New Moon Abundance Check, The Ritual To Attract Prosperity

Last updated by Susan Taylor

The New Moon is a powerful time and is synonymous with renewal, recognition, as well as the beginning of a new cycle, whereas the Full Moon is a phase of completion, fertility, and transformation. During these important phases, why not try writing an abundance check to entice prosperity and wealth into your life? Doing this will guarantee positive things in all areas of your life, including financially as well as in terms of relationships and love. We reveal how this simple ritual could change your life for the better, so what are you waiting for? Grab a pen and prepare to welcome great things into your life.

New Moon Abundance Check, The Ritual To Attract Prosperity

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Want prosperity and wealth? Write a New Moon abundance check

This check allows you to attract abundance to your bank account, but also in all other areas of your life. All you have to do is write out your check within the 24 hours following the New Moon. In order to do this, refer to our Moon calendar for more insights. The New Moon is the perfect time to initiate new projects or new activities, and this is why your request to the universe must be made at this precise moment. Even if you don't believe in it, you will be amazed by the result. The energy of the New Moon is helpful in accomplishing new goals ✅. It gives us the strength to attract the positive and to make our plans come true, and it’s also a time to write a check for abundance.

The abundance check is a ritual linked to the concept of the law of attraction. This ritual allows us to obtain abundance in all its forms (money, love, joy, health, etc...) in our life. The goal is to receive what you need most to be fulfilled. Here, the most important thing is to trust, to have faith in the Law of Attraction and in the Universe, to send out your best intentions and to be surprised by the results.


Keep in mind 🖊️: 

It’s not necessarily financial abundance, but good news in one or more areas of your life according to your requests. By filling out this check, you emit strong vibrations through your beliefs and actions. As a very principle of the law of attraction, each of our thoughts attracts a twin thought and positive vibes.

Abundance check

If you don't have a checking account, don't panic, you can write a check on a piece of paper and fill it out like a real one, the result will be exactly the same. You can also use the check above by printing it out.

- Read up on how to make New Moon wishes -

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New Moon abundance check ritual; how to prepare yours 💸

1. Take a check

Take a check and write your name in the space "Pay to the order of" within 24 hours following a New Moon.

2. Write the amount

Write the amount in the dedicated box in figures, then on the same line or just above or below, mark "Pay in full".

3. Sign the check

In place of your signature, sign with "The Law of Plenty".

4. Put the check in a safe place

Put your abundance check in a safe place and forget about it. You can think about it, of course, but don't hold on to it. The Universe will then take care of your intuition more easily. You may also choose to put your abundance check in a prominent place to see it as often as possible so that your mind gets used to the idea of receiving it.

What is an abundance check?

Abundance checks are primarily used to attract more money. However, abundance itself is not just money,  it can manifest itself in many ways, such as gifts, compliments, a fantastic job offer, a new friend, a free lunch, winning a vacation,  receiving free advice from a colleague, etc. This means you can write an abundance check to attract anything you want, including perfect health, general wellness, and a great partner. It's simply a tool that can help you improve any area of your life 👏.

How does the New Moon abundance check work?

Often, when we think about what we want, we also think about the lack of what we want. This lack gives off a very strong energy, which will vibrate by attracting us to that lack. This is what is called the law of attraction. Just remember that when you are working with abundance checks, be sure to focus on the positive things you would like to have. This way, by focusing on the positive, you raise your vibration and thus allow manifestation.


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What is the best moon phase to manifest abundance?

According to esoteric beliefs, the full moon is often associated with completion, manifestation, and liberation, while the new moon is considered an auspicious time to set new intentions and begin new projects. If you're looking for a time to attract abundance, the new moon 🌑 could be seen as a time to focus your positive thoughts, set clear goals, and actively work towards attracting abundance into your life.

What's next in the process?

If you feel that your intention no longer corresponds to your desire or that you no longer believe in it, simply tear up your prosperity check, burn it or throw it in the water.

Once the intention has been realized, you can frame your check, tear it up, burn it or throw it in the water with gratitude by showing your gratitude for the realization of this intention. Feel free to indicate that you may wish to move on to another now.

Some people are skeptical about trying this method until they do it the first time. Then they realize the great power of these checks, and with each New Moon, routinely prepare a new one. Here's to your checks!

Play the Wallet Game during the Full Moon phase 🌕

This ritual is extremely easy to perform and within everyone's reach, here’s what to do:

  • 24 hours before or after the Full Moon, take your wallet and empty it completely of all items that echo money outflows (bank cards, receipts, loyalty cards...)
  • Go outside and hold your wallet open to the sky and the Moon.
  • Express your thanks to the Moon by shaking your wallet. Formulate your mercy in your own words and speak from the heart. Here are some examples: "Thank you for giving me the means to manifest my dreams", "Thank you, Moon, for putting money in my wallet" or "Gratitude to you, Moon, for all the abundance you bring into my life".
  • Visualize yourself receiving what you desire and try to feel the emotions you will experience (joy, relief, excitement...) at that moment.
  • Then, finish the ritual by thanking the Moon once again for its presence and its benevolence.

Be careful, these two rituals are simple and require few resources, but it is essential to perform them with conviction. It is a bit like praying, you have to believe in them to get results, so don't forget to accompany each of these practices with good intentions and faith.

Susan Taylor’s insights

An abundance check is supposed to have a limited lifespan. Indeed, it is based on the duration of the Moon phase, about 28 days. A reminder: each month, the Moon disappears in the sky, it becomes invisible to the naked eye at the time of the New Moon, then little by little, it grows in the sky until the Full Moon before decreasing and disappearing again. The following New Moon marks the beginning of a new phase and therefore of a new cycle. This is why it is advised at each New Moon to separate ourselves from the check of abundance that has accompanied us the last few weeks.

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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