How Do I Find My Sun, Moon, And Rising Signs? - Calculate Them Here

Last updated by Susan Taylor

If you are familiar with astrology then you probably already know what your zodiac (sun) sign is, yet there is so much more to learn! Digging a little deeper into our birth charts reveals that each of us also has a moon and rising sign too; but the question is, what do they mean? Plus, what do they represent, and how do they impact us in our daily lives? Our in-house Astrologer Susan Taylor answers all of these questions and explains how each of these astrological components contributes to your personality. Use our sun, moon, and rising calculator here, and discover what they mean for you.

How Do I Find My Sun, Moon, And Rising Signs? - Calculate Them Here

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What are my big 3 signs? The meaning of your sun, moon, and rising signs 

The sun, moon, and rising sign, also known as your big 3 signs, each rule over a specific part of your character. When combined, they offer a much deeper interpretation of your personal astrology makeup. Now, it can indeed be tough to only relate to our zodiac signs and the traits allied with them, but having information on the other components of your natal chart will help you discover who you really are. Whether you believe in astrology or not, chances are you know the answer to the question, "What is your sign?" Although, it is likely that it is only your sun sign. However, you also have a moon sign and an ascendant sign. When you put them all together, they create a much more nuanced picture of each individual. Therefore, if you've ever felt different from the characteristics of your sign, this could explain why. All of this means that we can't be reduced to a single sign, nor to a simple horoscope.

Here are the literal interpretations of each astrological component and their influences:

  • Sun sign/Zodiac sign: Describes your basic nature.
  • Moon sign: Rules your emotions, femininity, and sensitivity.
  • Rising sign: Impacts the way other people see you and has an influence on your appearance.

Sun, moon, rising signs


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How do you find your Sun, Moon, and Rising sign, a.k.a. your big 3?

To discover your zodiac sign, lunar sign and ascendant, you can follow a few simple steps. 

  • To determine your zodiac sign, look up your date of birth and associate it with the corresponding sun sign. 
  • Your lunar sign is based on the Moon's position at the time of your birth. You can use online calculators to obtain this precise information. 
  • As for your ascendant, it's determined by the time and place of your birth, as well as your date of birth. 

By combining these three astrological aspects, you'll get a more complete picture of your personality, emotions and behavior.

What is my sun sign?: This is the outer 'you'

Your sun sign as known as your zodiac sign is what you put out into the world. 

Your Sun sign refers to the position of the Sun in your birth chart. If at your time of birth, on January 13th for example, the Sun was in Capricorn, then your zodiac sign is Capricorn.

What does your sun sign influence?

Most people only know their sun signs because our horoscopes are based on them. In order to calculate this element, all you need to know is your date of birth. In fact, when we are born, it’s said that we instantly take on traits associated with this sign, which explains why this aspect influences how other people view us.

Your sun/zodiac sign represents the core of who you are and symbolizes your strengths, attitude, and understanding of things. It gives us an outline of your passions and what motivates you in life. In short, your unique personality is forged by your star sign, depending on its location in your natal chart.

- Read up on the 12 zodiac signs here! -

If your sun sign is in:You are:
Aries sun signStrong and impulsive
TaurusLogical and stable
GeminiWild and fickle
CancerSensitive and loving
LeoPassionate and vain
VirgoSmart and sensible
LibraEthereal and kind
ScorpioBrave and focused
SagittariusCheerful and funny
CapricornCaring and strong
AquariusGiving and fun
PiscesCreative and dreamy

Zodiac or sun signs - FAQ

What are the astrological principles underlying zodiac signs? ▼

Zodiac signs are based on the division of the ecliptic into twelve equal parts, each corresponding to a 30-degree segment of the 360-degree circle of Earth's orbit around the Sun. These segments are named after the constellations that historically appeared in these sectors. Each sign is associated with specific traits, elements (fire, earth, air, water), and modalities (cardinal, fixed, mutable).

How is my zodiac sign calculated based on astronomical data? ▼

Your zodiac sign is determined by the position of the Sun relative to the twelve zodiac constellations at the time of your birth. Astronomical data, such as the Sun's position in the ecliptic coordinate system, is used to pinpoint the exact zodiac sign. This calculation considers the Earth's axial precession, ensuring the sign aligns with the Sun's apparent path through the sky on your birth date.

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What is your moon sign?: This is known as the 'darker you'

Your Moon sign is associated with the position of the Moon in your birth chart. 

Calculate your Moon sign here:

What is your lunar sign?

Enter your birth date and discover what your lunar sign is.

This component refers to the deeper and more emotive sides of your personality. It's even said to be the key to unlocking your soul. Much like the dim moonlight, the characteristics associated with this element aren’t immediately noticeable due to a lack of illumination. This aspect is fairly understated and relates to the traits that people are reluctant to show.

What does your Moon sign impact?

Indeed, Lunar signs are more important for women than men, because they are associated with sensuality and femininity. If your Moon is in Leo, for instance, you are likely to be dominant and very flamboyant. As for men, their signs are less obvious but still present nevertheless.  

The Moon is linked to our emotions and profound feelings that we don’t always feel comfortable expressing to other people. Secretly, people often identify more with this component than their sun sign because they are afraid to put their real selves out there.

Moon signs - FAQ

What is the role of the moon sign in astrology? ▼

The moon sign represents your emotional core, subconscious mind, and instinctual reactions. It governs your emotional needs, how you nurture yourself and others, and your intuitive responses. In astrology, the moon sign is considered crucial for understanding your inner self and emotional well-being.

