5 Reasons why twin flames separate 💔
This is why these seemingly perfect souls often walk away from each other for a certain period of time.
1. The synchronicity isn't perfect
Most first encounters are a point of contact, followed by a necessary separation. One of the two flames is not ready for this meeting. This is the "runner" flame, while the other person is the "chaser". Fleeing is one of the possibilities, because the vibratory intensity may frighten one of the partners. The very idea of having a twin soul can be frightening, since it's about sharing who you are without reservation.
2. More work needs to be done on oneself
This is the most obvious reason. The union of twin flames must take place at a very high vibratory level. A frequency of wisdom. When the meeting comes too soon, it means that there hasn't been enough time to open our consciousness and work on ourselves.
3. Lack of self-love damages the twin flame relationship
When the fear of losing the other takes over, attachment is created. Attachment is a desire for ego, to possess, to consider that without the other person physically by your side, you're not complete. It is often the expression of a lack of self-love. An emotional wound that has managed to express itself again. Twin flames don't have to be perfect to meet, but they do have to have been on a path that makes them feel "complete" on their own. Self-love is the necessary energy. Even if we have to admit that it's not always easy to love ourselves unconditionally... ;we can make progress every day, one minute at a time... a few small changes are enough to start a new habit. And we'll love the other person because he's him. Not because they're indispensable.
4. Spiritual or emotional immaturity
Runners often lack maturity in relation to their mirror soul. If one of the two flames has done deep work, found meaning and made peace with itself... and the other is just starting out, then the relationship will be difficult and may lead to separation. Beware, too, of self-sabotage, typical runner behavior.
5. Unrepaired karmic ties
Twin flames evolve as a duo over several reincarnations, accumulating karmic debts. Together, they progress, teaching each other what they have learned in their present or past lives. When karmic ties are not repaired, the union of souls is difficult if not impossible. It's as if spiritual communication has been cut off for the time needed to repair it.
>>> Read; How does a twin flame first kiss feel?
💡 - FAQ - 💡How do twin flames feel when separated, and how do they get over it?Separation causes intense emotional upheaval. Here, you may be plunged into what is known as the dark night of the soul, also known as the bottomless abyss into which the person sinks inexorably. You may sink into a pit of complete and utter incomprehension and suffering about what's going on with their twin flame. This isn't low spirits or depression, it's something else, a mutation of one's inner self. During the separation, which can last from several months to several years, there are brief moments of reunion. This "dance of the flames" can accelerate or reactivate the work for both of them. Until the work on them is complete, these meetings always end in separation. The ultimate reunion is often sought by the runner who no longer flees, and when the chaser is self-sufficient, healed of his wound of abandonment. |
Twin flame separation ending signs - You are about to reunite if...💑
Although twin flames may opt to take separate routes for a time, they will always find their way back to each other. Here are the signs these soulmates are set to come back together;
1. You have had dreams, visions, or energetic relationships, of reunion in this lifetime
Or, have you discovered that you have met your energetic twin in another unusual way? Some people say that when they look into the eyes of their twin flame, they have felt a supernatural love.
2. After meeting your partner, you felt at home, as if you had rediscovered a familiar but long-lost energy
After the reunion, you have "memories" of other times and places with this person that are not part of your current life.
3. Your partner reflects on your problems, concerns, and shortcomings, but you also complement each other's skills, talents, and abilities
Together you are the complete fusion of yin yang, runner, and chaser.
4. One of the signs of a twin flame reunion is that at least one partner has a higher frequency
Perhaps he or she is indigo, crystal soul, or the first wave of space volunteers. They incarnated on Earth to raise the vibratory level of our world so that the souls who have lived on Earth for a long time would get stuck in karma and forget their mission not to destroy the planet.
5. Twin flames can be of different ages, of one sex or the other, of different origins and backgrounds, and of "opposite" religions or cultures
But you feel an incredible unity or sense of inseparability with your partner.
6. You feel each other's symptoms, illnesses, and emotions even when you are not there or not communicating
The connection you feel will grow more intense when you prepare to find each other.
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