What Is Your Indian Zodiac Sign? - Your Date Of Birth Reveals Yours

Last updated by Susan Taylor

Have you ever heard of ‘Indian Astrology'? This art is actually known as the ‘Science of Lights’ and originates from the Hindu culture. Indian or Vedic Astrology is regarded as being a fountain of wisdom and is said to help us discover more about ourselves, as well as find the right life path to follow. It is as if this art was based on the study of the Lunar Nodes, which are found in the western sky charts and which allow us to understand how our past lives guide our future. This is a unique system, both in its proven purpose; the discovery of self and Self, and in its astronomical and astrological specificities. Discover more about this practice, and learn more about your personality along the way.

What Is Your Indian Zodiac Sign? - Your Date Of Birth Reveals Yours

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A look at this ancient practice

Also known as ‘Hindu Astrology’ or ‘Vedic Astrology’, this ancient practice is similar to Western Astrology because it is based on the same 12 zodiac signs, however the dates of the signs are later than in Western Astrology. Unlike Western Astrology, which focuses on the influence of the stars, Vedic Astrology provides people with a solution to the problems that they encounter. Indeed, Vedic Astrology is also a great way to find out more about yourself and make the best decisions for the future.

Background of Indian Astrology

Indian Astrology dates back 5000 years. Legend has it that the God ‘Brahma’ taught the practice to several wise men, who then went on to guide humanity. Indian Astrology, is referred to as ‘Jyotish’, which means light and was the first form of science used by mankind! Likened to a lamp burning in the darkness, which guides people and hands them the keys to their destiny.

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What is my Indian zodiac sign, and what does this reveal about my personality? - Use your birthday to find yours

  • Mesha: Aries – born between the 13th April – 14th May

Mesha expresses creation and the emergence into incarnation. It is therefore connected to self-recognition and self-esteem. This is due to the reality of their inner world, filled with powerful impulses manifesting in many directions. The role of Mesha or Aries natives is to feel all these impulses in the incarnation. Their function is to initiate the embodiment, not necessarily to finish what they undertake.

  • Vrischabha: Taurus – 15th May – 14th June

Vrishabha will thus enter into communication with the outside world through feelings, and at the same time, holding a great sense of form and beauty, it will generate matter. Vrishabha is steady, measured, and reliable. As a feminine sign, negative, but fixed and earthy, it expresses refinement and concreteness in the matter. This sign is persevering, therefore, it will have the ability to make things concrete, yet they are attached to material life and sensuality.

  • Mithuna: Gemini – 15th June – 14th July

Mithuna’s soul will want to experiment and discover the world. It will try to generate as much knowledge and experience as possible, constantly moving from one area of creation to another. This is the first positive, masculine, mutable, and Air sign of Mercury, the planet of lightness. These natives are active, always on the move, just like their spirit. They are very flexible, curious about everything, and have a good intellect and a good sense of communication. Their mental impulses are powerful. They can tire their bodies and minds over time, creating nervous difficulties.

  • Karka: Cancer – 15th July – 14th August

Karka is a Water sign, feminine and negative but cardinal, indicating the dynamic phase of construction. The Moon is its ruling planet, the planet of love, feelings, and emotional sensitivity. For these natives, human relationships, especially those related to the family and intimate cocoon, are fundamental. This will result in a protective temperament of their emotional environment, and a tendency to naturally organize and sometimes want to control this sentimental universe.

  • Simha: Leo – 15th August – 15th September

There is Simha, with a compelling desire to shine and to be recognized for their qualities of nobility and generosity, which are digested in the service of others. This Indian zodiac sign is ruled by the Sun, it is the emblematic figure of the father, the patriarch, the one who governs his environment. It is a masculine sign, positive, fixed, and of Fire, however, its nature differs from that of Aries through this fixed mode which grants it a more static and stable character than Aries, itself a more impulsive cardinal sign.

  • Kanya: Virgo – 16th September – 15th October

Kanya is the sign of negative Mercury, mutable and feminine but of Earth, which gives it a practical sense. These natives possess moral and logical qualities that will allow them to be particularly effective in the service of a cause. The actions of the Kanya will be driven by this search for purity, even perfection, especially since they will have the use of good intellect and good elocution. These folks are always ready to think, yet they may lack decision-making power.

  • Tula: Libra – 16th October – 14th November

Tula seeks to understand things and find, with a developed critical sense and a constructive attitude, how to bring peace and happiness to everyone. This sign may indicate some narcissistic excesses and tendencies to manipulation.

  • Vrishchika: Scorpio – 15th November – 14th December

Risk-taking is an essential notion for Vrishchika, because to go beyond their limits, these natives literally throws itself into the alchemical fire. It is a sign of deep transformation and also of wounds. The soul will naturally be inclined towards spirituality or occultism, for Vrishchika is the figure of the seeker.

Dhanu is a mutable, masculine, positive, and fire sign, meaning it benefits from all the qualities of its ruler Jupiter, the planet par excellence of knowledge and transmission. Bringing hope and making people discover the transcendent reality is its credo. If Jupiter is weak, then the native can fall into fanaticism or dogmatism. Dhanu has a life of abundance, luck, and expansion.

  • Makara: Capricorn – 14th January – 12th February

Makara natives feel the ability and need to organize through practical achievement. This sign possesses qualities of hard work, patience, and efficiency. They can work in the shadows in the service of a company or a cause as well as, driven by a very strong ambition, devote themselves fully to political power or the divine.

  • Kumbha: Aquarius – 13th February – 12th March

Kumbha natives are often ahead of others, sometimes misunderstood, and can be eccentric and confused. They have the capacity to sacrifice themselves for perfection because their deepest desire is to find freedom in incarnation. These folks are naturally subtle and want to make the world progress. They are figures of revolution and avant-garde attitudes.

  • Meena: Pisces – 13th March – 12th April

Finally, the soul finds itself stripped in a liberated inner space, giving it the opportunity to manifest all possibilities. It has understood the purpose of incarnation: unity with the divine. Meena is compassionate, and these natives often find themselves expressing this quality through professions in which they take on the suffering of others. Jupiter, being the ruler of Meena, blesses these folks with enthusiasm, sympathy, and high aspirations.

>>> If you've enjoyed this article, why not learn more about Egyptian astrology, as well as Native American astrology and Aztec astrology and read up on your personality profile.

Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

How do you know whether to go by the date your birthday falls between or the sign you have already been told as an American?

Rae 10 months ago

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