What are the general effects of the Full Moon?
Beyond the legends of men turning into werewolves or other crazy beliefs, the influences of the Moon both on mankind and nature are well known. Here is a selection of the most impacting influences.
How this phase impacts childbirth 🤰
With its regular cycle, which is often compared to a woman’s menstrual cycle, the Moon is a powerful symbol of fertility. In addition, the lunar attraction that influences the tides leads us to believe that the Moon could also have an impact on amniotic fluid and therefore water loss. However, no statistics prove that the number of deliveries increases on nights of the Full Moon.
What about its strong links with nature? 🏞️
The Full Moon certainly has an effect on the tides. On a night of the Full Moon, the Sun, Moon, and Earth are aligned, meaning the forces add up and therefore generate higher tides. Plus, fans of gardening will tell you, you can garden with the Moon. The position of the Moon favors sowing and growth, however, the Full Moon in itself does not necessarily have an impact on the plants.
Full Moon impact on emotions and mood
Many people feel more upset or depressed as the Full Moon approaches. These folks are known as Moon-sensitive people and often experience restless sleep, painful periods, increased libido, and intense mood swings during this cycle, plus, they are likely to become more tired and irritable. The phenomenon of the attraction of the Moon by the Earth and of the Earth by the Moon implies that the Moon has an impact on all the living beings of our planet. It is therefore normal that the movements of the Moon have an influence on our behavior and our mood.
During nights of the Full Moon, there are more episodes of violence, fights, accidents, and earthquakes. Since it has an impact on our behavior, sleep, and mood, it is logical that it can also have an impact on our stress level. Insofar as we sleep less well on these particular nights, it is also likely that we become more stressed, too.
Full Moon effects on empaths
Empaths can feel, understand and even absorb the emotions of others. As a result, the full moon can have emotional and physical effects on them. During a full moon, empaths may become more sensitive to their surroundings, their emotions become more intense, their sleep disturbed, and their anxiety increased. However, by connecting with nature on these evenings, empaths may experience an increase in intuition or a desire for spiritual growth.
Some may also experience increased empathy for others, leading them to become stronger advocates for social justice causes. This lunar cycle is frequently associated with increased energy levels, which can be both beneficial and detrimental to empaths. On the one hand, these higher vibrations can lead to heightened awareness, allowing them to connect more effectively to the natural world. However, these powerful energies can impact empaths in physical and emotional ways. In short, they may become overly tired or experience emotional outbursts such as anxiety or depression.
Leaving Nov. into december im an Aries. I feel more focused, relationships conflict, but also closer together with friends and family. Things feel more aligned but I witness other signs choas alot. And I'm looking back alot what i learned and feel now. Very focused on the now as aries are
Lily, 3 years ago
hi im an aries the last month seem to be rembering things from the past, some making me angry some making me want to be more loving its driving me round the bend.
paul, 2 years ago