How is the moon sign determined from my natal chart? ▼

The moon sign is determined by the position of the Moon at the exact time of your birth. By using your birth date, time, and location, astrologers can calculate the Moon's position in the zodiac. This is done through the creation of a natal chart, which maps the positions of celestial bodies at your birth.

What psychological aspects are influenced by the moon sign? ▼

The moon sign influences your emotional responses, habits, and subconscious patterns. It affects how you process feelings, your emotional security, and your instinctual behavior. Understanding your moon sign can provide deeper insights into your emotional needs and how you relate to others on an emotional level.

If your moon sign is in:Personality traits associated to each moon sign:
Aries moon signImpatient and independent
TaurusOrganized and conservative
GeminiCharming and chatty
CancerCalm and peaceful
LeoBossy and idealistic
VirgoAmbitious and dedicated
LibraFair and flirty
ScorpioFaithful and individual
SagittariusHelpful and pleasant
CapricornSensitive and bold
AquariusJealous and attentive
PiscesLoving and compassionate

How to figure out your rising sign, and what does it mean?: This is the deeper you

Your ascendant is referred to as the ‘inner you’.

The rising sign is the sign on the Eastern horizon at your birth time. It is therefore related to the character traits that you put out there for the world to see and what your friends and family associate you with. This segment of your character is equally important as the sun and moon, and helps finish off the puzzle that is your personality.

Calculate your rising sign here:

Calculate my rising sign

Your rising sign is determined by the time and place of your birth. To figure out your ascendant, fill in the form below:

What does your ascendant have an influence on?

It influences your style, look, and how you present yourself to other people. It refers to the parts of your personality that you proudly choose to show off and rock; those that make you unique and special.

Our rising signs are equally influential in men and women, and compliment the zodiac signs. If our zodiac sign and ascendant both belong to the same element group, for example, Earth, then, we can expect the serious, realistic and organized traits to be even more intense. If, for instance, our rising sign is starkly different to our zodiac sign, such as Aries sun Capricorn rising, lots of conflicts and contradictions can be foreseen.

- What is my rising sign? Figure it out here! -

Can your rising sign change?

No, it will never change, not even when you get older. It can’t be altered because it is associated with the date, time, and place of your birth. This sign is also part of your birth chart, making it a permanent astrology fixture.

If your rising sign is in:Associated character traits:
Aries risingLoyal and committed
TaurusSmart and focused
GeminiHonest and spontaneous
CancerAuthentic and open
LeoPassionate and wise
VirgoHumble and intelligent
LibraCharismatic and welcoming
ScorpioAvant-garde and courageous
SagittariusOptimistic and inventive
CapricornStrong and resolute
AquariusOriginal and visionary
PiscesGentle and tolerant

Rising signs - FAQ

How is the rising sign calculated using my birth details? ▼

The rising sign is calculated based on your exact birth time and geographical location. By determining the precise position of the eastern horizon at the moment of your birth, astrologers can identify the zodiac sign that was rising, which becomes your ascendant. This requires accurate birth data and the use of astrological software or charts.

What insights does the rising sign provide in an astrological chart? ▼

The rising sign offers insights into how you project yourself to the world and how others perceive you. It affects your physical appearance, personal style, and overall approach to life. In an astrological chart, the rising sign sets the framework for the entire chart, influencing the placement and interpretation of other planetary positions.

Is your sun, moon, or rising sign more important?

In astrology, the sun, moon, and rising (or ascendant) signs are all important and work together to form a person's unique astrological profile. However, some astrologers believe that the rising sign is the most important because it represents the outer, visible self and the first impression that others have of you. The sun sign represents your core identity and is also significant in interpreting your personality and life path. The moon sign represents your emotional nature and is associated with your instincts, intuition, and inner world. In summary, all three signs are important and can provide valuable insights into different aspects of your personality and life. It's best to consult a professional astrologer for a more in-depth analysis and interpretation of your astrological chart.

💡 FAQ time - How these elements shape you💡

What does it mean if my sun, moon and rising sign are all the same?

Having the same sun, moon, and rising sign, also known as the same triple sign, is a powerful personality element, which ultimately uniformizes your personality. This means that your personality is harmonious and unified. In short, it means that your character traits are consistent and that you are easier to read than most people. However, that being said, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to identify with every single trait listed and associated with these particular signs either. Indeed, there are differences between a triple Scorpio female and male personality, for example.

What does it mean if my sun, moon and rising sign are all different?

In the instance that your big three signs are all different, there is absolutely nothing to worry about either. Rest assured that this element of difference only adds more spice and adventure to your personality. The distinct signs might make you a little more unpredictable than most, meaning that certain people might have a hard time keeping up with you and your decisions. Indeed, they'll have to watch you closely if they want to keep up.

Susan Taylor’s insights: The Universe speaks to us

To summarize, when you meet someone, you first discern the person’s ascendant. Once we get to know them better, we can then guess their zodiac sign. Then, finally, when we establish a friendly or loving relationship with this person, we will be able to distinguish, little by little, their lunar sign. Our personalities unravel themselves in this order.

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* Literature Source: The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need, Author; Joanna Martine Woolfolk, Published in 2012 and available here: Amazon - The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

What about the "soul" sign?? It can be instrumental!!

Dwigfht 3 years ago

your soul sign is your rising sign

ollie 3 years ago

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