New Moon Wishes, And How To Make Them Come True

Last updated by Susan Taylor

The New Moon is a time for embracing new projects and new beginnings. This lunar cycle is full of promise and is therefore the perfect time to share your intentions with the universe, in order to attract what you desire. By practicing the New Moon wishes ritual, you will create an opening for abundance to pour into your life in all its forms. Put all the chances on your side and discover how to practice this ritual thanks to our examples!

New Moon Wishes, And How To Make Them Come True
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Wishing on a New Moon - When to write your desires 🌑

To put all the chances on your side, don't write your desires down at just any random time. The most opportune time to proceed is during the first 8 hours after the arrival of the New MoonThis is when the energy of this beautiful star is at its strongest. Also, take into account that the writing and correction of the wishes must be completed in the 48 hours following the start of the New Moon. Any vows written before the exact time of the New Moon's beginning will not be valid because they will not have been written under its influence.

If by misfortune you have missed it, you must know that this ritual is still effective if it is done between the first 24 and 48 hours after the New Moon. For example: if the New Moon occurs on Thursday at 4 am, you can still perform this act between Friday at 4 am and Saturday at 4 am.


To make sure you don't miss any of the Lunar phases, discover our Moon calendar.

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New Moon wishes: Choose your Moon based on your wishes 😊

As with most things in astrology, no two New Moons are alike! The alignment of the planets at the time of the event means that each of them corresponds to one of the zodiac signs. There are therefore twelve possible configurations, and therefore twelve influences on particular areas. If you make wishes that correspond to the particular area of influence of the zodiac sign in which the New Moon is located, the effect of these wishes will be multiplied!

  • New Moon in Aries (March 21 to April 19): is the ideal time for action, and setting up projects.
  • New Moon in Taurus (April 20 – May 21): will focus on material goods, finances, and your emotional life.
  • New Moon in Gemini (May 21 to June 21): fosters communication, and relationships.
  • New Moon in Cancer (June 21 to July 22): influences love, family, and fertility.
  • New Moon in Leo (July 22 to August 22): inspires celebration, emotional life, vitality, and creativity.
  • New Moon in Virgo (August 23 to September 22): promises organization in daily life, and at work.
  • New Moon in Libra (September 23 to October 22): ideal for partnerships, contracts, marriages, and unions.
  • New Moon in Scorpio (October 23 to November 22): brings transformation, inheritance, and passion.
  • New Moon in Sagittarius (November 23 to December 21): favors expansion, and distant travel.
  • New Moon in Capricorn (December 22 to January 19): ideal for introspection, fidelity, professional career, and responsibilities.
  • New Moon in Aquarius (January 20 to February 19): is ideal for the realization of projects, social life, and change.
  • New Moon in Pisces (from February 20 to March 20): allows you to let go, promotes emotion, and sensitivity.

How to write New Moon wishes - Follow these 5 steps ✍🏼

1. Take a sheet of paper and a pen.

Always write your wishes out by hand.

2. Focus on yourself and what you want.

You should be the only subject of your wishes, never write wishes for someone else. For example, forget about your children's success in school, or the recovery of a family member.

3. Use affirmative and present tense sentences!

Never use the future tense. Always write sentences in the affirmative. For example, don't write “I don't want to be tired anymore,” but rather “I am happy and healthy.”  If affirmative sentences don't feel natural, you can replace them with “I want to find… “

4. Pay attention to your feelings.

Take the time to choose your words carefully, and most importantly, listen to your feelings. You must believe in what you are saying. If not, correct the sentence until you are in complete agreement with your wish.

Always remember that the energy and vibration you put into the ritual are in fact more important than the ritual itself.

5. Do not make more than 10 wishes.

The ideal number of wishes is between 2 and 10, and only one wish per sentence. Writing more than 2 wishes increases the intensity of each wish. Therefore, even if you have only one wish, write it at least twice, under a different axis.

Be cautious


Hatred, jealousy, or curses have no place in your wishes, because if they were to be granted, your karma would suffer the consequences. If someone around you is bothering you, formulate your wish in the following way instead:

“I wish to find a strong complicity with my spouse.”

 💡FAQ💡 How many wishes can I make? 

Between 2 and 10 wishes is the ideal number.  Start by writing just one wish per sentence, and avoid conjugating 2 wishes in the same sentence. Writing more than 2 wishes creates a conjugated effect that increases the intensity of each wish. This is why, even if you have only one wish, write it at least twice, under a different axis, specifying one or more different aspects of this wish.

