🧐 How sensitive are you? Take this quick zodiac sensitivity test!
Not all sensitivity looks the same! Some people cry easily, others hold back emotions until they explode. Do you wonder how emotionally reactive you might be? Answer these quick questions to see how your emotional sensitivity compares to your zodiac sign!
- 😢 How often do you get emotional watching movies?
- 🗣 Do you take criticism personally?
- 😡 If someone offends you, do you dwell on it?
- 💞 Are you deeply affected by others’ emotions?
⚡ Score yourself:
- Mostly Yes: Highly emotional—just like Cancer & Pisces!
- Sometimes: Moderately sensitive, similar to Libra & Leo.
- Rarely: Less reactive, much like an Aquarius or Capricorn!
💬 Share your score in the comments section!
😢 Why Are Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio, Leo, and Aries the most sensitive zodiac signs?
1) Cancer - Has an immature streak
Cancer is the most hyper-sensitive of the signs and when they feel attacked, they sulk like big kids, although they do quickly feel terrible about their actions afterward! As one of the most emotional zodiac signs, when disputes arise, don’t leave Cancer alone because they get inside their heads. To get Cancer to forgive and forget, show them some love and affection!
2) Pisces - A totally emotional personality
When their feelings are hurt, Pisces are prone to complaining and may even shed a few tears. When trying to make up with a Pisces, don’t leave their side. Just spending time with them in silence is often what they want. Pisces are deeply empathetic and often absorb the emotions of those around them, making them very sensitive to their environment.
3) Scorpio - Angry and Likely to Explode at Any Moment!
Scorpios are mysterious and when they are hurt, they try to bury their feelings and can explode with
zodiac anger when pushed too far. If you encounter troubles with a Scorpio, pay attention to your body language. For a Scorpio to forgive you, try to calm them down in order to avoid outbursts of hostility. Scorpios are passionate, and their intensity can sometimes be mistaken for sensitivity.
4) Leo - Touchy - Be careful, approach with care!
Leos are naturally touchy people and when they feel attacked they can get a little mean with their words. When Leos feel judged, they can go from 0 to 100 really fast! To calm a Leo down, buy them a drink or show them appreciation. Leos love being in the spotlight and can be sensitive to criticism.
5) Aries - Straight talking
Aries people are extremely touchy, impulsive, and can easily become super agitated. They can flip a switch at any time! If you disagree with an Aries, lay it all out on the table with honesty. Aries appreciates people cutting straight to the point! Their fiery nature makes them react quickly to situations, which can be seen as sensitivity.
- Discover the ranking of the touchiest zodiac signs here. -
💡 Sensitivity Can Be Both Positive and Negative
Being sensitive can prove to be a great quality. Why? Sensitivity has several meanings. Firstly, there is sensitivity to the emotions of others. This means that you are capable of perceiving what others feel, giving you acute empathy (you can put yourself in someone else’s shoes, and you are receptive to their emotions). - Positive Aspect: you are very understanding.
- Negative Aspect: the emotions of others can affect you more than they should, and you can be influenced by the emotions of other people to the point where you no longer recognize those that are your own and those that belong to others.
What is the least sensitive zodiac sign?
Taurus (April 20-May 21) is reputed to be the coldest astrological sign in the zodiac. You'll rarely see a Taurus cry in front of you, even in the case of bereavement, for example. Natives of this sign deliberately cultivate this insensitive image to protect themselves. However, the least sensitive are undoubtedly Sagittarius people (November 23-December 22). Fire sign natives are even very uncomfortable with hypersensitive people! Now, because of this discomfort, the sign's natives will tend to systematically want to change the subject of conversation...
Zodiac signs sensitive body parts - Where do you tingle?
The human body is fascinating. We learn about it every day, and we all have different areas that are highly sensitive and sensual. They vary according to each human being, his or her sex and can even find their origins in astrology.
- Aries: the head.
- Taurus: the neck.
- Gemini: the arms.
- Cancer: the breasts.
- Leo: the back.
- Virgo: the belly.
- Libra: the lower back and buttocks.
- Scorpio: the genitals.
- Sagittarius: thighs and hips
- Capricorn: legs
- Aquarius: ankles
- Pisces: feet
Susan Taylor’s Insights: Sensitivity is a strength!In general, a hypersensitive person has a great number of advantages thanks to his or her sensitivity, such as overflowing creativity, a sincere interest in many fields, a flourishing imagination, a natural empathy, a great capacity for openness, a great lucidity, a quick comprehension of things, an ability to feel the moods and emotions of others, an ability to perceive mistakes and to avoid them, an ability to think in halftone rather than in black and white, a powerful intuition, and an ability to never get bored when alone.
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I'm a sag But us Sags hide their feelings fast, for example we're crying but in the outside you dont see us crying cause we can Hide it
Lan, 4 years ago