Born between December 22 and January 19, Capricorn is an Earth sign. Its ruling planet, Saturn, blesses natives of this sign with remarkable patience, composure, and a strong sense of responsibility. To learn more about this sign, consult the astrological portrait of Capricorn.
Are you a Capricorn and want to know which zodiac signs you are compatible with? Relationships are very important to you, as you dream of finding someone capable of reassuring you and providing stability. However, your taste for moderation and control can sometimes annoy more spontaneous horoscope signs. Despite this, your loyalty, ambition, and dependability make you an exceptional partner for the right person.
— Get more predictions in the Capricorn horoscope 2025 and in the Capricorn daily horoscope -
Scorpio and Capricorn Nature and Nuances The Scorpio and Capricorn compatibility is one of the strongest in the zodiac chart. Scorpio, with its mystery and resourcefulness, knows how to tug at the goat’s heartstrings. The Capricorn brings in the reliability and assurance that the Scorpio craves for, making it a union for the ages. But u r saying as an impossible compatibility
Manu 4 years ago
Right I am a Capricorn and I fell head over heels in love with a Scorpio
Taliah 2 years ago