Egyptian Zodiac Signs: Discover Yours With Your Date Of Birth

Last updated by Susan Taylor

The Ancient Egyptians used to look up at the night sky when they needed advice and guidance. They believed that the stars we were born under influenced our personalities, lives, and our fate. 🌌 This art form has had a major impact on modern Western astrology, and there are indeed some clear similarities between the two. Read about the Egyptian zodiac signs and delve a little deeper into your natural personality, life purpose, and destiny. That's right, according to this ancient form of astrology, your birthday and western star sign corresponds to a god or a goddess, who is endowed with magical powers.

Egyptian Zodiac Signs: Discover Yours With Your Date Of Birth

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Egyptian zodiac signs - Find yours based on your western zodiac sign 

According to this art, each sign corresponds to Western zodiac signs via its dates. By studying your Egyptian sign, we can also reveal your horoscope compatibility, ruling planets, perfect job, and even your personality traits. In Egyptian astrology, your date of birth corresponds to a god or a goddess who is both half human and half animal, and furthermore endowed with magical powers. Below, discover your personality according to the ancient Egyptian astrologers.

Egyptian zodiac sign:
Corresponding western zodiac sign:
What zodiac is Anubis?
Capricorn personality
Aquarius personality
Pisces personality

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What are the 12 Egyptian zodiac signs, and what do they symbolize?

The 12 signs of the Egyptian zodiac were based on the cycles of the Nile River and the movements of the stars and planets. These signs were used to determine a person's characteristics and predict their future.

  • Amun-Ra - symbolized chaos and destruction.
  • Mut - symbolized death and rebirth.
  • Geb - symbolized mummification and the afterlife.
  • Osiris - symbolized the Nile River and fertility.
  • Isis - symbolized kingship and protection.
  • Thoth - symbolized cats, women, and childbirth.
  • Mut - symbolized war and pestilence.
  • Horus - symbolized childbirth and fertility.
  • Anubis - symbolized Upper Egypt and motherhood.
  • Seth - symbolized Lower Egypt and protection.
  • Bastet - symbolized the moon and time.
  • Sekhmet - symbolized the sun and creation.

Click on your sign for more insights into your personality:

1st – 10th March and 27th November – 18th December

8th – 21st January
and 1st – 11th February

28th May – 18th June
and 28th September – 2nd October

14th- 28th July, 23rd – 27th September, and 3rd – 17th October

9th – 27th May
and 29th June – 13th July

1st – 19th April
and 8th – 17th November

12th – 29th February
and 20th – 31st August

22nd – 31st January
and 8th – 22nd September

1st – 7th January, 19th – 28th June, 1st – 7th September, and 18th – 26th November

20th April – 8th May and 12th – 19th August

29th July – 11th August and 30th October – 7th November

11th – 31st March, 18th – 29th October, and 19th – 31st December

What is Egyptian astrology?

Egyptian astrology is an ancient form of astrology which, as its name suggests, has its origins in ancient Egypt. It differs from modern Western astrology, which is based on the twelve signs of the zodiac, in several key respects. Here are some of the main characteristics of Egyptian astrology:

  • Based on Egyptian gods: Unlike Western astrology, which uses constellations and planets, Egyptian astrology centers on a pantheon of Egyptian gods and goddesses. Each astrological sign is associated with a specific deity, and the characteristics of that deity are believed to influence the personality traits and destiny of individuals born under that sign.
  • Different signs and dating systems: Egyptian astrology comprises twelve signs, but these differ from the signs of the Western zodiac. The signs are often represented by Egyptian symbols and cover time periods different from those of Western signs.
  • Influence of the Lunar and solar cycles: Egyptian astrology attaches great importance to the cycles of the sun and moon, reflecting the Egyptians' deep veneration for these celestial bodies. The lunar phases and the annual cycle of the sun were key aspects of their astrological system.
  • Use in daily life and spirituality: In ancient Egypt, astrology was often used to predict important events, make decisions and understand natural phenomena. It was closely linked to Egyptian religion and spirituality.
  • Predictions and guidance: As with other forms of astrology, the Egyptians used astrology to predict the future and provide guidance in various aspects of life, including health, relationships and fortune.

Egyptian astrology dates - What is your sign?

The God or Goddess which represents your sign holds vital secrets regarding your character, your skills, your strengths, as well as your weaknesses. Unknown to many, the Egyptian horoscope accurately reveals the character and life missions of each person. This esoteric practice is ancestral and is based on the study of the day of birth of the person. Now, compared to the western astrological signs, Egyptian astrology is primarily concerned with the motivations of each person and their natural personality. 

Egyptian astrologers have defined twelve different profiles. They are Amun-Ra, Anubis, Bastet, Geb, Horus, Isis, Nile, Mut, Osiris, Sekhmet, Set and Thoth.

