Capricorn And Aries Compatibility: ♥ Opposites Attract!

Last updated by Susan Taylor

Paradoxically, this pairing, who at first glance seems too different, could actually be a winning combination. The visionary spirit of Aries will inspire the at times rigid and focused Capricorn, who will then enjoy helping to implement these ideas. The relationship between the two can go very far, as they are more refined and share a great ambition. The relationship tends to be stable, with brief periods where both will experience a thrilling passion. It is very likely that their union will end up either being legally binding or through marriage, which is a form of stability within the couple. Read on for more details on their compatibility and discover their love score.

Capricorn And Aries Compatibility: ♥ Opposites Attract!

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"Capricorn and Aries are on different pages." 

Capricorn and Aries compatibility score: 2/5

These two zodiac signs are very different and should accept the principle of complementing the other. Concessions must be made in their love or professional life, if not these two really won't get on. This pair isn't always at the same pace, an Aries is always on the go, whereas a Capricorn personality is more contemplative.

Aries can learn wisdom, maturity, and cautiousness from Capricorn, while Capricorn can learn to dream from an Aries. Aries will learn to trust and count on a Capricorn, and the Capricorn will encourage an Aries to dare to chase their dreams. This duo could encounter problems if Capricorn decides to rain on the bubbly Aries' parade. If this couple decides to focus on what is real between them, they really could have a successful relationship.

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Could Capricorn and Aries have a successful relationship?

As long as Aries isn't too extravagant and Capricorn isn't too dull, this pair could learn to love each other. Aries will be reassured by Capricorn's wisdom and maturity, and Capricorn will learn to dream with Aries by their side. Although, making compromises will be the key to your love success. This is a very contradictory coupling, with Aries being a go-getter, lively and full of energy, whereas you are passive and slow.

- Learn more about this sign in 15 facts about Capricorn -

What could bring this couple down?

As very different people, you will have to get to know each other, in order to understand how each other works, that's if you want your relationship to last over time. It's up to both of them to turn their singularities into assets! Aries sees Capricorn as a "ball and chain", a cold and austere being, whilst Capricorn views Aries as an unbearable, capricious and childish ball.

What will their sex life be like?

Capricorn won't really know how to deal with Aries, who will be the instigator of everything. In the long run, Aries will get tired of Capricorn's rigid behavior, so the passion won't be there! In bed, Capricorn is surprising and this will excite Aries. Initially they will be rather shy, but will express a lot of creativity and confidence as their experience grows.

Love advice for this pair

This combination can be very challenging. Capricorn will face their commitment to Aries as a challenge to overcome, and will do everything in their power to not be shaken by Aries' storms. However, love isn't a game and needs to be approached seriously.

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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