avoid damaging your hair, it is best to avoid new moon phases. According to astrology, new moons are favorable to new beginnings, so if you want to try a new color or get a drastic haircut the new moon would be a good time to make a radical change in hairstyle.

A round-up of the essential tips for cutting your hair on a New Moon

  • The New Moon would be an unfavorable time to cut your hair.
  • Cutting your hair during the new moon would weaken it and encourage hair loss.
  • However, the new moon would be beneficial for radical changes in hairstyle: new coloring, new cut.

Do your hair mask during a crescent phase

The crescent phase of the Moon, which occurs every 2 weeks, is a regenerative phase and is the right moment to do a hair mask! It’s suggested to color your hair during these periods as your body and hair will be in its best possible condition and so your color will take noticeably better if you dye your hair during this phase.

- Discover how the Full Moon affects each zodiac sign -

Astrologist Susan Taylor

Astrologist Susan Taylor's insights:

'The effects of the Moon on hair could cause it to grow back more or less quickly depending on the care given to it in accordance with different lunar phases. Some hairdressers are convinced of the benefits of a "moon cut", despite the fact that its effects are not scientifically proven.'

When to cut your hair to slow down growth? - During the Waning Moon period

If you don't want to visit the hairdresser a few weeks after your haircut and want to enjoy your new cut for as long as possible... it's possible! Schedule an appointment with your hairdresser or grab your scissors during the waning moon phases. The waning moon phase is the period between the full moon and the new moon, this phase is in fact known to slow down growth.

Days to prioritize for cutting your hair if you want to slow down growth:


💡 FAQ - 'If I want thicker hair, when should I cut it?' 💡 ▼

For those worried about the thickness of their hair, your solution once again lies with the lunar phases. Simply wait for the Moon to be in transit during Leo or Virgo, as these will be the optimal days to cut your hair if you’re looking for thicker regrowth.

- 🌝 Learn about the importance of the Moon 🌝 -

The best days to cut hair for growth and thickness, 2024

In 2024, the best days to cut hair for promoting growth and thickness are aligned with the lunar calendar, particularly during the waxing moon phase, when the moon is transitioning from new to full. This period is believed to enhance the body's natural regenerative processes, including hair growth. For optimal results, consider trimming your hair during the first and second quarters of the waxing moon, especially when the moon is in fertile and water signs like Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, which are thought to be particularly beneficial for hair health. Key dates to mark on your calendar include January 15-27, March 11-24, May 9-22, July 7-20, September 5-18, and November 3-16. By aligning your haircuts with these lunar phases, you may encourage thicker and more robust hair growth.

Susan Taylor’s insights: When to cut your locks

To summarize briefly:
Full Moon: excellent time to cut your hair
New Moon: don't cut your hair
Rising Moon phase: haircut for long hair
Waning Moon phase: haircut for short hair 

If you have questions about your future, if you need answers, don't hesitate to make an appointment with one of our psychics. They will enlighten you about your future with great attention.

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* Literature Source: The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need, Author; Joanna Martine Woolfolk, Published in 2012 and available here: Amazon - The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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Moon Phases
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🌙 Frequently Asked Questions about Moon Phase Readings

What are the benefits of understanding the moon phases? ▼

Understanding the moon phases can provide deep insights into your emotional world, how the lunar cycles affect your zodiac sign, and how to harness these energies for personal growth and success.

What can I expect during a moon phase reading? ▼

During a moon phase reading, the astrologer will analyze your birth chart in relation to the current and upcoming moon phases. You will gain insights into how these phases influence your emotions, behaviors, and life events.

Do you offer any introductory offers for new clients? ▼

Yes, we offer 3 free minutes for new clients to help you get started and experience our services. This allows you to connect with an astrologer and get a feel for the reading before committing to a full session.

How should I prepare for a moon phase reading? ▼

To prepare for a moon phase reading, find a quiet and comfortable space where you won't be disturbed. Have an open mind and heart, and consider writing down any questions or areas of life you want to explore during the reading.

How do moon phases influence my emotions and behaviors? ▼

The moon phases can significantly impact your emotions and behaviors. By understanding these influences, you can better navigate your emotional landscape and make informed decisions.

Can understanding moon phases help improve my relationships? ▼

Yes, understanding how moon phases affect you and your partner can improve communication and emotional connection, leading to healthier and more fulfilling relationships.

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