Dreaming of a marriage proposal - Here’s what it means for you
You may be weighing the pros and cons of committing to a new responsibility. This is the reason you are having this dream. It's a way for your subconscious mind to deal with the pressure and anxiety of the newness.
Dreaming of marrying someone you don't like - The spiritual signification
Don't panic, you probably don't have any hidden feelings for this person! Whether this person is part of your entourage, it could be someone you admire and who has important values and qualities in your eyes. You would probably like to be a little more like this person, which is why your subconscious mind suggests that you marry them. You are in fact marrying what this person represents.
>>> Discover what dreaming of an explosion means
Dreaming of marrying someone other than your current partner
Is your subconscious seeking to shed light on a real or supposed infidelity? It is not impossible! In fact, this dream may mean that you are not happy with your current relationship, but fortunately, this dream does not necessarily mean that you have marital problems. Just like the previous dream, this one means that you admire the person you are marrying in your dream, and you would like to possess their qualities.
If your dream spouse is an ex, you obviously haven't resolved all your problems with him or her. Dreaming of an ex indicates buried issues that need to be addressed before starting a new serious relationship.
Dreaming about someone else's wedding
Watching rather than participating is a message from your subconscious mind to draw your attention to a situation in which you are playing a passive role when this is neither your goal nor your desire. To find out what the situation is, analyze your dream more deeply. Who is getting married? A friend, a professional partner, a family member. What role do you play in this marriage, and how do you feel throughout this dream? Are you bitter, defensive, or on the contrary rather serene and calm? All these details will help you to know more about the situation you are facing.
Susan Taylor’s insights: The Universe speaks to usThe universe sends us messages regularly, but it is not always easy to decipher them or even to know how to spot them, as they are sometimes so discreet. If you have questions about your future, if you need answers, don't hesitate to make an appointment with one of our psychics. They will enlighten you about your future with great attention.
- The future is mine - |
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