What Date Is The New Moon In August 2024? It's The 4th, In Leo

Last updated by Susan Taylor

Even though it’s invisible in the sky, a New Moon marks the beginning of a new lunar cycle, and symbolically represents a fresh start for each of us. Its energies urge us to double our efforts and to prepare for the rewards to come. Now, with this in mind, we bet you're wondering what happens during this phase, and what influence the New Moon exerts on our bodies and minds. 🌑 Susan Taylor answers all of your questions and reveals how can we make the most out of this prosperous instance. Discover all the dates of this important phase, and anticipate this catalyst motion.

What Date Is The New Moon In August 2024? It's The 4th, In Leo
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From an astronomical perspective, the New Moon corresponds to the lunar phase during which the moon is situated between the Earth and the Sun. It is very difficult to observe the New Moon because it is located too close to the Sun. Indeed, the New Moon marks the point at which we turn over a new leaf and is the ideal time to start new things or initiate new projects 💪. During this period, we are encouraged to sow our seeds, so, if you’re planning for a baby, it's worth knowing that the New Moon is the ideal period for conceiving a child.

👉 Follow the Moon calendar here for more insight into each cycle.

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When is the next New Moon? - It's on August 4, 2024

Below are the dates of the cycles in 2024:

Month - 2024:
Time EST:
In which sign?
12:00 PM
Capricorn ♑
2:00 PM
Aquarius ♒
2:00 PM
Pisces ♓
2:00 PM
Aries ♈
5:00 AM
Taurus ♉
10:00 PM
Gemini ♊
8:00 PM
Cancer ♋
8:00 PM
Leo ♌
3:00 PM
Virgo ♍
11:00 AM
Libra ♎
6:00 PM
Scorpio ♐
4:00 AM
Sagittarius ♑
7:00 AM
Capricorn ♑

August 4, 2024, New Moon in Leo ♌

The New Moon often symbolizes renewal, encouraging us to take a fresh start. It offers a breath of fresh air and inspires us to undertake new ventures. When the New Moon is in the sign of Leo, a Fire sign, it usually brings an abundance of energy. We feel a strong urge to take action and achieve our goals. Gone are the hesitations and doubts; this New Moon prompts us to take bold initiatives! Leo, the sign of self-confidence, urges us to shine in our social, public, and professional lives. Leo is associated with the 5th astrological house, which governs love, children, leisure, teaching, and art. These areas, depending on our situation, may come to the forefront around August 4.

What can we expect on the evening of August 4?

On August 4, the New Moon in Leo forms a sextile, a beneficial aspect, with Mars and Jupiter in Gemini. This is a dynamic and intriguing combination that can bring a lot of energy and inspiration. Mars provides its combative energy and determination, while Jupiter offers the ability to think big and take risks. Together, these two planets can help overcome obstacles and reach new heights. Our ambitions, work, and finances are highlighted.

This New Moon in Leo encourages us to stay open to new experiences, to be creative and persistent, to make the most of this intense and passionate energy. It's the time to sow seeds, act with confidence and determination. Let’s not wait to showcase our desires, creative power, and potential for social and material success. Let’s also be generous in our affectionate relationships until the next Full Moon on August 19, which will be a bit more complex. We'll talk more about that later.

👉 Everyone is impacted by the "New Moon" but the signs most affected here are Leo, Aquarius, Aries, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra, Scorpio, and Taurus. Our ascendant signs are also impacted too; if you are unsure of yours, calculate your rising sign here.