Gods of Egypt:
Personality traits:
8th – 21st January and 1st – 11th February
Understanding, strong, determined, and tactful.
9th – 27th May and 29th June – 13th July
Great imagination, joyful, and curious.
14th- 28th July, 23rd – 27th September, and 3rd – 17th October
Calm, pensive, and reserved.
12th – 29th February and 20th – 31st August
Truthful, faithful, and open.
20th April – 8th May and 12th – 19th August
Determined, real, and ambitious.
11th – 31st March, 18th – 29th October, and 19th – 31st December
Funny, creative, and laidback.
1st – 7th January, 19th – 28th June, 1st – 7th September, and 18th – 26th November
Loving, kind, and understanding.
22nd – 31st January and 8th – 22nd September
Determined, goal orientated, and calm.
1st – 10th March and 27th November – 18th December
Intelligent, and trustworthy.
29th July – 11th August and 30th October – 7th November
Chatty, fun, and positive.
28th May – 18th June and 28th September – 2nd October
Freedom-loving, and adventurous.
1st – 19th April and 8th – 17th November
Wise, creative, and smart

- Read up on Ophiuchus; The 13th zodiac sign -

Who are the main Egyptian Gods? Get more insights into your character

We've listed the Ancient Gods and zodiac signs below along with each God's character traits, compatibility, and qualities: 

Osiris - Aries

Osiris is the God of death and eternal life, he symbolizes rebirth after death and resurrection. Those born with the Osiris sign often stand out for their intelligence and enterprising nature. These people are natural-born leaders and love taking on responsibilities in the work environment.

Dynamic and daring.
Negative traits:
Bossy and overbearing.
Ideal jobs:
Pluto and the Sun.
The Bull.
Compatible matches:
Osiris is compatible with Isis and Thoth.


Amun-Ra - Taurus

Amun-Ra is the creator of the universe and of mankind and is considered the king of the Gods. People born under this sign are strong, tough, and hardworking, they also make great leaders because they are good listeners and are generally popular amongst their peers. Although, they tend to get angry quickly when faced with frustrating situations.

Powerful and helpful.
Negative traits:
Ideal jobs:
Financial-based roles.
Saturn and the Sun.
The Ram.
Egyptian zodiac compatibility:
Amun-Ra is compatible with Horus.


Seth - Gemini

According to Egyptian legend, Seth is the God of chaos and notably has an influence on the weather. He is known for killing his brother and chopping him up into pieces and leaving his body parts all over Egypt. If you were born under this sign, you are undoubtedly a free spirit, who craves new adventures and challenges, you’re likely to be a good communicator and love socializing. 

Persistent and determined.
Negative traits:
Explosive tempers.
Ideal jobs:
The animal for Seth is the Tiger.
Compatible matches:
Seth is compatible with Geb.


Bastet - Cancer

Bastet is the Goddess of womankind and home life, she is also known as the cat goddess. Bastet stands out because she is pictured with a cat or lioness’ head with a human body. She is also responsible for protecting women and ensuring their fertility. Bastet people are peaceful and crave balance in their lives, they are naturally shy and prefer quieter environments, to the point where they may even isolate themselves.

Charming and thoughtful.
Negative traits:
Possessive and clingy.
Ideal jobs:
Sun and Moon.
The Cat.
Compatible matches:
Bastet is compatible with Horus.


Anubis - Leo

Anubis is known as the guardian of the underworld, the God of death and the afterlife. Anubis’ role consists of finding lost souls and examining their hearts, if the heart is pure, the soul is allowed to pass through. Anubis people are very passionate and creative, yet they work best when they are alone. Their personalities are introverted, but nevertheless authoritative, they are no pushovers and take everything in their stride; nothing is too complicated for them.

Truthful and sympathetic.
Negative traits:
Controlling and overly competitive.
Ideal jobs:
The Jackal.
Anubis is compatible with Bastet and Iris.


Thoth - Virgo

Thoth is the God of the afterlife, wisdom, and knowledge. Typically, those with this particular sign are great at solving problems, organizing things and often have a real knack for writing, because Thoth invented writing and scribe. These people like to take control and lead groups of people, they are generally loveable and respectful characters. On the other hand, these folks can at times be impatient to finish tasks.

Listening and leadership skills.
Negative traits:
Naïve and difficult to work with.
Ideal jobs:
Teacher or Lawyer.
The Moon and Mercury.
The animal for Thoth is the Baboon.
Compatible matches:
Thoth is compatible with Bastet and Isis.


Geb - Libra

Geb is the God of the Earth and played a hand in the examining of hearts of the deceased, in order to determine the kind of afterlife they would have. As tradition goes, Geb’s laughter would cause earthquakes. Geb people are reliable, honest, and caring souls, especially towards their family and friends, yet they can also be sensitive and shy around people they don’t know very well.

Modest, affectionate, and fair.
Negative traits:
Vain and anxious.
Ideal jobs:
Lawyer or judge.
The Goose.
Compatible matches:
Geb is compatible with Horus and Set.


