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According to our very own psychic experts, the discovery of such a gift can be a frightening and unsettling experience, so to help you through, we have created some useful tips about confirming and fine-tuning your psychic abilities.
Am I psychic? Confirm your psychic powers in 2 steps:
Test out these 2 steps to discover if you are a psychic:
1) Practice makes perfect
The only truly reliable way to confirm your psychic powers is to practice. If you find yourself being very aware of other people around you and their feelings, this could be a strong sign that you have this powerful gift. Being able to tune into other people's life paths and pick up on what lies ahead for them is another good indication that you have great capacities.
If this situation seems familiar to you, you ought to explore your abilities.
2) Use cards
Start out by asking simple yes or no questions and answering them with a deck of cards. The cards will help you confirm your psychic powers.
Here's an example of a question to ask and how to answer it: Will he call me back today?
- Pick 4 cards at random and lay the cards out in the shape of a cross.
- Look at the cards and take them in.
- Focus your energy on the cards and if their colors and designs inspire you, the answer to your question will appear.
- Wait and see if your answer comes true!
“Don’t try to comprehend with your mind. Your minds are very limited. Use your intuition.”
🌟 Put our Psychics to the test here and take a step closer to discovering your future 🌟
I am always seeing what comes ahead,.. I don't know but how you would interpret it? sometimes in my dreams,. or happened in the past? how you would explain it?
ana mariel p. oronce, 4 years ago
I use to feel a pain in chest then i hear something in ears then i will know something is wrong I can see when u tell the trueth
Ida, 3 years ago