August 4, 2024 - Sky chart

- On August 4, 2024, the New Moon phase begins at 8:00 PM at 20° from Leo.-

Which zodiac signs will benefit most from this phase? Here's your mini horoscope

Start new initiatives with your children, your partner, or anyone you desire... or create an artistic masterpiece! Success is waiting for you. Whether it's a new hobby, a fun project, or an exciting adventure, this is the perfect time to dive in headfirst. Your creative energy is high, and your enthusiasm will inspire those around you.
Now is the perfect time to launch a family project or renovate your home. Think about the changes you've been wanting to make and start planning. Whether it's a small DIY project or a major overhaul, your efforts will bring harmony and comfort to your living space. Involve your loved ones to strengthen your bonds and make the process more enjoyable.
Get moving if you have a contract to sign or a job to find. Also, don't hesitate to try your luck at a game (in moderation, of course!). Your communication skills are at their peak, so network and reach out to potential employers or partners. This proactive approach can lead to unexpected opportunities. Just remember to stay balanced and not overcommit.
This is a great time to make decisions about your finances and possessions. The wheel of fortune may turn in your favor, bringing new opportunities for growth and security. Review your investments, savings, and expenses to ensure you're on the right track. Trust your instincts and be open to advice from trusted sources.
Don't hesitate to learn and discover new things. Take advantage of your strong motivation to achieve your goals! Enroll in a course, read a book, or explore a new hobby. Your natural curiosity and determination will lead you to new heights. Use this time to expand your knowledge and skills, setting the stage for future success.
The New Moon in your subconscious sector shakes things up if you've been resting on your laurels or heading in the wrong direction. Seek advice from those around you; you can succeed where you doubted yourself. This is a period of introspection and growth. Listen to your inner voice and make necessary adjustments to your path.
Your social and collective projects are gaining momentum. Gather your allies and charge ahead! This is the time to rally your friends and colleagues around shared goals. Your charm and diplomacy will help you build strong, cooperative relationships. Together, you can achieve great things and make a meaningful impact.
A new professional experience could benefit you. Embrace the challenges and don't fear the unknown. This is an opportunity to step out of your comfort zone and grow. Whether it's a new job, a project, or a responsibility, tackle it with confidence. Your resilience and resourcefulness will guide you to success.
A partnership or your significant other could lead to financial or professional success. Don't hesitate to work as a team! Collaborate and communicate openly with your partner. Their support and insights can help you achieve your goals more effectively. Together, you can turn your dreams into reality and enjoy the journey.
The New Moon invigorates you, and your energy helps you forget any minor aches and pains. Use this renewed vitality to tackle tasks you've been putting off. Your determination and focus are stronger than ever, making this an excellent time to pursue your ambitions. Embrace this fresh start and watch your hard work pay off.
The New Moon positively influences your romantic relationships. Whether you're getting closer or experiencing a lucky encounter, everything brightens up based on your love situation. Be open to new experiences and express your feelings. This is a time for deep connections and joyful interactions. Let your heart lead the way.
Good news in your family or daily life boosts your spirits. You regain a youthful energy! Embrace this positive momentum and use it to strengthen your relationships and enhance your routine. Whether it's a small victory or a major breakthrough, celebrate it fully. Your optimism and enthusiasm will be contagious.

What is the New Moon in Astrology, and what does it actually do?

From an astronomical point of view, the New Moon occurs when the Moon finds itself in between the Earth and the Sun, meaning it's impossible to observe in the sky because the illuminated side shines away from us. During this stage, the Sun, and the Moon are next to each other, on the same degree of the zodiac, forming a Sun conjunct Moon composition.

This monthly cycle has huge impacts that we must pay attention to, especially with regard to our moods and bodies 🤸. Indeed, it symbolizes a second chance and blesses you with a clean slate. That's why it's the perfect time to meditate, plan and organize your next steps towards success. In short, its purifying energy helps you in your reflection and analysis.

Despite this dimly lit phase, we know that the sky hasn't been abandoned and that the Moon will appear again. The absence of light during this phase can be destabilizing, although, if you embrace the darkness, you'll soon understand that it can be a doorway to any possibility and the energy contained in your intentions will soon manifest. 


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What does a New Moon mean spiritually?

In astrology, the New Moon represents a new beginning and the start of a new 29.5-day lunar cycle. It's a good time to set intentions, start new projects and make meaningful choices. During this phase, the Moon is aligned between the Earth and the Sun, making its illuminated side invisible from Earth. Symbolically, the New Moon is linked to rebirth and regeneration, offering a blank canvas for planting the seeds of future projects. Many people use this phase to meditate, write down intentions or start new habits.

What are the benefits of a New Moon? 

