Capricorn And Sagittarius Compatibility: ♥ Better As Friends

Last updated by Susan Taylor

Sagittarius is a natural traveler and will therefore have a hard time with the slow, sedentary and old-school Capricorn. Capricorn will bring structure into the wishy-washy Sagittarius' life, who will in turn teach Capricorn to live in the moment and lighten up. In short, they will know how to balance each other, yet faithfulness could play a problem further along down the line. This union can work very well in love, friendship or business, indeed, Sagittarius and Capricorns have very similar character traits. Read on for more details on their compatibility and discover their love score.

Capricorn And Sagittarius Compatibility: ♥ Better As Friends

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"Capricorn and Sagittarius = Ice meets fire!" 

Capricorn and Sagittarius compatibility score: 2/5

When Sagittarius personality, a Fire sign, meets Capricorn, an Earth sign, they rarely make a successful match. Fire signs are passionate, dynamic and fast, which is why they have trouble dealing with slow Earth signs. If they happen to find something in common, enthusiastic Sagittarius can bring the necessary youthful spirit to open Capricorn up to the world. Although Sagittarius is related to the element of fire, these natives are never as fiery as Aries or Leo. In fact, they are much more emotionally stable than the latter two. In this way, they are very similar to Capricorn, whose main goal is emotional stability. Capricorn on the other hand will bring a much-needed sense of organization and structure into Sagittarius' life. When it comes to friendship, these two zodiac signs would make great pals and would really be able to count on each other in every situation.

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Could Capricorn and Sagittarius have a successful relationship?

At work, as two organized signs, they work on long-term projects and will ensure amazing results. As friends, family, or dating, Sagittarius pushes Capricorn to action after long hours of reflection, whereas Capricorn will help Sagittarius make more informed decisions. On the whole, this love match will lack the passion to go the distance and will often wonder what they’re doing with the other… These signs are very different, with Capricorn being very earthy and even sometimes pessimistic, whereas Sagittarius is rather fiery and optimistic. Thus, they complement each other quite well and this is one of the reasons why this relationship can work! Indeed, neither of them likes to do things by halves. Both are tireless fighters, ready to take on any problem or adversity that may arise. Furthermore, if an issue arises between them, they would much rather sit down and discuss the concern than get carried away by anger.

- Learn more about this sign in 15 facts about Capricorn -

What could bring this couple down?

As you do not live on the same mode of functioning, you will already have to understand how each one of you advances and evolves, it is the only way you will be able to claim a harmonious relationship, otherwise nothing will be possible! As lovers, this pair needs to be careful, as the epicurean and demonstrative Sagittarius may wonder in the long run what they are doing with the solitary and sometimes austere Capricorn.

What will their sex life be like?

You can be likened to 'fire on ice'. Consequently, if Sagittarius knows how to awaken a thousand and one emotions in you, Capricorn, you will have the opposite effect! The truth is that passion will be lacking between these two and nothing will come of their union.

Love advice for this pair

Stick to a friendship because you don't have what it takes to go the distance in love.

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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