😇 How to talk to your Guardian Angel? - 3 Ways to communicate
First, you need to know the name of your Guardian Angel. Then, each of us can get in touch with our guide to ask for advice or to confide our hopes or fears. In order to contact the higher powers, we simply need to speak with an open heart. You can either speak to them in silence or out loud, it doesn't matter. However, our spirit guides are superior beings, and attracting their attention is not so simple. If you do not succeed, the best way to contact a medium who can act as an intermediary.

You can ask them anything as long as you do not give them orders or do things that could harm others.
1. Prayer is a good means of communication
Here, you need to choose a quiet and restful place. It’s best to pray to them at the same time, and in the same place. To make your prayers more effective, turn to the East. This is the side where the sun rises, so the positive energies are more present there. Turn off your telephone to make sure that no one comes to disturb you during this moment of communication. You could also light incense and a candle with the Angel's name engraved on it. If your protector doesn’t show you any signs of existence, do not hesitate to let the candle burn until the next morning.
To address your advisor, it is advisable to use a special formula that resonates with you. Your personal prayer should be seven sentences long, and the name of your angel should appear three times in the prayer. Write it down before you learn it off by heart, it will sound louder and louder as you recite it. First, before asking for your angel's help, it is important to say it for seven days in order to establish contact. Then, your wish should be granted within a maximum of 21 days. You can put your prayer in a corner of the house, or even under your mattress. You can be on first-name terms to establish a real bond of trust between you. And don't forget to thank them once your wish is granted, by lighting a candle from time to time.
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2. Try the meditation route
Pick a quiet place in your home or outside, settle down, free your mind and breathe deeply. Think about the air entering your body and filling your lungs. Focus on the different parts of your body. Think of each part independently to the rest of your body (it's a bit complex and requires a bit of practice). Then, once you are totally relaxed, try to visualize your soul. This is when you will have to think very hard about your spirit guide by repeating their name. If they decide to answer you, you will quickly notice.
3. Write to your Guardian Angel
In case of an existential crisis, you can write a letter to your Angel. This letter should be written on a piece of paper on which you have written the date and their name. Then, you must describe what is on your mind and what you want... Let your heart guide your pen, and then end your letter by thanking your protector for the intervention.
To mail your letter, hold it from the bottom, above a sink, then burn the top of the letter going from left to right and let it catch fire before you drop it at the last moment. Wait for their reply. If after a while they still haven't answered you, it may be that your goal isn't right for you. By remaining silent, you’ll soon realize that you are not on the right path and need to be guided elsewhere.
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This was very insightful and well presented. Thank you.
Jenn, a year ago
Hello Jenn, Thank you so much for the feedback and support. Yours, Susan
Susan Taylor