In short, this cycle gives us the courage to make the most of our new beginning. Indeed, it's a time of darkness and pause, yet it's full of possibilities, for us to write a beautiful next chapter to our lives. It embodies the essence of a new beginning, or searching, pausing, preparing, and planning processes that set our plans in motion 💃. Furthermore, it can also be seen as a time when the beautiful feminine qualities of reflection and presence take precedence over the masculine principles of action and dynamism. That's right, the New Moon encourages us to think and prepare before taking action.

If you have a professional or romantic project, delve into it during this phase, and then, 15 days later, the Full Moon will illuminate the sky, and it may bring you success and some good news!

🌕 For more information, read about the Moon and its importance and the Gibbous Moon. 🌕

📝 Key insight:

The symbolic side of this cycle resonates in the water element and represents emotions, intuition, attraction, creativity, and femininity. This phase has a very important impact on everything to do with relationships because it increases our emotional sensitivity.

New Moon effects on humans - How it affects human behavior and nature

You can enjoy the benefits of this event in many aspects of your life. From hair care, your diet, gardening to sex, make the most of this time to make changes in your life. Here are 4 cases of the magical effects this phenomenon has on us!

1) It accelerates hair regrowth 👱‍♀️

If you want your hair to grow back faster, cut your hair when the Moon is in its rising phase, that is, between the New Moon and Full Moon. The same rule also applies to hair removal, including waxing and shaving.

2) It makes weight loss easier 🏃

The body deep-cleans itself during this period and you'll soon see that you lose weight without requiring too much effort. Start a 3-day diet once this phase begins. 

3) It makes plants more resistant 🌱

Vegetables are the most resistant when the Moon is in an ascending phase. This is the time to sow any seeds, plant, harvest, or do any grafting.

4) It increases your sex drive 🍆

If your relationship is on the brink of ending, this period is the ideal time to initiate any new projects or surprise your partner. In short, this is the time to breathe a second wind or attempt a second try.

— Fill out your abundance check for prosperity and make a New Moon wish —

How does it impact our sleep patterns?

Exerts believe that this phenomenon has a strong gravitational pull on the elements, including the human body. Researchers believe that sleeping troubles intensify at this point. As for the most sensitive zodiac signs, they are often impacted more than others and will struggle to get the full 8 hours of required sleep because they are more lunar-sensitive.  

Susan Taylor’s insights: Make the most of this event

The New Moon is an important time for all of us. Everything you do, everything you sow around this time will have repercussions, and you will reap the fruits, both good and not so good, at the time of the next Full Moon. This is the time to act, to set up new habits. If you have any questions about your future, if you feel lost, don't hesitate to contact one of our psychics. They will illuminate your future with gentleness and kindness to make the best of this New Moon.

- The future is mine -

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* Literature Source: The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need, Author; Joanna Martine Woolfolk, Published in 2012 and available here: Amazon - The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

Absolutely amazing topic. I love your work. Have good day.I appreciate it.

Yuliya 7 months ago

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🌙 Frequently Asked Questions about Moon Phase Readings

What are the benefits of understanding the moon phases? ▼

Understanding the moon phases can provide deep insights into your emotional world, how the lunar cycles affect your zodiac sign, and how to harness these energies for personal growth and success.

What can I expect during a moon phase reading? ▼

During a moon phase reading, the astrologer will analyze your birth chart in relation to the current and upcoming moon phases. You will gain insights into how these phases influence your emotions, behaviors, and life events.

Do you offer any introductory offers for new clients? ▼

Yes, we offer 3 free minutes for new clients to help you get started and experience our services. This allows you to connect with an astrologer and get a feel for the reading before committing to a full session.

How should I prepare for a moon phase reading? ▼

To prepare for a moon phase reading, find a quiet and comfortable space where you won't be disturbed. Have an open mind and heart, and consider writing down any questions or areas of life you want to explore during the reading.

How do moon phases influence my emotions and behaviors? ▼

The moon phases can significantly impact your emotions and behaviors. By understanding these influences, you can better navigate your emotional landscape and make informed decisions.

Can understanding moon phases help improve my relationships? ▼

Yes, understanding how moon phases affect you and your partner can improve communication and emotional connection, leading to healthier and more fulfilling relationships.

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