For example: if you want to write one wish for the success of a project, you will write it differently as described below:

"I want to meet a partner who will complement me effectively in the success of the project of....".
"I want to find the necessary financing for the success of my project...".

However, this intensity will disperse if you write more than 10 wishes, so do not write more than 10 wishes.

What to do with your paper wishes after the New Moon

Put the paper away when you are finished writing your greetings. If it takes up too much space, copy the contents to a computer file. The paper itself is not very important, but what can be helpful is to read over your wishes from time to time to see which ones have been granted and which ones have not. After a year of practice, it can be interesting to see your progress, to see how you have evolved and the new direction your life is taking. The New Moon Wishes help you to grow, to evolve, both in the physical and spiritual sense.

Remember that it is the energy and faith you put into the ritual will be more important than the ritual itself…


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What not to do on a New Moon - 4 Things to avoid doing ❌

1) Don't leave something you care about

A new moon is all about creating! Of course, sometimes you have to let go of habits, people, and situations that no longer fit your highest good. However, deciding to give up everything you really care about (within reason) on a new moon is a waste of energy. What you can do instead is find a new approach by evaluating what isn't working and comparing it to what is!

2) Don't avoid meeting new people

Often, newcomers bring us lessons that our souls need. Don't miss them. When you meet someone different or outside your usual type during a new moon, be open and curious. Try to find out about them. They may well be another piece of your mirror.

3) Don't turn down unexpected invitations

Speaking of meeting new people, this phase is the perfect time to get out of the house! Since a new moon is great for meeting new people, that's why you should say yes to every random invitation that comes your way. Otherwise, how would you meet new faces? Try to avoid saying no when a good friend has invited you to something random and unannounced.

4) Don't spend time with energy suckers

This is a no in general, but can't always be avoided. However, the energy here is incredibly special, so this is the one day a month that energy drainers should be avoided. You want as much positive and creative energy as possible in order to set high vibrational intentions. Energy drains contradict this. They put you in a low vibrational state of mind and can inadvertently affect your ability to manifest and what you manifest. Simply put, don't let others kill your vibe!

Susan Taylor’s insights: Use the power of the zodiac too!

To go further, it is possible to match your wishes and intentions according to the sign of the zodiac in which the new moon is located. The influence will then be tenfold.

Discover some keywords and areas, corresponding to each zodiac sign:

♈ Aries: Action, initiative, project
♉ Taurus: Finances, fortune, material goods, commitment, possession
♊ Gemini: Intellect, study, communication, siblings, change, movement
♋ Cancer: Family, home, motherhood, nutrition, imagination
♌ Leo: Love, children, creativity, vocation, loyalty
♍ Virgo: Work, organization, methodology, health, harvest
♎ Libra: Balance, justice, collaboration, marriage, contract, association
♏ Scorpio: Sexuality, heritage, magic, mystery, secrecy, subconscious
♐ Sagittarius: The stranger, law, religion, philosophy, sport, great journeys, elevation
♑ Capricorn: Time, perseverance, responsibility, achievement
♒ Aquarius: Friendship, invention, future, freedom, altruism
♓ Pisces: Unlimited, faith, sacrifice. 

If you have questions about your future, if you need answers, don't hesitate to make an appointment with one of our psychics. They will enlighten you about your future with great attention.

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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🌙 Frequently Asked Questions about Moon Phase Readings

What are the benefits of understanding the moon phases? ▼

Understanding the moon phases can provide deep insights into your emotional world, how the lunar cycles affect your zodiac sign, and how to harness these energies for personal growth and success.

What can I expect during a moon phase reading? ▼

During a moon phase reading, the astrologer will analyze your birth chart in relation to the current and upcoming moon phases. You will gain insights into how these phases influence your emotions, behaviors, and life events.

Do you offer any introductory offers for new clients? ▼

Yes, we offer 3 free minutes for new clients to help you get started and experience our services. This allows you to connect with an astrologer and get a feel for the reading before committing to a full session.

How should I prepare for a moon phase reading? ▼

To prepare for a moon phase reading, find a quiet and comfortable space where you won't be disturbed. Have an open mind and heart, and consider writing down any questions or areas of life you want to explore during the reading.

How do moon phases influence my emotions and behaviors? ▼

The moon phases can significantly impact your emotions and behaviors. By understanding these influences, you can better navigate your emotional landscape and make informed decisions.

Can understanding moon phases help improve my relationships? ▼

Yes, understanding how moon phases affect you and your partner can improve communication and emotional connection, leading to healthier and more fulfilling relationships.

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