Full Moon Rituals To Follow For More Prosperity And Good Luck

Last updated by Susan Taylor

You have no doubt already heard that the Full Moon causes sleep problems and stress, right? Well, in fact, the most sensitive people among us can feel these negative effects up to 3 to 5 days before this important lunar cycle. Although, fortunately for us, we can also just as easily enjoy the benefits of the Full Moon by practicing a few simple rituals on these evenings. Susan Taylor and her team have come up with 5 simple and easy to perform practices in order for you to make the most of this monthly occurrence, and its prosperous energies 🌕.

Full Moon Rituals To Follow For More Prosperity And Good Luck
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The Full Moon exerts a strong influence on us all. This phase is even said to accelerate the birthing process and can have an effect on our libidos! Our experts reveal everything you need to know about this important Moon phase and how to benefit positively from it.

5 Full Moon prosperity rituals 💰

To harness the full moon's energy for prosperity, consider these five practices:

1. Prosperity meditation

Meditate under the full moon, focusing on abundance and prosperity. Visualize wealth and success flowing into your life. This intention-setting can help align your energy with your financial goals.

2. Money manifestation ritual

Perform a simple ritual to attract prosperity. Light a green candle, known for its association with wealth, and write down your financial goals. As the candle burns, visualize achieving these goals and feel gratitude for the prosperity you’re inviting into your life.

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3. Charging financial tools

Place your wallet, checkbook, or a symbolic item representing wealth (like a coin or piece of jewelry) under the full moonlight. This practice is believed to imbue these items with lunar energy, enhancing your financial luck and opportunities.

4. Moon water for prosperity

Create moon water by leaving a jar of water under the full moon. Add a pinch of sea salt and a few coins or a piece of citrine, a crystal associated with wealth. Use this water to anoint your home’s entrance or sprinkle it in your workspace to attract prosperity.

5. Gratitude list

Write a list of things you’re grateful for, focusing on the abundance already present in your life. Reflecting on your blessings can shift your mindset to one of abundance, making you more receptive to attracting prosperity. Burn the list under the moonlight to release your gratitude into the universe.

Incorporate these practices into your full moon rituals to align with the energy of prosperity and welcome financial abundance into your life.

5 Things to do on a Full Moon for good luck 🍀

On the night of a full moon, many believe it's an opportune time for attracting good luck and positive energy. Here are five things you can do to harness this lunar power:

1. Moon bathing

Spend some time outside, soaking in the moonlight. This practice is thought to cleanse and rejuvenate your spirit, enhancing your luck and well-being. Simply find a peaceful spot, relax, and let the moonlight wash over you.

2. Meditation and reflection

Use the full moon's energy to meditate and reflect on your goals and aspirations. Focus on what you wish to achieve and visualize positive outcomes. This can help manifest your desires and bring about good fortune.

3. Charging crystals

Place your crystals under the full moonlight to cleanse and recharge them. This is believed to amplify their energy, making them more effective in bringing good luck and protecting against negative influences.

4. Full Moon ritual

Perform a simple ritual, such as lighting a white candle, writing down your intentions, and expressing gratitude. Release any negative thoughts or habits by burning a piece of paper with what you wish to let go of, symbolizing a fresh start.

5. Moon water

Create moon water by leaving a jar of water out under the full moon overnight. This water is thought to be infused with the moon's energy and can be used for drinking, watering plants, or in your spiritual practices to bring about luck and positivity.

Embrace these practices to make the most of the full moon's mystical energy and attract good fortune into your life.

5 Rituals to carry out on nights of the Full Moon if you want to improve your life 🖊️

1. Rid yourself of negative energy, by hunting it with salt

If you want to rid yourself of negative energy, place some salt in a small jar next to your front door, this will help absorb bad vibes and energy. The following morning, collect the salt and place it in aluminum paper and heat it up to destroy the negative energy.

2. Try this love ritual to solidify your relationship

Place two photo portraits in a small plastic bag, tied up with a red ribbon. Close the bag during the evening of the Full Moon and put it in the freezer for the following 10 days, this will help solidify your relationship with your partner.

- Discover how the Full Moon affects each zodiac sign -


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3. Reinforce heavenly protection with the Jade stone

In Asia, Jade is reputed for its protective powers. On the night of a Full Moon, placing a bracelet made of Jade on a window sill, and afterward wearing the bracelet which will have absorbed the Moon’s energy, will ensure you are protected from harm.

🌕 For more information, read about the Moon and its importance. 🌕

4. Protect your house with apples

Take two red apples and cut them horizontally, leaving the pips in their original state, and place a laurel leaf on each half of the apple and secure them with some string. When you are done, place the four halves of the apples in four corners of your house. This ritual will protect your household whenever you feel danger approaching. This ritual does however need to be repeated every Full Moon.