Mut - Scorpio

The word Mut means mother of the world, which is perfectly suitable given that Mut is the Goddess responsible for protecting mankind, if Mut is your sign, you’ll likely be a very focused and goal-orientated person, you know what you want and how you plan on getting it. Mut people are often sensitive and reserved, but they become more self-confident with time, they are also very generous, patient, and charming.

Attentive and hardworking.
Negative traits:
Low moods and standoffish.
Ideal jobs:
The Sun.
The animal for Mut is the Vulture.
Compatible matches:
Mut is compatible with Amon-Ra and Thoth.


Hapi - Sagittarius

Hapi is the ancient God of the Nile and is responsible for fertilizing the land. The title Hapi comes from the former name for the Nile River. Hapi features in the form of a man, however, he is characterized by women’s breasts and a large, well-fed stomach; characteristics which represent fertility. Hapi people are generally gentle and caring natures.

Insightful and wise.
Negative traits:
Impulsive and domineering.
Ideal jobs:
Moon, Earth, and Uranus.
The Antelope.
Hapi is compatible with Amon-Ra and Set.


Horus - Capricorn

Horus is the God of the Sky and represents order and harmony, he was born after his father’s death and is the protector of the pharaoh. People born under the Horus sign are brave, daring, and optimistic, they are very family orientated and are real rays of sunshine for their loved ones. Horus people are very focused and will do their utmost to achieve their goals. However, at times they can be stubborn and unrealistic.

Strong-willed and charming.
Negative traits:
Stubbornness and inflexibility.
Ideal jobs:
Political based roles or PR
The Moon and Sun.
The Snake.
Horus is compatible with Bastet and Geb.


Sekhmet - Aquarius

Sekhmet is known as the Goddess of war, she is also known for ensuring that justice is served and decides whether people are guilty. Sekhmet has a woman’s body, but the head of a lion, like Bastet. Those born under the Sekhmet sign are typically jovial and talkative people, they are also honest and sensitive characters.

Optimistic, welcoming, and cheerful.
Negative traits:
Impatient and easily offended.
Ideal jobs:
The Sun.
The animal for Sekhmet is the Lion.
Compatible matches:
Sekhmet is compatible with Geb and Bastet.

> Learn more about the magical eye of Horus here <


Isis - Pisces

Isis is the Goddess of Pharaohs and of motherhood, she is the guardian of children, the poor, and the deceased. Isis looks out for and protects women at the moment of giving birth. Isis people are straightforward and like to get directly to the point, they are very energetic and playful characters with great sense of humors.

Ambitious and passionate.
Negative traits:
Demanding and hyperactive.
Ideal jobs:
Fashion or art-based jobs.
Moon, Earth, and Uranus.
The Ram.
Egyptian zodiac compatibility:
Isis is compatible with Osiris and Thoth.

Egyptian zodiac signs compatibility - Who are the best matches?

Compatibility between Egyptian astrological signs is not as detailed as in some other astrological traditions. However, we can try to associate some general characteristics of the signs to see what kind of relationships might be favorable.

  • Nile: Nile symbolizes mystery and adaptability. People born under this sign could get along well with signs that value curiosity and flexibility, such as Set and Amon-Ra.
  • Amon-Ra: Amon-Ra represents strong will and determination. People born under this sign could be compatible with signs that appreciate ambition and strength, for example Nile.
  • Mut: Mut symbolizes maternity and benevolence. This sign could be compatible with signs that value emotional and family ties, such as Horus.
  • Geb: Geb is associated with stability and practicality. People born under this sign could get along well with signs that value stability and practicality, sich as Set and Horus.
  • Osiris: Osiris represents rebirth and regeneration. This sign could be compatible with signs that value depth and personal growth, for example Thoth.
  • Isis: Isis symbolizes femininity and intuition. People born under this sign could be compatible with signs that value emotional intelligence and intuition, such as Thoth.
  • Thoth: Thoth is associated with wisdom and knowledge. This sign could get along well with signs that value intellect and good communication, such as Osiris.
  • Horus: Horus symbolizes power and leadership. People born under this sign could be compatible with signs that appreciate leadership qualities, such as Mut.
  • Anubis: Anubis represents mystery and transformation. This sign could be compatible with signs that appreciate depth and transformation, such as Geb.
  • Set: Set is associated with chaos and change. People born under this sign could get along well with signs open to variety and change, for example Geb.

Susan Taylor’s insights: Learn more about yourself

Unknown to many, the Egyptian horoscope accurately reveals the nature and life missions of each person. This esoteric practice is ancestral and is based on the study of the day of birth of the person. Compared to the western astrological horoscope we know, Egyptian astrology is primarily concerned with the motivations of each person and their natural personality. 

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Article presented by
Susan, Taylor

"Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions."


Really it's interesting and matching to my character based on my date of month. GOOD.


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Susan Taylor 

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