How To Enter The Dream Of The Person You Love

Last updated by Madison Carter

Our dreams are controlled by the unconscious mind, so it seems impossible, or at the very least difficult, to successfully infiltrate the mind of the person dreaming. However, there are ways to get someone to dream about us, but what do they involve? Susan Taylor reveals what you need to do.

How To Enter The Dream Of The Person You Love

How do you get someone to dream about you? 💤

When we are asleep, this is the time when our brain is the quietest and our perceptions are the most open. More precisely, we can get in touch with someone who is asleep, when that dreamer is lucid. A lucid dreamer is aware that he or she is dreaming, so this is the best time to communicate with him or her and thus insert yourself into the dream.

How to enter a lucid dreamer’s dream

If you feel like you are entering into a reciprocal love relationship, then in order to inhabit the thoughts of a person, even in dreams, you must first know yourself and how sensitive you are. Indeed, to enter a person's dream, invisible energetic links must have been formed between you. So start by getting closer to the person you love, then place yourself in the person’s field of vision, talk to them, and seduce them.

>>> 5 tips to attract your soulmate thanks to the law of attraction

"My love, I saw you in the middle of a dream" as Sleeping Beauty sang.

"My love, I saw you in the middle of a dream" as Sleeping Beauty sang.

What does it take to enter someone's dream?

Start by trying to be present in the mind of the person whose dream you want to enter as they fall asleep. Talk to them, call them, and place an object that belongs to you in plain sight in the room, on their bedside table for example.

Put an object on their bed side table

  • Now get comfortable and relax.
  • Breathe in and out 20 times, slowly and deeply.
  • Visualize your body relaxing, then starting at your feet and working your way up, imagine your limbs becoming heavy and your muscles relaxing.
  • Clear your mind of anything that might be troubling you, because your mind should be completely empty.
  • Now visualize the person who makes your heart beat and whose dream you want to enter. Think of the place where he or she is, visualize him or her sleeping. Now imagine yourself entering the mind of the person you have chosen through their third eye. The third eye is located on the forehead, between the eyebrows. You must visualize this image very precisely and replay it as much as you like.
  • You are now in the mind of this person.
  • Now imagine what you are like in the person's dream.

Then, after this experience, you may in fact have premonitory dreams. Plus, you might see in your own dream what this person thinks of you, what they will say to you in the next few days, and they will approach you. Keep a notebook on your nightstand to record your dreams.

🔮 The spiritual meaning of dreaming about someone

In spirituality, dreaming about someone is often viewed as a sign of a deeper, unseen connection. Here’s what it may signify:

  • Energetic Ties: Your energy may be intertwined with the person's, creating a bond that manifests during sleep.
  • Unfinished Business: Dreaming of someone could indicate unresolved emotions or situations with that person.
  • Mutual Focus: It's said that if you dream about someone, they may also be thinking or dreaming of you.

Pay attention to the emotions and scenarios of your dream—they might reveal hidden truths about your relationship or life journey.

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What does it mean if you dream about the person you love?

Perhaps the explanation you're looking for is that your dream is some kind of premonitory dream. If so, we're sorry to disappoint you; this kind of dream doesn't mean that you'll have an affair with this person in the future (although legend has it that, if two people dream the same thing on the same night, the dream will come true).

Nevertheless, to be totally sincere, we must warn you that dreaming of the person you love is one of those dreams that have no specific interpretation, but rather a concrete motivation. These dreams tell us about the attachment we have to the person in question, and the number of times we've thought about them, leading our subconscious not to want to deprive them of the importance they deserve, even while we're dreaming.

This dream experience has the specific characteristic that, even if you don't think about this person all day long, your subconscious takes care of him or her during your dreams. You have nothing to fear, because you can't control your subconscious, and it's just trying to tell you something through this dream.

This dream can be repeated until you stop thinking about the person you love. And even if you happen to stop thinking about her on a daily basis, this one can reappear again. Although it shouldn't happen so often, of course. In any case, you shouldn't be ashamed of it, because these are natural dreams that we all have from time to time.

What are 3 signs someone is dreaming of you

Certain signs don't lie when it comes to dreams...

1) You keep hearing or seeing their name

If you constantly hear or see someone's name unexpectedly, it's a strong sign they might be dreaming of you. This can feel warm and comforting, suggesting a connection from the universe.

2) Random sneezing fits

Sudden, unexplained sneezing can indicate someone is dreaming about you. If you’re not allergic or sick, this could be a physical reaction to the energy directed towards you through their dreams. Discover the spiritual meaning of sneezes.

3) Sudden déjà vu

Experiencing déjà vu might be another sign that someone is dreaming of you. It often means that person is thinking about you deeply, impacting your subconscious.

These subtle signs can suggest a deeper, dream-driven connection between you and someone else.

Madison Carter
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How can I dream of someone?

Dreaming of someone intentionally can be a fascinating and personal experience. While there's no guaranteed method to ensure that you dream of a specific person, there are several techniques you can try to increase the likelihood:

  • Visualization before sleep: Spend a few minutes before you go to bed visualizing the person you want to dream about. Picture their face, voice, and any memorable interactions you’ve had with them. The more vivid and detailed your visualization, the better.
  • Set an intention: Clearly state your intention to dream about this person. You can do this by repeating a phrase like, "I will dream of [person's name] tonight," several times before falling asleep.
  • Keep a dream journal: Maintain a journal by your bedside and write down your dreams as soon as you wake up. This practice can help improve your dream recall and make you more aware of your dreams, potentially making it easier to influence them.
  • Meditation and relaxation: Engage in a calming meditation or relaxation exercise before bed. This can help clear your mind and make it more receptive to your intentions.
  • Surround yourself with reminders: Place photos or items related to the person near your bed. These visual cues can help keep the person in your thoughts as you drift off to sleep.
  • Affirmations: Use positive affirmations related to dreaming about the person. For example, "I am open to dreaming about [person's name] tonight," can be repeated to reinforce your intention.

Susan Taylor’s insights: The Universe speaks to us

The universe sends us messages regularly, but it is not always easy to decipher them or even to know how to spot them, as they are sometimes so discreet. If you have questions about your future, if you need answers, don't hesitate to make an appointment with one of our psychics. They will enlighten you about your future with great attention.

- The future is mine -

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Article presented by
Madison Carter

Spiritual Content Curator for MyAstroMag - ✨ Guided by spirituality, guardian angels, and the messages in mirror hours, I’ve devoted my life to exploring the divine forces that surround us. Through my work at MyAstroMag, I strive to inspire and uplift others on their own spiritual journeys. ✨

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Soo there's 2 other people who Live with me, my girlfriend and a friend of mine, he had a dream he was going to church and I don't entirely remember if it was during church or after, but ended up rushing himself home with a bullet shot in his side leg closer to the KneeCap, but he came barging through the front door yelling for a rag or something for his bleeding and many more things, but my girlfriend had the same dream but everything after the fact he was back from church, she even told me in her dream he came barging through the door as well asking for a rag for the same deal, even the same spot shot in the leg...!! What does this all mean ??

David, a year ago

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