5. Protect yourself using herbs

Before a Full Moon, dry out some sage, mint, laurel, rose petals, rosemary, mistletoe and lavender. On the evening of a Full Moon, take a handkerchief, for example, and place the plants inside and close it up with some white or silver string. This invention helps to wade off bad spirits and troubles.

⚠️  Take note: ⚠️

Of course, these rituals aren’t totally straightforward and require some material, but they need to be carried out with the same conviction we would have as if we were praying. To get the results we want, we have to believe! After all, the Full Moon period is ideal to make any life changes that we envisage as necessary.

What should you not do on a Full Moon? ⛔🙅‍♀️

Here are 3 things you should avoid doing during this powerful cycle

1. Definitely don't start something new

With so much energy emitted, we might be tempted to immediately start something new. The fact is, we are the most emotional at this stage of the lunar phase, so starting something new might not be the right thing to do. Instead, take time to think, plot and plan, and more importantly, wait for the new moon to begin.

2. Avoid overreacting to situations

Speaking of our emotions, the Full Moon is definitely not the time for overreaction. It will only make what you're experiencing much more intense and could accidentally trigger something you didn't intend for another person. Sometimes people tend to go a little crazy just because they don't understand the nature of the Moon and its messages. So, since you know this, go sit in a corner until you calm down, then calmly approach what you need to face.

3. Never make rash decisions

While you're in the corner calming down, try not to fixate or get too attached to overly emotional decisions. Give the Full Moon a few days to fully express itself before making any major decisions. Especially ones you can't take back.

What do you manifest on a Full Moon?

Full Moons are often associated with a period of intense energy and culmination. It's like the universe turns up the volume on our emotions and intentions. If you're into astrology or just love the mystique of the cosmos, here's a look at the things you can manifest during a Full Moon:

  • Let things go: Use the Full Moon's vibes to release thoughts, emotions, or habits that no longer serve you. Imagine what you want to let go of drifting away, making space for fresh, positive vibes. Say goodbye to the old and hello to the new you!

  • Personal intentions: This is your chance to set personal intentions. Think about your goals and what you want to attract into your life. Write them down on a piece of paper and meditate on them during the full moon. It's like telling the universe your wishlist.

  • Love and relationships 💖: If you're searching for love or want to strengthen your current relationships, tap into the energy to manifest healthy and loving connections. Visualize yourself surrounded by love and positive relationships. You're the magnet for love!

  • Abundance and prosperity 💰: This is the perfect time for attracting abundance, whether it's financial success, career opportunities, or personal growth. Visualize a life filled with wealth and achievement. Watch the universe sprinkle its magic on your goals. Read up on how to write an abundance check for the New Moon.

  • Health and well-being 🏋️‍♂️: You can wish for better health, both physically and mentally. Ask for energy, vitality, and overall well-being. Visualize yourself as the healthiest, happiest version of you.

  • Creativity and inspiration 🎨: If you're an artist or just want to ignite your creative spark, seek inspiration during this phase. Imagine a flood of creative ideas rushing in, and picture yourself passionately creating.

  • Protection and positivity ✨: Don't forget about good vibes and protection. Visualize yourself wrapped in a shield of white or golden light, warding off any negative energies. You're the keeper of your energy!

⚠️  Keep in mind: ⚠️

Remember, this is a potent time for manifesting, but it's crucial to express your desires with clear and positive intentions. It's like making a cosmic order to the universe, and who knows, the stars might just align in your favor!

Susan Taylor’s insights: Make the most of these energies

This powerful phase is one to be exploited to its full potential, so what are you waiting for? 

If you have questions about your future, if you need answers, don't hesitate to make an appointment with one of our psychics. They will enlighten you about your future with great attention.

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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🌙 Frequently Asked Questions about Moon Phase Readings

What are the benefits of understanding the moon phases? ▼

Understanding the moon phases can provide deep insights into your emotional world, how the lunar cycles affect your zodiac sign, and how to harness these energies for personal growth and success.

What can I expect during a moon phase reading? ▼

During a moon phase reading, the astrologer will analyze your birth chart in relation to the current and upcoming moon phases. You will gain insights into how these phases influence your emotions, behaviors, and life events.

Do you offer any introductory offers for new clients? ▼

Yes, we offer 3 free minutes for new clients to help you get started and experience our services. This allows you to connect with an astrologer and get a feel for the reading before committing to a full session.

How should I prepare for a moon phase reading? ▼

To prepare for a moon phase reading, find a quiet and comfortable space where you won't be disturbed. Have an open mind and heart, and consider writing down any questions or areas of life you want to explore during the reading.

How do moon phases influence my emotions and behaviors? ▼

The moon phases can significantly impact your emotions and behaviors. By understanding these influences, you can better navigate your emotional landscape and make informed decisions.

Can understanding moon phases help improve my relationships? ▼

Yes, understanding how moon phases affect you and your partner can improve communication and emotional connection, leading to healthier and more fulfilling relationships.

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