How Important Are Premonitory Dreams?

Last updated by Susan Taylor

A premonitory dream is an experience that foresees a particular event in real life, it can even act as a warning too. Have you ever woken up in the morning and had the feeling that during your sleep you experienced something amazing, magical and dramatic? Have you ever woken up feeling really happy or covered in sweat? It makes you question if your dream was real and in this case what it means! Susan Taylor talks you through the idea of premonitions and just how impactful they are in your life.

How Important Are Premonitory Dreams?

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Certain people have been confronted by a déjà vu, in other words, a specific situation or moment they have affirmed to have already experienced, be it the same place, with the same people or circumstances. Often the event has already happened – but in a dream. In this way, they can be used as a tool to see the future. 

What should you do if you experience a premonition at night? How should you explore it to ensure you can get the most of your experience? Will it change your future? Should you change your life, your work and your friends?

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What is a premonitory dream?

It is when a something reveals itself to the conscience of an individual. The premonition can sometimes come very abruptly and interrupt your daily life. These visions often warn you of something that is coming in the future and could have a negative effect on your life. Often short and clear, it's fighting against the idea of not having control of our own body. We receive a strong and precise vision of and act or a situation that is likely to come about in the future.


This situation is not as rare as it sounds. Many people testimony to having seen the future in their sleep at least once in their life.

When am I most likely to have a premonition?

It seems that premonitions are more often when someone is physically and morally very tired, they’ve been worn down by the environment they’re living in and are always preoccupied.

The importance of these experiences vary according to the Moon’s phases: the Moon is known for how it can affect humans. It seems that periods of Full Moon are the most likely times for people to experience premonitions. They often have erotic or sexual connotations and a feeling of well-being in the dream – they can also be the exact opposite, though!

Certain rituals before going to sleep can facilitate our ability to have a premonitory dream. One of the most popular methods is on the evening of the Full Moon, to hold a white rose up to the Moon and say “reveal my psychic powers!”. The ritual finishes by saying “by the power of this ritual”. Before going to bed, the rose is placed under the pillow, which is the final step in increasing your chances of a premonition during your sleep.

How important are dreams?

Sigmund Freud, the founding father of psychoanalysis whose theories are still being taught around the world, believed dreams to be the royal road to the unconscious. Whilst someone may be unaware of their conscious desire because it is too shocking, the desire may be fulfilled by their unconscious mind during sleep. 

Freud created a method of interpretation used to this day by numerous psychotherapists. Many of them think dreams are of huge importance and can often be used to decrypt behavioral problems or problems with sleep and general anxiety.


By taking an interest in your visions whilst sleeping and what they’re telling you therefore can offer you an insight into what is going on in your unconscious mind.

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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