Capricorn And Aquarius Compatibility: ♥ This Pair Is Way Too Different

Last updated by Susan Taylor

These two seem to be complete opposites, with one (Capricorn) attached to past traditions, and the other one (Aquarius) who is totally avant-garde. Their ideas are very different, and they never really seem to be able to agree on much because their principles are so unique in their style. The truth is, both of them are cold enough signs that they will find it difficult to warm their souls. Earth and air sign do not harmonize very well and, in this case, the relationship can become somewhat difficult for both natives. Read on for more details on their compatibility and discover their love score.

Capricorn And Aquarius Compatibility: ♥ This Pair Is Way Too Different

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"Capricorn and Aquarius don't have much hope!" 

Capricorn and Aquarius compatibility score: 1/5

These zodiac signs have two very different natures! Capricorns need to acquaint themselves to people they can trust and who they consider as loyal and stable. Aquarius personality likes to have fun with Capricorn, but Aquarius’ superficiality can add tension to their relationship. Aquarius finds Capricorn too severe, too serious, and they both lack sexual attraction to the other. Both Capricorn and Aquarius feel the need to be free of any obligations and love living life as it comes. This duo has more of a chance as friends or coworkers rather than lovers. When it comes to common points between these two zodiac signs, they both love debating and intelligent discussions, however Aquarius could scare Capricorn away with their wacky ideas.

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Could Capricorn and Aquarius have a successful relationship?

 A relationship between this duo would be a difficult feat because they really don't envisage the same types of future. They have trouble making a match since Capricorn is more solitaire than the extrovert Aquarius and the two partners will have a hard time compromising. One represents the past, the other the future. So we can say that Capricorn and Aquarius complement each other quite well, and that they fill in the gaps in the other. That way, their relationship could work.

- Learn more about this sign in 15 facts about Capricorn -

What could bring this couple down?

Both of you are derived from parallel universes, so you may have a hard time understanding and getting along with each other (in every sense of the word). However, if you manage to overcome your differences, you will be able to cope with anything. On one side, the Aquarius is ethereal, full of dreams and future projects. On the other hand, there is Capricorn, who keeps their feet on the ground at all costs. The imaginative spirit of the Aquarius, who prefers freedom to the duty of following rules, won't be able to put up with this Earth sign for too long.

What will their sex life be like?

Capricorn, Aquarius electrifies you, with just one word or one gesture, and you are as if paralyzed or in shock! Moreover, the faithful, homebody, solitary and possessive Capricorn has a lot of trouble forming a duo with an extroverted, outgoing and multi-connected Aquarius! That's right, Aquarius struggles to remain faithful...

Love advice for this pair

In love as well as from a family point of view, their relationships are more complex. First, they lack human warmth! They are not inclined to declarations and even less to emotional outpourings, although if they want things to work out, they must be more open with their feelings.

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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