Lose Weight By Following The Moon's Phases: How To Shed Pounds

Last updated by Susan Taylor

The Moon phases influence the tides, so why wouldn’t it influence the human body, which is made up of 80% water? The Moon is a feminine star, therefore has a huge influence on women and their weight loss. Want to lose weight fast? Have you tried almost every diet plan, yet nothing seems to work? If so, it's time for you to turn to the Moon's phases to ensure you lose weight fast. Give it a go and follow our advice!

Lose Weight By Following The Moon's Phases: How To Shed Pounds

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Are you fed up with trying every diet plan, but not seeing the desired results? Do you want that perfect body for summer? If this is your case, there's no need to stress, we’re here to help your weight loss journey. Weight loss with the help of the Moon's phases is easy and effective! 

Crazy diet plans that promise miracle weight loss in a matter of days won't help you lose weight, but a diet based on the Moon's phases definitely will! Although, if you want to lose weight, there’s no secret about it, you need to ease up on candy and alcohol.


You’ll have an easier time losing weight naturally by following the Moon’s phases, but it won’t be helpful if you're eating junk food every day… we won’t be able to help you there.

- Track the lunar phases in our Moon calendar -

How to lose weight with the Moon's phases in 4 steps:

From the New Moon to the Full Moon (Crescent Moon cycle) the body is in an assimilation phase and whilst the Moon is in its waning phases, the body enters its elimination phase. 

1. Waxing phase - Assimilation phase

When the Moon enters its waxing phase, you can eat what you want. During this lunar period, the body is in an assimilation cycle where it consumes everything and burns more calories. Although, don’t go too overboard by eating sugary things though, you still need to make an effort to eat fresh fruit and vegetables, which are low in calories and rich in vitamins and minerals.

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2. The Full Moon is the elimination phase

During the Full Moon period, the key to losing weight is detoxing; the elimination period lasts for 3 days. Adopt a simple diet: don’t consume anything besides natural foods (apples, carrots, eggs, rice, etc.). It’s up to you to choose between healthy snacks! Also consider plants that naturally detox the liver, like black radish or rosemary, and drink a lot of water.

- Discover how the Full Moon affects each zodiac sign -

3. Waning Moon, this is the weight-loss period

During the cycle of the Waning Moon, your body works to eliminate unnecessary substances that have been consumed over the past twelve or so days. This is the phase where you’ll lose weight and really slim down, so make sure you’re eating plants that help you detox (dandelion, rosemary, gentian…). Eat a lot of fiber, and artichokes (it’s helpful if it's the artichoke season) and above all, avoid red meat and carbs.

4. New Moon - Mono-diet meals

During the New Moon, opt for a new mono-diet every 3 days. Here, the body works on cleansing itself. It’s time for the kidneys, intestines, and skin to renew. Leafy greens will be your best friend: consider nettles, birch (leaves), and black radish.     

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Can the moon help you lose weight?

The moon influences the tides, so why not the human body, which is mostly composed of water? Here's how to adopt the lunar cycle and get back to a healthy weight.

1. Follow the lunar cycles

The principle of the lunar diet? Locate and follow the rhythms of the moon. During the crescent cycle (from the new moon to the full moon), the body is in the "assimilation" phase and then, from the full moon to the new moon, in the elimination phase, and so on. Once these rhythms have been identified, we can start a "monodiet" (eating only one food or one category of food) at the time of the full moon and the new moon. This is the time to lighten up your meals, as opposed to the waxing moon when you can eat whatever you want!

2. Avoid fruit for dessert

Among the nutrition tips adapted to the moon cycles, we learn that it is better to avoid eating fruit in desserts, after meals. They are blocked by what has passed before and have time to macerate, which complicates digestion, causing bloating. On the other hand, a lemon juice in the morning or added to the dishes allows for easier digestion. A raw starter (salad, gazpacho, radish...) is also recommended to trigger the production of enzymes.

3. Spread out your meals over the day

We also recommend planning your meals according to the time of day. In the morning: cheeses, fatty foods, lipids, fruits are part of a breakfast that is as high in calories as possible. Starchy foods at lunchtime, then sweet foods at the end of the afternoon for the insulin peak, complete these menus.

At the end of the day, a light dinner (compotes, dried fruit) prevents the body from assimilating too much fat during sleep. This all forms the rhythm best suited to digestion and well-being. It is thus possible to eat exactly the same amount of food as usual, and to lose weight - simply by distributing it better over the whole day, and at the rhythm of the lunar cycles.

Susan Taylor’s insights: Track the cycles

Indeed, Nature offers us THE solution to be in harmony with our weight and our body: alternate the assimilation cycles - waxing moon -, where pleasures are welcome, and the elimination cycles - waning moon -, where the body can cleanse itself. The body gently sails pleasantly, mirroring the lunar cycles: it feels good and it shows!
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Article presented by
Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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